Donald Trump - to the surprise of nobody, got away with everything

All these fecking dillusional trumptards and guns toting republicans are enough to make people want to get the feck outta this country before it implodes.
Nothing he can do if the Feds bring their own men.

This seems like an apt comparison.

Who should play Trump in the inevitable movie? My money's on Nicolas Cage.
Anybody buying online rumours that this is fraud and unrelated to Stormy?

Notsomuch posting for the sentiment as much as marking the moment I finally got the clinching proof that our simulation has been hacked by some omnipotent warped Charlie Brooker. I mean.... that cannot be the real name of a Republican strategist. It just can't.

Notsomuch posting for the sentiment as much as marking the moment I finally got the clinching proof that our simulation has been hacked by some omnipotent warped Charlie Brooker. I mean.... that cannot be the real name of a Republican strategist. It just can't.

The chances this silver spoon motherfecker has ever been inside a CVS is whatever number is less than zero unless it stands for Cocaine Vault of my Sibling.

Does he realistically stand a chance to get re elected? I mean as a European I never read something positive about him so it is… weird?
Does he realistically stand a chance to get re elected? I mean as a European I never read something positive about him so it is… weird?

America is so deeply divided that despite all this, yes, he stands a chance.
Trump I bet right now is hoping for protest marches and such from his supporters. I would love it if nothing happened, and it all we see is an online response. Would be a good indication of where his actual support levels are.

Still baffles me how American's are so quick to ignore any illegal activities from their politicians just because they were the colour shirt they support.
Does he realistically stand a chance to get re elected? I mean as a European I never read something positive about him so it is… weird?
It's just that some republicans hate the democrats so much they'll vote any republican in just so that a democrat isn't in power.
Does he realistically stand a chance to get re elected? I mean as a European I never read something positive about him so it is… weird?

I'd like to say no, but I thought he would be trounced the first time he was elected. It seems no matter what awful things he says or does, his supporters either defend him or don't believe it. Even when they see and hear it with their own eyes. Worse still,.many see his words and actions as a good thing.

You also have the sad.truth that you could paint a pig red and people would still rather vote for the pig than a Democrat. On top of all that for all the good Biden has done, he's also done a lot of very shitty things and if he continues to make stupid gaffs like his inappropriate and Ill timed joke regarding the recent school shooting, then many will turn away from him too, especially considering it really is looking like he has dementia or is just suffering badly from old age. Seeing him have to be held and propped up by what look to be his carers, and his slurring words and constant mixing up of words/countries/places etc....

It's also very possible he might not even be healthy enough to see out this term, let alone go through the hardship of running for reelection and the possibility of another 5 years in office that would make him just a couple of years shy of NINETY.

It's so sad that (at the moment) the Dems don't have any really viable alternative to Biden for the next exlection.

However, saying all that, I do think Trump will be facing more charges soon and that he was so hated by those outside his rabid cult followers that it would be highly unlikely he gets in again, but the unpredictability of it all and the stupidity of many Americans is enough to make me unable to completely rule out Trump winning again.

The even scarier thought is if for any reason Trump doesn't get the Republican nomination then it's highly likely DeSantis will, and he's worse because while Trump is a moron, he's a very easy to play moron, and someone who 100% is only in if for himself and the grift.

DeSantis is a fecking right wing lunatic fascist who wants to rule with the words of himself and God.