Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

In any case, I just don’t either Don Jr. or Eric have what it takes to pick up the mantle. They are nowhere near ready for prime time.

No, but Ivanka does. Although I don't think Ivanka would want to do it. She's quite composed and intelligent and from seeing her before, I reckon she's more left leaning than the lads. Lara would like it but she's a fecking moron.

Someone will be lined up, it's probably someone we haven't seen much of yet, but if it is someone articulate, composed and charismatic then we could all be in trouble.
That's been proved to be a lie too. He claims he's never touched alcohol but there are plenty of pictures showing he has and people who say he has. Although he's definitely not a big drinker and probably hardly ever does, but to say he's never touched it is pure bollocks.

I also don't think he's on the bag either, he doesn't have the jumpy jitterishness of a coke head, whereas Don Jr absofeckinglutely does. I do however think he's on other things like Adderall and the like.
Someone needs to do some research, we know that excess alcohol intake can make you go yellow with jaundice, so what can you partake in excess that turns you orange - too much vitamin C doesn't seem right, hamburgers maybe :D
Ok. What if you think about it now? Probably not very healthy for you either. And I would imagine there are many things you would enjoy more.
I like staying updated on current world events, politics, polarization (culture wars), other kinds of topics. I don't mind it at all. Twitter is a good fast-paced platform for that.
Probably but it'll be in his Last Will and Testament - probably one of his sons

He'd nom Ivanka or Jared before the sons, of which I think he doesn't really much care about them. They're just falling in line with the king, it's Ivanka he truly covets and therefore would do pretty much anything for her attention and acceptance. He basically wants to feck her.
He'd nom Ivanka or Jared before the sons, of which I think he doesn't really much care about them. They're just falling in line with the king, it's Ivanka he truly covets and therefore would do pretty much anything for her attention and acceptance. He basically wants to feck her.

Fax, no printer

He'd nom Ivanka or Jared before the sons, of which I think he doesn't really much care about them. They're just falling in line with the king, it's Ivanka he truly covets and therefore would do pretty much anything for her attention and acceptance. He basically wants to feck her.
Neither would be interested, there's no basically about it though, he's made that pretty clear in the past!
Bloody hell, America. Your justice system is totally pathetic.

I had 0 doubts. In this thread 1 year ago several prople said that by last october we would have sentences

He is closer to be the next POTUS than be penaly convicted
I wonder what the actual judges think about all this. These people have at least some passing interest in the rule of law, and yet if he's able to just get out of all this by becoming president it does cast a fair amount of doubt on their profession.

Hopefully what will be really funny will be when he loses and then spends the rest of his miserable life in court :)
He is closer to be the next POTUS than be penaly convicted
IT IS WRITTEN! (Sorry, i couldn't help myself lol) But seriously day by day it is getting closer and closer to witness the unimaginable - DT a as a president for the second time..
I wonder what the actual judges think about all this. These people have at least some passing interest in the rule of law, and yet if he's able to just get out of all this by becoming president it does cast a fair amount of doubt on their profession.

Hopefully what will be really funny will be when he loses and then spends the rest of his miserable life in court :)
He’s a professional litigant, doubt it would spook him, unless he loses of course.
Was inevitable. They had absolutely nothing. It was just a delay and smear campaign. Now Jim Jordan will continue to threaten Fani with the Congressional subpoena and contempt of Congress for the same bs.