Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

I figured him to be the most un-Trumplike example possible.

Possible follow-up line, "OK OK, but do you know how to get Carter? These Habitat for Humanity houses aren't going build themselves."

CNN just did a good doc on him. It's interesting seeing the South going for him in a big way and all the support he got from country musicians. In just a generation most of them have gone the other way.
Is he also getting a Library ?

I think he has to do at least part of the fundraising for this, as the federal government does not underwrite it all. Also (if I remember correctly), if he wants public money to fund it at least 50% of the contents and exhibits of the Library are chosen by and controlled by an independent body, so he cannot turn it into a cult shrine.
It’s probably a decision he’s made to fuel the Q narratives around him still governing from the shadows.
Is he also getting a Library ?
If so it's going to be a Mad Max version of a library:

"For every president since Herbert Hoover, presidential libraries have been established in each president's home state in which documents, artifacts, gifts of state and museum exhibits are maintained that relate to the former president's life and career both political and professional." (Wikipedia)
If so it's going to be a Mad Max version of a library:

"For every president since Herbert Hoover, presidential libraries have been established in each president's home state in which documents, artifacts, gifts of state and museum exhibits are maintained that relate to the former president's life and career both political and professional." (Wikipedia)

I hope it has that little desk in it. He could charge a tenner for pics seated at it.

Will no doubt fail. But a.. litmus test of sorts to see how Rs will vote I suppose?

Will no doubt fail. But a.. litmus test of sorts to see how Rs will vote I suppose?

I‘m going to shoot someone in the head and then stand up in court and say “How many of this jury will definitely convict me today? Right now.“ and if it’s not enough people to convict me that should convince the judge to dismiss the charges.

Trump ain’t getting convicted.

Trump ain’t getting convicted.

So only the 5 who dared to speak out. Bunch of Spinless clowns.

I mean, I could see a few extra surprise votes come impeachment day.. but to get 17 is looking near impossible at the moment.
So only the 5 who dared to speak out. Bunch of Spinless clowns.

I mean, I could see a few extra surprise votes come impeachment day.. but to get 17 is looking near impossible at the moment.

It is all down to McConnell. If he decides Trump went too far then he will get some other support.

He must be dying to get rid of Trump.
The stranglehold he’s got the republicans in is a sight to see. I wonder if/when he at some point goes out of fashion with the the voters, if their excuse will be that he was a necessary evil so that they could do their politics and that they never really agreed with him to begin with.

Wow, who'd have thunk it?

I wish I had a weekly poker game with the Democrats. I swear they are the most gullible bunch of pussies I have ever known in my life.

They just never seem to learn and get fecked over time and time again. Often when the outcome was so fecking obvious. They are also still letting Mitch pull the strings despite him not being the majority leader anymore. It's fecking pathetic and so sad and frustrating to see.

#Rant over.

Wow, who'd have thunk it?

I wish I had a weekly poker game with the Democrats. I swear they are the most gullible bunch of pussies I have ever known in my life.

They just never seem to learn and get fecked over time and time again. Often when the outcome was so fecking obvious. They are also still letting Mitch pull the strings despite him not being the majority leader anymore. It's fecking pathetic and so sad and frustrating to see.

#Rant over.

wallet inspected

Wow, who'd have thunk it?

I wish I had a weekly poker game with the Democrats. I swear they are the most gullible bunch of pussies I have ever known in my life.

They just never seem to learn and get fecked over time and time again. Often when the outcome was so fecking obvious. They are also still letting Mitch pull the strings despite him not being the majority leader anymore. It's fecking pathetic and so sad and frustrating to see.

#Rant over.

Either that or its a deliberate ploy by Mitch to piss off the backers of the Republican party who can in return place pressure on Republican Senators to vote to convict.

You have to remember that Mitch has to align with the backers of the GOP to retain his power within the party. If his backers do not support conviction, he can not tell other Republicans to vote to convict.
How long till CNN and MSNBC start the "you know it's time for the Dems to stop playing politics and move beyond Trump" talking point?

