Does Ole need to stop winding people up?

His sly digs definitely have a touch of SAF about them. Not quite on the level of SAF calling Newcastle 'a wee club in the North East' and telling Wenger to stick to Japanese football, but something clearly rubbed off on him.
That's not a wind up though. The PL is obviously a big change/jump and Sancho will have to adapt.
I expect Ballbag will feel personally attacked and write a scathing article bitching about Ole’s simple tactics soon enough.

Interviewer: Do you think it'll be a good thing for Mas-"

Ole: "For Cristiano? Yeah, he'll learn from Mason hahaha. Definitely. You know he's special. The kid is special. But of course Cristiano is special as well"

Nothing will beat his medieval one. I have no idea what that means to this date. The bread one was quite good too
Why would anyone want him to stop doing this? Gives him character, makes interviews/pressers more enjoyable.

Queens Park Raisins was a positive attribute of LVG. Not that it matters more than the football. I just don't see the harm in entertaining us a bit.
I've thrown a few chewing gums out of my mouth in anger but I've mainly done it because I didn't want to swallow them. He's right.