EA - "Single Player Games are Finished"

Lance Uppercut

The single-player-only model of games could have had its day, according EA Games' label president Frank Gibeau, who believes that "online is where the innovation, and the action, is at."

His comments to Develop come in light of the addition of multiplayer to Dead Space 2, following the original's well-received mix of solo sci-fi and survival horror. "It's not only about multiplayer, it's about being connected," he said, "I firmly believe that the way the products we have are going they, need to be connected online. Multiplayer is one form of that."

"I volunteer you to speak to EA's studio heads; they'll tell you the same thing," Gibeau continued, "They're very comfortable moving the discussion towards how we make connected gameplay – be it co-operative or multiplayer or online services – as opposed to fire-and-forget, packaged goods only, single-player, 25-hours-and you're out. I think that model is finished."


I sincerely hope not. I will happily take a Fallout, Oblivion, or even a Castlevania, over online play.
EA can feck off, give me a half decent solo campaign over multiplayer any day of the week.

I fecking hate how most games concentrate on MP now

I sincerely hope not. I will happily take a Fallout, Oblivion, or even a Castlevania, over online play.

I agree with them, that multiplayer is where the innovation/action is, because singleplayer is far too predictable. I used to love singleplayer over multiplayer but now I find it more challenging to play against a non-linear opponent. I almost never play singleplayer anymore unless it's a Fallout/GTA type game where there is so much content to do, but traditional singleplayer games are finished in a couple of days with AI that gets predictable and that's people like EAs fault. If they just worked on randomising your opponents and improving difficulty then singleplayer would be rejuvenated. Online is more of a challenge, with that comes it's own set of drawbacks obviously with exploiting etc but it's much more of a challenge than against AI. I'd love to see them improve that, it's much needed. I'd love to play a solo campaign that didn't turn into a grind or become too easy and predictable, but unless the idiots that are predicting this demise can actually get their finger out and change it, it will happen.

It's funny that the ones predicting it's demise are the ones that are supposed to change it. I don't think they've quite worked that out yet.
Funny...I hated Fifa because of the embarassingly weak single player mode. Not really any wonder if this is the attitude towards it.

and the few games I've liked in recent times have all been because of the single player/story telling element.

Online gaming is generally boring.
I have actually been without online gaming since moving house, a couple of weeks ago. I don't really miss it. The one aspect of being connected that I do miss, though, is the ability to download patches/updates/DLC.
Why can't there be both? Games that focus solely on multiplayer such as MAG and games that are purely single player like Fallout, God of War.

Can't believe he thinks the single player "25 hour and you're out" as he calls it model is dead. At least if EA aren't going to make them (and what does that mean for Mass Effect and Dragon Age?) then the Japanese companies will still put out quality single player games.
Why can't there be both? Games that focus solely on multiplayer such as MAG and games that are purely single player like Fallout, God of War.

Can't believe he thinks the single player "25 hour and you're out" as he calls it model is dead. At least if EA aren't going to make them (and what does that mean for Mass Effect and Dragon Age?) then the Japanese companies will still put out quality single player games.

The Hell is mag?
The best games on the console for me for GTA IV + DLC, Red Dead Redemption and the Mass Effects, I've hardly played any of them online. I've spent a lot of time online on FIFA, but that's pretty much the only thing I do play online.

The Hell is mag?

Massive Action Game.
Considering EA bought Bioware earlier in the year I'd like to think they won't follow through on that.
They're nuts if they think it's finished, loads of players - as can be seen from this thread - prefer single player experiences.

The problem with online gaming is that it's too darn competitive for casual gamers to feel comfortable. I made the mistake of buying MAG, and I had no previous online FPS experience. Needless to say I was hammered for weeks. I started to get a very soft grasp of it and began to enjoy it better, but still much weaker than average. The amount of hours I would need to become competitive in that game would be so many that I ended up putting the game aside due to lack of enjoyment - being pissed all over repetitively is boring. I simply don't have as much time to devote to gaming as most of the people there (and among the time I have to devote to gaming I don't want it all to go to one genre). Plus a huge percentage of online players are socially retarded, regardless of being good or bad players and most online environments are crap.

I do like FPS shooting and war games, and for that I'll still need to rely on single player campaigns of games such as COD - which are increasingly small because of the bloody online focus. I think the companies that keep focusing on developing quality games thinking on the casual gamer will never lack clients. This is a rather retarded idea coming from someone from the gaming industry. There is clearly enough market for both types of games - and always will be.