Wow, who'd have thunk it?

I wish I had a weekly poker game with the Democrats. I swear they are the most gullible bunch of pussies I have ever known in my life.

They just never seem to learn and get fecked over time and time again. Often when the outcome was so fecking obvious. They are also still letting Mitch pull the strings despite him not being the majority leader anymore. It's fecking pathetic and so sad and frustrating to see.

#Rant over.

There was no way to stop McConnell from doing things the way he did it, I think every Dem knew why Mitch was doing what he was doing, looks like it only now occurred to you though. And how is Mitch still pulling the strings? The filibuster language never got into the organizing resolution and the GOP had to back off the demand because the Dems threatened to nuke the filibuster to pass the organizing resolution. So Mitch and co. found some old positions from Manchin and Sinema to make it seem like they are "more on board" now.
There was no way to stop McConnell from doing things the way he did it, I think every Dem knew why Mitch was doing what he was doing, looks like it only now occurred to you though.

Not at all. Just irritates me how frequently he gets one over or gets what he wants despite everyone apparently knowing what he's up to. The same as Trump got away with everything, the lack of fight or should I say, the amount of empty words is the frustrating and sickening part.

Not at all. Just irritates me how frequently he gets one over or gets what he wants despite everyone apparently knowing what he's up to. The same as Trump got away with everything, the lack of fight or should I say, the amount of empty words is the frustrating and sickening part.

How the feck is this even legal? You're basically broadcasting to the whole world that you're loyal to the party and not the nation.
Is he also getting a Library ?

Already open.

There was no way to stop McConnell from doing things the way he did it, I think every Dem knew why Mitch was doing what he was doing, looks like it only now occurred to you though. And how is Mitch still pulling the strings? The filibuster language never got into the organizing resolution and the GOP had to back off the demand because the Dems threatened to nuke the filibuster to pass the organizing resolution. So Mitch and co. found some old positions from Manchin and Sinema to make it seem like they are "more on board" now.

The Democrats could have had a huge public push to force Mitch's hand while the country was still in shock over the attack. Instead the stupid bastards started leaking stories about how maybe they'd hold back sending the articles to the senate to give Biden time to get his confirmations blah blah. It made it seem like they were playing politics, and everyone knew that the longer the gap between the attack and the trial the less chance there would be of a conviction.

The Democrats are, as Langster rightly says, a gullible bunch of pussies. They let the GOP kick them around over and over again, and never learn from their mistakes. The GOP are fighting a war, and the Democrats are still acting like its a couples tiff and that if they work together they can work everything out nicely. It's sickening and infuriating watching them let evil win over and over again.
The Democrats could have had a huge public push to force Mitch's hand while the country was still in shock over the attack. Instead the stupid bastards started leaking stories about how maybe they'd hold back sending the articles to the senate to give Biden time to get his confirmations blah blah. It made it seem like they were playing politics, and everyone knew that the longer the gap between the attack and the trial the less chance there would be of a conviction.

The Democrats are, as Langster rightly says, a gullible bunch of pussies. They let the GOP kick them around over and over again, and never learn from their mistakes. The GOP are fighting a war, and the Democrats are still acting like its a couples tiff and that if they work together they can work everything out nicely. It's sickening and infuriating watching them let evil win over and over again.
You are very naive if you think any kind of "public push" would have caused Republicans to vote convict en masse. They are more scared of their own nutty supporters. Literally afraid for their lives.
You are very naive if you think any kind of "public push" would have caused Republicans to vote convict en masse. They are more scared of their own nutty supporters. Literally afraid for their lives.
Trump really has taken politics to a whole new level. Normally politicians would be worried about the people who oppose them, he's created a situation where GOP'ers actually fear they or their family will be murdered by their own voters. If I woke up from a five year coma and overheard a conversation about the current political situation in the US, my first reaction would be that it would be about a country like Somalia.
Yeah, to the poker analogy earlier with Mitch - him delaying til after the 20th is like being upset you lost with a worse hand.

