Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

He said that “laws needed to be changed” to keep Supreme Court Justices from “thinking for themselves.”

“This should never be allowed to happen in our country,” he said.
Yeah, the interviews across the board just don’t reach his mental deficients like Twitter allowed him to do.

Is anybody still thinking that Twitter and co. banning accounts which don't follow their code of conduct is wrong and violates the freedom of speech?

Imagine how much harm could have been prevented if they sanctioned the spreading of fake news and hate speech from the very beginning. This lunatic probably wouldn't have made it into the white house to begin with.
Wait, MILLIONS of pages? Wtf?!

Classic Trump tactics. His only strategy is to overwhelm his opponents so that they cannot execute their own plan. He does it using lawsuits, documentation and whatever else he can use (i.e. Tweets, etc).
“Nobody’s tax returns have more documents than mine”
I'll bet they're all printed on re-used paper as well, just to make things harder to follow. One side actual documents, the other some advert received by fax about replacement windows, lunch menus etc.

Don’t get your hopes up. Cyrus Vance will land the plan for Donald again.

Vance sounds like a wonderful human being.
The People vs. Cy Vance
Think the Manhattan DA goes easy on the rich? Take a look at how he prosecutes the poor.

-- Then there’s Vance’s notoriously stingy approach to providing defense attorneys with the police reports and witness statements they need to defend their clients. While most of the city’s other DAs have moved toward the practice of “open file discovery,” releasing crucial records shortly after arraignment, Vance pursues what defense attorneys call “trial by ambush,” using the narrow requirements in the state’s law on pretrial disclosure — considered one of the most restrictive in the nation — to withhold vital evidence from indigent defendants until the last possible moment.--
I was watching footage yesterday that reminded me how it was Rudy G who prosecuted Milken, Boesky and the junk bond crowd. fecker really sold out.
This statement implies that this is a bad thing, and that Trump was a billionaire. Both wrong.

The syntax is just completely wrong. Not surprising because most people are idiots but the statement should be "Good luck getting billionaires to run for president in the future" not "future billionaires", which implies people who aren;t billionaires yet but might be.
The syntax is just completely wrong. Not surprising because most people are idiots but the statement should be "Good luck getting billionaires to run for president in the future" not "future billionaires", which implies people who aren;t billionaires yet but might be.
considering who bio and that her more recent retweet is this garbage, I am not shocked by the inability to write.