Can't wait for a new GTA or Oblivion...
EA can make more money out of online gaming, we have seen it already starting to change with them charging for an online key just so they can make more money from second hand games. Then you also have the increasing amount of ingame enhancements that can be purchased via the game such as stat boosts.
To be fair, Ea doesn't really know how to make good single player games, so makes sense for them to say that.

It's rubbish though. Barring the odd Halo and COD, the best games have always been single player and I don't think they'll be replaced until online gaming moves towards single player gaming somehow.
It's nonsense though because games like GTA, with a great storyline will always exist and a have a huge part in the market. I agree that sports games will mostly exist in online environment but it's been heading into that direction for a while so it's not really a surprise, I haven't played single player FIFA for a few years and I play online all the time.
To be fair, Ea doesn't really know how to make good single player games, so makes sense for them to say that.

It's rubbish though. Barring the odd Halo and COD, the best games have always been single player and I don't think they'll be replaced until online gaming moves towards single player gaming somehow.

Exactly, I think one of the reasons WoW is such a major success is that it can provide a single player experience as well, in which the online component works as a plus...

Though you can only play it online, you may very well progress at your own rhythm, you can play two hours per week and get massive enjoyment out of it despite of much more skilled and advanced players surrounding you. I played the game mostly as a lone wanderer, doing my quests, and on occasion getting a party for tougher quests or lending a hand when one of the many people I eventually met in the game needed. I just did as I please, if I just wanted to play alone for a couple of hours before sleep I could do it, and if I wanted to get involved into a more elaborate multiplayer quest on an instance I could do so as well. The online component also provided an amazing and rather realistic in-game economy.

The only other exclusively online game I ever played was MAG and it's the exact opposite. You just can't enjoy that game unless you get pretty good at it, and that will consume you hours and hours of frustration and listening to imbeciles on your headset...
It's nonsense though because games like GTA, with a great storyline will always exist and a have a huge part in the market. I agree that sports games will mostly exist in online environment but it's been heading into that direction for a while so it's not really a surprise, I haven't played single player FIFA for a few years and I play online all the time.

FIFA also works very well online, basically because it's you against just other guy and the rankings help sort people more or less by skill. I still play FIFA 10 online and I rarely have a game in which I have a huge advantage or disadvantage, my skill level converged to a point that really reflects my ability.

The problem comes with games on which everyone is sorted on the same playing field, veterans and newbies alike. It makes the experience for newbies so unpleasant.
Generally I don't like console games online anyway. Whatever it is, I just don't enjoy play games online in front of a TV with a controller as much as on a desk with a keyboard and mouse. The only game I play regularly online is FIFA.

If anything it's the PC that single player gaming is going to be dead, due to the massive piracy.
They're nuts if they think it's finished, loads of players - as can be seen from this thread - prefer single player experiences.

The problem with online gaming is that it's too darn competitive for casual gamers to feel comfortable. I made the mistake of buying MAG, and I had no previous online FPS experience. Needless to say I was hammered for weeks. I started to get a very soft grasp of it and began to enjoy it better, but still much weaker than average. The amount of hours I would need to become competitive in that game would be so many that I ended up putting the game aside due to lack of enjoyment - being pissed all over repetitively is boring. I simply don't have as much time to devote to gaming as most of the people there (and among the time I have to devote to gaming I don't want it all to go to one genre). Plus a huge percentage of online players are socially retarded, regardless of being good or bad players and most online environments are crap.

I do like FPS shooting and war games, and for that I'll still need to rely on single player campaigns of games such as COD - which are increasingly small because of the bloody online focus. I think the companies that keep focusing on developing quality games thinking on the casual gamer will never lack clients. This is a rather retarded idea coming from someone from the gaming industry. There is clearly enough market for both types of games - and always will be.

Can't wait for a new GTA or Oblivion...

I find it even more boring if I'm not rubbish at it. The only even slightly recent game Ive enjoyed online is the newest Battlefield one, and even that I could only play for about 30 minutes at a time before it became dull. Before that it was the original Team Fortress on PC. If it doesn't involve having a laugh with mates I simply don't care enough.
EA are just out to con people out of money, basically. I noticed with the latest Fifa you can only play online with it on the one machine, unless you purchase more "passes" or something...pathetic.

So you pay for a console, you pay for the game, you pay for your internet, you pay Microsoft to be able to play the console on your internet, and now you're supposed to pay EA to play the game, which you've already bought off them...feck the feck off.

