Yes to the outside world it perhaps looks like a 'paralysis of power' in the USA, like it did in the UK with the Executive v Parliament over Brexit. Could it embolden the USA's enemies? Could it return Trump with and even greater mandate, like its done for Boris Johnson?
Yes it is, thanks for the correction.
When you start a process, any process, to remove a sitting President/Head of State duly elected but you know you cannot finish it, what else would you call it, except a 'failed coup'?
Why not, at least for a while...? When Trump's not under attack he's lost, he's a counter-hitter, but then with no one to blame he runs out of fuel, eventually grinding to a halt and exposes his true position. When he started out as potential nominee with the Republicans the world and his wife lined up to take pot shots at him, he defied all expectation, some would say common sense, battled through to win the nomination and then rolled on to what everyone thought would be the worst Republican defeat in Presidential history, but the rest is history, written by the winner!
Its worth a shot don't you think? Democrats have to stop serving him balls he can hammer out of the park. It would of course need absolute will power from ever part of the Democratic Party, but you know it might convince fellow Americans that with that sort of self discipline, "you know these guys could run the country"!
As above; if you know you cannot guarantee the outcome then the attempt at removal, what ever the process, is a 'coup', a failed coup at that!
I would suspect Trump does not want it to go quietly, its what he craves, being the centre of attention.