Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

Golfing every day for 8 weeks will drop a few pounds. Less stress and better diet may also be a factor.

Yeah I imagine he’s dropped the McDonalds and Diet Coke every day now he isn‘t forced to dine in the White House canteen anymore.
Officials located December recording of Trump call in a trash folder on Georgia investigator's device
Officials located December recording of Trump call in a trash folder on Georgia investigator's device

I don't know what is more concerning:

1. That an investigator recorded and then dumped the file in the trash
2. That said investigator did no realize that the trash folder is just a folder and you need to actually empty it for it to actually be "trash".
3. That the record retention policy of the investigators office ALLOWS things to be trashed without review.
4. That the record retention policy of the investigators office does not autodelete trashed items periodically for security reasons (especially after end of year review).

Trump rears his head and he's angry and bitter as hell. He's also (unsurprisingly) flat out lying about nearly every single thing he's speaking about including saying his government started from scratch with the Coronavirus vaccine :lol:

Also, there's this gem where he again openly gripes about the Supreme Court not having the balls to overturn the election and him openly admitting he wanted it overturned.

I'm no lawyer, but doesn't that help the case against him? And also, isn't sedition still illegal?
The woman at 00:45, my fecking god...

like the conservative mindset in general, the only one with even a shred of human decency is the guy who lost his mother. Once they are personally effected, some concessions in some people are made.
The genius of right wing propaganda is that these people have been conned into believing they are all mavericks who are thinking for themselves.
It is breathtakingly awesome (‘awesome’ as in impressive, not quality).