
Bodzilla said:
Was Heskey ever their leading scorer, like Drogba is for us? ;)

Actually yes he was.

While Owen was out for ages Heskey scored something like 20+ goals.
RedorDead6899 said:
Actually yes he was.

While Owen was out for ages Heskey scored something like 20+ goals.

There goes my point, you bastard! ;)

In my opinion, Drogba will come good. I do not think he will ever be the best striker in the league, though. Chelsea supporters are split down the middle on the player.
To be fair as well, Drogba has a great record in Europe. Hasn't played 50 matches or anything, but his goals to games is more then good.
If Chelsea wish to dominate everything, which I presume they do then he isn't the man to do it with.
What's infuriating about Drogba is his inconsistancy. His touch can be erratic, but he has shown us so many times what a soft touch he has. The ability is there, I think the concentration is lacking.

Some matches his link up play is phenoninal. Good enough to suggest that it SHOULD be like that all the time, other times he looks isolated and strays offside. Again, possibly a concentration issue.

His finishing is erratic. Not sure he will ever be a 'natural' finisher. But as a Chelsea supporter I am hardly going to want him replaced after an injury plagued first 6-7 months in a completely new situation. Rival supporters are always quick to put down a new player, while using the 'settling in' card at the same time for their own new players. Natural, and just about all of us do it at one time or another.

Gudjohnsen has been injury free all year and has played in, and started, virtually ebvery match yet Drogba is still our leading scorer despite missing 3 months this season. Guddy gets a free ride from almost all our supporters while Drogba is slated. Guddy is Chelsea though and through and is an 'old boy' thus escapes criticism even though he has been very poor over long periods this year. He isn't high profile though so he is getting off easy. Still a very good player though, in my opinion, just that his finishing is also erratic.
Gudjohnsen is crap. Hope that knee injury hasn't ruined Forssell's career.
Bodzilla's post above is why Drogba is just an over-priced, over-hyped version of Kanoute. Though I will say he is more talented than the former West Ham striker. But that doesn't mean crap as Veron was extremely talented yet a crap player like Danny Murphy had more success in England.

That said, he may become a very good Premiership striker someday.
Kanouté doesn't have the size or workrate of Drogba though, he cannot harass defenders they way Didier does. He has also had 4 or 5 years in England, whereas Drogba has had about 3 months(injury free playing time).
Are you judging one player with years of English experience against a player that has payed 20 league matches?

Glad to see people aren't quick to judge. ;)

I am not saying Drogba is clinical, but a bit of perspective here please people. If we judged players on 20 matches then Phillips would be legendary.
thewelshconjurer said:
The thing is that Drogba just won't get any better because.....simply he can't get any better. In the french league he was called "the tank" and that says all. People in France wondered how the feck was that chelsea wanted him.

People in Marseille idolized him, after one season. There are even Marseille supporters who follow Chelsea as a second team now becaue Drogba is with us, much like the Portuguese following that has picked up since Mourinho came along. Even some Benfica supporters are following us now because José signed on.

Drogba will never be the best striker in the league, but saying he will NEVER get better, after 20 matches in the league is ignorant. I'd love to see you say that about a Utd player after 20 matches and three months out through injury. Me thinks it wouldn't happen, for some reason. :wenger:
Stamford Bridge said:
Top scorer for a team that won the league. In his first season.

Not too bad for a limited player eh?
You could do with him yourself, what with Morientes not living up to all the hype and all....;)

Emile Heskey has won a treble and was coveted by Roma (Capello). Why don't you jump the gun and sign him up before Real Madrid do? :lol: :wenger:
Bodzilla said:
Was Heskey ever their leading scorer, like Drogba is for us? ;)

Typical Johnny Come Lately. :rolleyes: ;) (note the wink).

Heskey scored 24 goals for us when Owen was out (yes in one season!).
Dumpstar said:
Emile Heskey has won a plastic treble and was coveted by Roma (Capello). Why don't you jump the gun and sign him up before Real Madrid do? :lol: :wenger:
Get it right ;)

Drogba's rather wank. I think Gudjonsen's the better player anyway. Good touch, versatile, intelligent, yet a great finisher as well.
Bodzilla said:
People in Marseille idolized him, after one season. There are even Marseille supporters who follow Chelsea as a second team now becaue Drogba is with us, much like the Portuguese following that has picked up since Mourinho came along. Even some Benfica supporters are following us now because José signed on.

Drogba will never be the best striker in the league, but saying he will NEVER get better, after 20 matches in the league is ignorant. I'd love to see you say that about a Utd player after 20 matches and three months out through injury. Me thinks it wouldn't happen, for some reason. :wenger:

I know french league quite well and I can tell that he wasn't that "idolized".
Having said that, I know that he won't get any better cos I know his abilities.
thewelshconjurer said:
I know french league quite well and I can tell that he wasn't that "idolized".
Having said that, I know that he won't get any better cos I know his abilities.

The Marseille supporters idolized him.
Alilaw said:
Get it right ;)

Drogba's rather wank. I think Gudjonsen's the better player anyway. Good touch, versatile, intelligent, yet a great finisher as well.

Gudjohnsen will never be mistaken for a great finisher. 12 goals in 44 appearances this season. If he was consistant he would be in Bergkamp's class of player. Not great finishers but great vision, touch, etc. He isn't as good as Bergkamp and nowhere near as consistent, but they are the same sort of player. His linkup play is fantastic, but he can go through 3 macthes at a time where you'd never know he was playing. Still only 25ish though, so hopefully he will get more consistant with age.

Drogba has more goals in about 3/4 the amount of games as Gudjohnsen. Drogba is also brand new to this place whereas Guddy is a mainstay.
Not sure on minutes, but Guddy has started the vast majority of games. He has played a considerable amount more then Drogba.
Morientes only scored 8 or 9 goals in Ligue 1 last year, in one of the best teams. I think he is a good player, but is a bit overrated.
Bodzilla said:
Was Heskey ever their leading scorer, like Drogba is for us? ;)

Will Drogba score 22 goals in his first season at a big club, like Heskey did? :D

Mourinho will NOT play a forward who doesn't work their arse off. That is why you will never see us sign Ronaldo, or players like him.

Good ones, you mean? ;)
DJS said:
Will Drogba score 22 goals in his first season at a big club, like Heskey did? :D

well he needs 9 more in a maximum of 14 matches so most likely not. How many matches did Heskey play in, just curious. Also helped Emile that he is English thus played English football his whole life.

Good ones, you mean? ;)

That is open to debate. :)
thewelshconjurer said:
Oh come on,

they cheered him. What were they supposed to do ?? boo and whistle him in their most successful european season in past 5 years :confused:

Listen, I am going by what a lot of ACTUAL Marseille supporters have told me. Many have registered on Chelsea sites and conveyed their feelings toward him. I was also in the south of France in October and the people I talked to we either SUPER HAPPY he was gone(Nice and Monaco supporters I talked to) or devastated(Marseille supporters I spoke with).

In Paris I had a few jabs back and forth with a PSG supporter in a shop, all good fun. He would never admit Drogba was the dogs bollocks, especially after the performance he put on in Parc des Princes in the CL, but he did say he was a very good player. Also, the man hated Drogba. Evidence enough for me.

If you have an opinion on him that is fair enough. I am going by what rival supporters and Marseille supporters alike have told me, directly.