If you buy some bread, you don't have to pay again to store it in your own cupboard, and then again if you want to share it with someone. If anyone asked you to do this you'd tell them to piss off, so why are the likes of EA and Microsoft allowed to just get away with it?
Seriously though, what's so good about online gaming? I've only played a couple of games online...till I got bored and didn't bother with it again. Give me a brilliant single player with a cracking storyline over it..anytime.
Talking out of his arse.

Interesting that he should make these comments in light of the (tacked on) multiplayer addition to Dead Space 2 because that was one of the best single player games I've played (certainly this gen).

I guess I can bank on the sequel being shit then?
Talking out of his arse.

Interesting that he should make these comments in light of the (tacked on) multiplayer addition to Dead Space 2 because that was one of the best single player games I've played (certainly this gen).

I guess I can bank on the sequel being shit then?

Not necessarily. They tacked a MP on to Uncharted 2, which turned out to be superb.
I have to agree to be honest. I get no satisfaction from beating the AI in football matches or shooting AI drones in titles like CoD.
I wish you hadn't quoted me then Lance. I can see a double 'the' that's now unremovable.

But yeah, I hope they don't feck up Dead Space 2. Don't even know how multiplayer would work in that.

As far as online gaming stands I love my Call of Duty as much as the next man but single player is still the meat in the sandwich of gaming for me. If gaming was a BLT then the single player is clearly the bacon. Online and offline multi are the lettuce and tomato respectively depending on your opinion of those 2 foods.
I wish you hadn't quoted me then Lance. I can see a double 'the' that's now unremovable.

But yeah, I hope they don't feck up Dead Space 2. Don't even know how multiplayer would work in that.

As far as online gaming stands I love my Call of Duty as much as the next man but single player is still the meat in the sandwich of gaming for me. If gaming was a BLT then the single player is clearly the bacon. Online and offline multi are the lettuce and tomato respectively depending on your opinion of those 2 foods.

I haven't even touched the single player in this latest CoD.
Dear EA,

Please proceed to jump into a volcano and take Activision with you,


p.s. Not until you free DICE and BioWare, then you can top yourselves.
Seriously though, what's so good about online gaming? I've only played a couple of games online...till I got bored and didn't bother with it again. Give me a brilliant single player with a cracking storyline over it..anytime.


Bethesda and BioWare are just about the two remaining game developers I get excited about nowadays.
I haven't even touched the single player in this latest CoD.

I didn't mean in Call of Duty per se. For me that game is the exception to the rule in that it's almost entirely about the multiplayer.

I was just speaking about gaming.

Even things like FIFA and Streetfighter are still best played in a room with mates as opposed to online IMO.

Oh and cheers Lance. Adjusted my own. I've got OCD about spelling errors.
if they take out the franchise mode in madden I'll probably never be buying an ea product again


having re-read the first post, I will amend to I hope it doesn't mean they won't improve the franchise mode in Madden. Not purchasing EA again still stands!
EA are just out to con people out of money, basically. I noticed with the latest Fifa you can only play online with it on the one machine, unless you purchase more "passes" or something...pathetic.

So you pay for a console, you pay for the game, you pay for your internet, you pay Microsoft to be able to play the console on your internet, and now you're supposed to pay EA to play the game, which you've already bought off them...feck the feck off.

If you buy some bread, you don't have to pay again to store it in your own cupboard, and then again if you want to share it with someone. If anyone asked you to do this you'd tell them to piss off, so why are the likes of EA and Microsoft allowed to just get away with it?

The reasoning for that is to fight against trade-in games, which they receive no revenue for. If you buy the game new you get a ea-pass free. If you buy the game second hand you will have to pay for one.

Seriously though, what's so good about online gaming? I've only played a couple of games online...till I got bored and didn't bother with it again. Give me a brilliant single player with a cracking storyline over it..anytime.

People are going to get bored with the current online climate very quickly imo. It's the same recycled garbage over and over again. Absolutely no innovation since the first modern warfare in regards to first person shooters. Sports games are a little better with online franchises and the card game thing they do.

Not necessarily. They tacked a MP on to Uncharted 2, which turned out to be superb.

Another is Assassins Creed: Brotherhood whose multiplayer is something different and very fun.

Dear EA,

Please proceed to jump into a volcano and take Activision with you,


p.s. Not until you free DICE and BioWare, then you can top yourselves.

Hopefully they will be bought by Activison.
Give me an indepth single player story line that I can get immersed in any day over having my balls handed to me on a platter by some cocky spotty little 15 year old that does nothing other than play games online every day with only a break for a wank and a microwave pizza every now and again.