EA - "Single Player Games are Finished"

The good thing about solo is that it never complains hours and hours you play them.

The bad thing about MP is that there's no many bad players out there.

I hate MP because not everybody is blessed with high speed internet.
Give me an indepth single player story line that I can get immersed in any day over having my balls handed to me on a platter by some cocky spotty little 15 year old that does nothing other than play games online every day with only a break for a wank and a microwave pizza every now and again.

Very well put :lol:
Considering EA bought Bioware earlier in the year I'd like to think they won't follow through on that.

Yeah, although The Old Republic seems to suggest they might...
I'm longin for a breakthru in computer AI.

The sort of random behavior in a random behavior, to double the permutation.

Although quite fun AI have it's boundary, no matter how smart and foolproof you got to give room to human player to be able to win, and doing so give AI flaw in it's program that human can always exploit.
Cant we just continue with both as they are? single player like Fallout and AC 2 are amazing. But hard to beat playing your mates in COD
I think thats EA's way of saying "we're shit at making great AI, so we'll concentrate on making repetitive online play instead."

The problem I have with the majority of single player games is when the story strays away from being realistic and starts branching into the supernatural/horror. I've just finished playing Uncharted 1 and the first half was brilliant, the 2nd half got silly.

Too many Game Directors go for the "that'd be cool" line when someone on the development team mentions zombies.
I think thats EA's way of saying "we're shit at making great AI, so we'll concentrate on making repetitive online play instead."

The problem I have with the majority of single player games is when the story strays away from being realistic and starts branching into the supernatural/horror. I've just finished playing Uncharted 1 and the first half was brilliant, the 2nd half got silly.

Too many Game Directors go for the "that'd be cool" line when someone on the development team mentions zombies.

to be fair, i actually thought uncharted got the balance pretty good.

the second one was a bit too much though. golden crossbow?!
I hated Uncharted end game. Was really disappointed with how the story developed. I only enjoyed that sort of twist at From Dusk till Dawn and even then it didn't felt 100% good.
A single player game with a brilliantly woven story that truly captures your imagination is hard to beat for me. The greatest a game can accomplish is to actually make you feel part of it, as if you're really there. That doesn't happen in multiplayer.