Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

Its a bizarre marriage to begin with. The political version of Christie Brinkley marrying Billy Joel.

Have wondered how Carville and his wife coexist. I recall having a couple arguments with a girlfriend (now ex) back in 2019 over politics. I don't think we would have lasted long-term with such differing beliefs and philosophies - not just on politics.
Have wondered how Carville and his wife coexist. I recall having a couple arguments with a girlfriend (now ex) back in 2019 over politics. I don't think we would have lasted long-term with such differing beliefs and philosophies - not just on politics.

I think theirs works because Mary is a regular Republican and not a MAGA nutjob.
And here we go, first off he denies that he lost 2020!
Have wondered how Carville and his wife coexist. I recall having a couple arguments with a girlfriend (now ex) back in 2019 over politics. I don't think we would have lasted long-term with such differing beliefs and philosophies - not just on politics.
Neither of them actually believe the things they say publicly.
CNN should be embarrassed by this. They have learned nothing, ratings are more important than their democracy.
What an arse, he's making jokes about the debt limit and defaulting
Avoiding answering the question on abortion, it all needs to be negotiated :confused:
What a contradiction - schools need more guns to prevent shootings vs pro life!
So far nothing has changed, he's exactly the same as when he lost the last election
What a contradiction - schools need more guns to prevent shootings vs pro life!

"We're pro-life!

Except when it comes to guns. And the death penalty. And COVID. And foreign policy. And healthcare. And climate change and climate disasters. And maternal mortality rates. And infant mortality rates. And police shootings.

Apart from that we're pro-life!"