Ed Woodward has resigned from Manchester United | 2025: Returns to football

6 January 2021 - attempted insurrection on the Capitol. Failed. Trump gone.

18 April 2021 - attempted insurrection on UEFA. Failed. Woodward gone.
Sky saying its unrelated to the Super League. Absolute bull :lol:
Is there anyone in here who knows anything in shares that can confirm if the Glazers are selling?
Yeah, these are my overwhelming thoughts.
100% this. Atleast woody was willing to splash money. I don't trust Glazer's to make the right appointment at all.

That said we seem to be in a much better place than we were 24 hours ago. It seems players and managers everywhere have voiced their displeasure and the plan is falling apart in front of these greedy cnuts' very eyes.

They still hold most of the cards but I hope they've been shaken by this, the fecking slugs.
Yeah, good luck convincing anyone that Ed forced Joel to assume the vice-chairmanship of the ESL. Anyway, goodbye and good riddance, Ed. Don’t let the crumbling infrastructure that your masters failed to repair and upgrade hit you on the way out.
Haaaa what a day! Slime ball masquerading as a man. See ya later you incompetent cnut.​

Incompetent is wrong, he got the most power full clubs in on it. And he has been at the club draining it for 10+ years.

If anything he's a smart rat/snake
The Glazers have always been open to selling the club the past few years, especially when selling the club at its highest point with recent broadcast deals. Woodward has done a lot questionable things and the fact that the football structure has change recently under Woodward, which delegates roles to others that was not previously clear or even present, shows Woodward's decline of influence or final say.

He's always been a pawn and while good for the owners, he's been detrimental to the club since Fergie and Gill left. As much as the owners have hurt the club with the leveraged buyout and debt, they've still given the club ample amounts of cash or allowed a lot of cash be spent. It just hasn't been spent well enough over the years on the pitch or for the stadium as OT needs to be renovated in stages.

Ed Woodward resigning is good, but also can be bad. Who is to say that the next Vice Chairman and CEO isn't going to go on a power trip and make stupid decisions while the owners let them be? Either way, Vice Chairmans and CEOs always take their orders from shareholders and in this case, its the owners. Be happy, but be aware of what could happen with a questionable hire/replacement.
I hope the Glazers realise their pipe dream of turning us one day into some NFL type franchise is literally impossible and we'll never allow it so they feck off.
Odd we are hearing word of Woodward going without having given an indication we are pulling out of the Super League abomination
No we are staying - super league of Man Utd v Spurs. Oh Spurs gone.
time will tell whether he was truly an incompetent or just a pawn for those above him. I never put much blame on Woodward himself, he wasn't a football guy and put into a position at a bad time. lets see if his replacement can do better.
What the hell is going on??
I work for 1 hour, without checking phone and this happens!!!!
I don't want to miss news Glazer f***ed off too, so I quit my job!
If the glazers are to go, these last 72 hours have been worth it.
Fecking hell Sky, tell us another one...
I just read that his resignation is because we signed up to the SL but thats bollox because he was one of the instigators behind the whole scheme and only last week signed the contract! Is he trying to make himself out to be a martyr? Tomartyr more like!
Talk about digging your own grave. The greedy ones planned for everything but the backlash from the fans. Football ultimately is people's sport. Hopefully the whole lot of them realized that now!!