Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

Helps when your family are immigrants.

If his family had been in the US at the time there’s zero question they’d have been slaveholders.

Let's not forget how the family treated black tenants at their properties, either.
As has been said many times before -the only things that compare are religion and cults. The fact that some people even made a golden sculpture of him and they didn't even seem to see the irony with regards to the Bible's very own golden calf story tells you all you need to know.

The only thing that seems to work is to not give him the attention at all - and have him fade into obscurity. But it's a society as whole issue that we can't seem to do that. This man's detrimental effect on public discourse will be studied many years down the road. And the sad thing is, that's probably all he wanted. To be a name to remember long after he is gone. Vanity seems to be everything that drives him. Which btw, didn't the Bible say something negative about that also? Js.
Hopefully his name will be remembered in the same way that Judas was.

The problem for Trump of course is that he referred to what he was holding up as something that came directly from the army. I'm not 100% on this, but I believe there are witness statements from those who were there during this incident. If this is indeed the case, I'm confident they will testify that it was a whole lot more than merely papers being held up. He can claim all he wants that it was bravado, but unless the jury are out from the offset to allow him off the hook, this claim won't stand up in court. I've honestly gone beyond caring what Maga make of it all because you're not going to get a single honest Maga-nut. I'm not saying that those hooked on Maga were always dishonest people, perhaps some were. Ultimately though they are all caught up in the cult. They're hooked on the idea that Trump is the only guy who has ever stuck up for them. Needless to say it's all a complete con and he would drop these people like hot coals if he no longer needed them, but there's little to nothing you can do to reason with these types of people. They quite simply do not care about truth.
I think it's legitimate to explore if and how slave ownership in the past has lead to dynastic wealth today.
Howard Zinn basically proved this is the case. I say "basically" because that wasn't the stated goal of his research, but it's pretty clear that slave owners wrote the rules that benefited them and their descendants. The slave owners were also property owners, and the males were the only ones allowed to vote.

A People's History of the United States: 1492-Present by Howard Zinn
My wife is Asian with a Portuguese name, so my kids are definitely descended from slave owners.

Anyway, 400 years is about 20 generations, so that's about 100000 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents per person, as long as there's no incest. If one of those was a slave owner, then you're descended from a slave owner.

And wasn't the criminal ex president mother Scottish? I'm sure there's some slave owner blood that side.
"I'm a legitimate person' needs to be up in the pantheon of 'covfefe,' 'I'm a very stable genius,' & 'person, woman, man, camera, TV...'

My wife is Asian with a Portuguese name, so my kids are definitely descended from slave owners.

Anyway, 400 years is about 20 generations, so that's about 100000 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents per person, as long as there's no incest. If one of those was a slave owner, then you're descended from a slave owner.

And wasn't the criminal ex president mother Scottish? I'm sure there's some slave owner blood that side.
Not that many generations, my 4x Great grandparents were born late 1700's

Trump's mother came from the Isle of Lewis and grew up on a croft, that's certainly not going to have any likely connection to slavery, you're talking minimal subsistence in places like this ,though a being whiskey smuggler during Prohibition might be a good bet :lol:
"I'm a legitimate person' needs to be up in the pantheon of 'covfefe,' 'I'm a very stable genius,' & 'person, woman, man, camera, TV...'

Sounds just like something a cyborg/lizard/alien/hollow-earth-person/AI would say.
Not that many generations, my 4x Great grandparents were born late 1700's

Trump's mother came from the Isle of Lewis and grew up on a croft, that's certainly not going to have any likely connection to slavery, you're talking minimal subsistence in places like this ,though a being whiskey smuggler during Prohibition might be a good bet :lol:
4x Great is still 64. Only one of them had to profit in some kind of way for them to be the descendents of the slavery industry, even if they weren't directly owning them.
4x Great is still 64. Only one of them had to profit in some kind of way for them to be the descendents of the slavery industry, even if they weren't directly owning them.
So basically everyone that originates from Western Europe will almost certainly have some connection to slavery
Imagine him on tape trying to flog the classified documents :lol:

MAGA loons would still vote for him :lol:
Pretty much the entire world will some connection to slavery.
But beside being white in the "new world" is most likely that you were on the side of being a slave
I just came here to post that, I just read that on Twitter. What an absolute load of nonsense. :lol:
What it honestly reminds me of is this software we use to change the lexile level of articles so kids of different reading abilities can read the same assignment.

The writing might honestly be at that low of a level due to the intended audience.
What it honestly reminds me of is this software we use to change the lexile level of articles so kids of different reading abilities can read the same assignment.

The writing might honestly be at that low of a level due to the intended audience.
What software is that, out of interest?
Not that many generations, my 4x Great grandparents were born late 1700's

Trump's mother came from the Isle of Lewis and grew up on a croft, that's certainly not going to have any likely connection to slavery, you're talking minimal subsistence in places like this ,though a being whiskey smuggler during Prohibition might be a good bet :lol:
2003 20 year old
1983 Mother
1963 1
1943 2
1923 3
1903 4
1883 5
1863 6
1843 7
1823 8
1803 9
1783 10
1763 11
1743 12
1723 13
1703 14
1683 15
1663 16
1643 17
1623 18
That's 18 * grandmother going back 400 years where every mother was 20 when she birthed the next generation. It would be more if some of the mothers had been in their teens.

Yes it can easily be considerably less if each of the mothers are 40 or above.
That's it, I'm giving writing a fiction book another go. Will at least be the 2nd worst in the world.