Thing with McConnell is that you just have to assume everything he's doing is the most cynical, the most offensive and the most craven thing possible. Then you start to understand him.

He's not evil. He is using his very significant skillset to ensure that his country is governed in the way he believes it should be: as a white, Christian, male-centric institution. It's that simple. He understands the rules of the game and more importantly where thoes end and norms begin better than anyone, and just uses that to move legislation to his will. He's the kid that would cheat at every sport, but using things that aren't spelled in the rules. Would probably do the same on tests at school. Outcomes are all that matters.

The reason he is so hard to deal with is because his party has become uni-cultural: they all agree that they want the same white, male, Christian America that he does. So they can move as one.
The Democrats have the disadvantage of being hugely fragmented in both belief and approach. It's hard to get consensus on anything - just look around here - the most left-leaning posters seem to be genuinely upset that Biden beat Trump, and would prefer a total collapse.

If you all think that Schumer et al don't hate the f*cking turtles face and wish nothing more than to smash it in, you're wrong. But they adhere to the norms of the instutition, whereas the turtle is unburdened by them. The way the turtle really wins is if the Senate goes full Gringrich and abandons all of its principles to get one over on Mitch, imo.
He's not evil. He is using his very significant skillset to ensure that his country is governed in the way he believes it should be: as a white, Christian, male-centric institution. It's that simple. He understands the rules of the game and more importantly where thoes end and norms begin better than anyone, and just uses that to move legislation to his will. He's the kid that would cheat at every sport, but using things that aren't spelled in the rules. Would probably do the same on tests at school. Outcomes are all that matters.

This literally makes him evil
I believe the Democrats should run a huge campaign that they have to turn America back into a democracy again. Go all out claiming that the GoP have turned the country into a fraud republic and that the failed impeachment of Trump is a testament to it. It's far too cozy for Republican politicians given what they brought over America and the whole world.
You are very naive if you think any kind of "public push" would have caused Republicans to vote convict en masse. They are more scared of their own nutty supporters. Literally afraid for their lives.

That, and half of them are sympathetic to those nutters and most likely would support anything that rid the system of progress.

What irks me is these nutters would have lynched Pence and a few other Rs and yet these cowards still won't convict the man that caused the insurrection. If as the VP and the POTUS nutty supporters literally broke into the Capitol and chanted "Kill Marcello!" I'd be the first serving up papers to impeach the fecker, then charge him with insurrection/treason. Besides, I have a security detail and can afford to live far away from nutters access. Pence is a massive coward.
That, and half of them are sympathetic to those nutters and most likely would support anything that rid the system of progress.

What irks me is these nutters would have lynched Pence and a few other Rs and yet these cowards still won't convict the man that caused the insurrection. If as the VP and the POTUS nutty supporters literally broke into the Capitol and chanted "Kill Marcello!" I'd be the first serving up papers to impeach the fecker, then charge him with insurrection/treason. Besides, I have a security detail and can afford to live far away from nutters access. Pence is a massive coward.

Moreover you only make it worse if you allow them to intimidate you. It encourages them to continue doing it. There's a reason why the state doesn't give in to terrorists, blackmailers or hijackers.

The US system is a real mess right now. A supposed Republic in which a president can be elected although he received less votes than his competitor and ruling law isn't applied to convict a proven criminal essentially because he has a large followship. You can't call a country that doesn't even get these basics right a democracy.
You are very naive if you think any kind of "public push" would have caused Republicans to vote convict en masse. They are more scared of their own nutty supporters. Literally afraid for their lives.

What you seem to be missing is that there's more than one way to win. Even if you can't force the Republicans to vote for conviction, what you can do is build pressure to the point where their supporters who are not firmly in the Trump base start to turn against the leadership creating even deeper factional splits than are already present. The Capitol attack caused a shockwave, and if the Democrats were smarter and braver they'd have capitalized on it to the fullest. Instead they've (yet again) allowed the Republicans to set the narrative and wriggle out from under the issue.