Film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

It really pissed me off how Dr Strange was nerfed all of a sudden, while Wanda was made way more powerful. I don't understand Marvel's need to shove Wanda being the most powerful down our necks.
She was always the most powerful if Im not mistaken, but they kept her at bay, otherwise she'd finish Thanos in a minute and they wouldn't have been able to build a big franchise of 100 films.

Also worth noting Dr Strange would have likely held back on his fight as much as Scarlett Witch would. He knows Wanda is very much trapped in her.

I just came out of the movie anyway.. Thought it was complete and utter wank. Elizabeth Olsen is a very good actress though.
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I'm still holding out to see a world war hulk. What they did to him was criminal.
I was a bit underwhelmed after the hype and trailers, I thought we’d get more fun with other characters in the multiverse including the illuminati but it was largely focused on a two minute fight where Wanda whooped ass. I liked her mirror trick but the rest of her powers/fighting wasn’t very thoughtful, lots of beams coming out of hands.
So just watched everything, everywhere all at once.

That is how how you do a multiverse of madness. A film more befitting of the name.

A 140 minute trip. Would recommend.
So just watched everything, everywhere all at once.

That is how how you do a multiverse of madness. A film more befitting of the name.

A 140 minute trip. Would recommend.
Thanks. Been keeping an eye on this.
Feedbacks been positive so far!
Went to see it with my boy today. Enjoyed it, managed to avoid most of the spoilers. There were some nice touches from Raimi and it definitely had a horror vibe at times.
I think the Wanda character has been treated a bit harshly, her death means no shot at redemption. It also felt like Vision was missingfrom the film, I felt he should have been in it.
Hmm, sorry late to the party. Feel it was more of a missed opportunity. Preferred the first one. Visually this was disappointing and with the limitless possibility of all other realities I was hoping they were going to blow my eyeballs out of their sockets. Instead other than a little hint of it, we were treated to a few different versions of New York, Here's New York were everything is perfect, here's New York where everything is shitty. Shame as I did enjoy it but they may as well have just had it as another Disney+ series.
Enjoyed it. But I'm admittingly biased to comic book movies

I do think it would have benefited from more time or moreso as a series.

I liked the Cameos and introductions to certain characters. Wanda blasting through them was hilarious

I was shocked they went all out with Wanda being a villain. Was thinking a different version would be the villain. Instead the avenger Wanda basically just went and blasted and killed a shit load of people
"She did the right thing" line at the end doesn't erase she is basically evil to the end
Released on Disney+ today…makes me wonder why I spent the beat part of £60 to go watch this in the cinema only a few weeks ago :(
Released on Disney+ today…makes me wonder why I spent the beat part of £60 to go watch this in the cinema only a few weeks ago :(
I took the kids to see it in Sunday, should have checked Disney+ first!
An utterly bonkers film in the grand scheme of the MCU.... stunned they allowed Raimi so much free reign, although I shouldn't be, given Gunn and Waititi get that kind of free reign, but still, it's Raimi, and it genuinely feels like a Raimi film too, which is a great touch.... but it's not exactly great as he's still gotta try and move stuff forward for the world. Some of it was a bit boring and not great.... but a lot of it was just, bonkers fun. I don't know what this adds up to...maybe like 3/5, I dunno.
There will definitely be more multiverse stuff.

That's exactly the problem with Wanda's arc. The reason they give here is the book she read, the darkhold.

Doctor Strange 2 is Fcuking ridiculous as you needed to have both watched WandaVision AND the WandaVision post credits scene to understand WandaAnd it’s still stupid.

Dr Strange 2 was fun. But pretty formulaic. Lazy as Fcuk with the Illuminati stuff too.

They’ve gotta quit the after the credits shite in absolutely everything. Those things should be sneak previews or fan service. Never plot continuance. It’s lazy and manipulative. WandaVision was pretty bad aside from the TV gimmick. To have to sit through that to provide context for something bigger is madness.
Watched it last night an thought it was a bit meh...
Wanda's reasoning for doing what she did didn't make sense?
Also... No mention of her real brother and not the imaginary kids?

You needed to have watched all of WandaVision as well as an after credits scene to witness her miraculous descent into evil. That 30 second scene comes after a whole series about her resolving her issues. So there’s that.

Her original motivating factors around Stark, the bomb in the house, her brother dying, all made way more sense. This was all shoehorned in and fell pretty flat. The viewers have never been invested in her kids. And sure as hell were not, post WandaVision.

It’s a bit shit.
I thought it was a solid effort. It didn’t go down the what if storyline too much like the trailer suggested thankfully, Chavez seems a good new character and I really liked them going all in with Wanda as the villain. After Spider-man and how big that movie was I wonder if the fact this didn’t have all the rumoured crazy cameos like Cruise played against the expectations hence why some were a bit underwhelmed. Evil sinister Cumberbatch was some top acting - I’d love to see him as the master but I guess he’s far too big now for that :lol:
I appreciate that this was possibly filmed during Covid but what the hell is it with recent Marvel movies and their inability to light the actors properly so once they're chucked into a CG wonderland it doesn't look like utter shit?
I appreciate that this was possibly filmed during Covid but what the hell is it with recent Marvel movies and their inability to light the actors properly so once they're chucked into a CG wonderland it doesn't look like utter shit?
Because its hard to do and they use cg for the most mundane shit. Its one thing getting the light right in a planet with 5 suns and red bio luminescent plants everywhere, no ones going to notice if the light is a bit off or it doesn't look entirely realistic because they have no idea what that would look like in real life. A scene with a few trees and rocks lying around will be filmed in a green warehouse though. You watching them standing around a 'park' is too familiar to not notice the thousands of imperfections.
Or maybe they just got lazy or rushed filming 4 tv series and 3 films a year. Or maybe they've gradually clawed more and more of their directors film away to fit hypersonic boombox the moroccan goat into the film so they can make a tv show for the moroccan goat market and the holes in their bullshit formula have become increasingly glaring and hard to ignore as more of things like character development and narrative are sidelined in favour of pop culture references.
Well..almost a billion box office for a non avengers movie is damn impressive.
Wouldn't call it a bullshit formula
Just seen it. Not bad, not great. Cumberbatch is great and I mean he usually is but the story just isn't IMHO. Basically came down to an all powerful being throwing a tantrum because she wants kids but can't and is willing to murder anyone and everyone to achieve that. Maybe it didn't help that I haven't seen WandaVision but that shouldn't matter as much. 6/10
Just seen it. Not bad, not great. Cumberbatch is great and I mean he usually is but the story just isn't IMHO. Basically came down to an all powerful being throwing a tantrum because she wants kids but can't and is willing to murder anyone and everyone to achieve that. Maybe it didn't help that I haven't seen WandaVision but that shouldn't matter as much. 6/10
They are expanding the MCU to include TV so wandavision really was required for this to get some of the Wanda references and why she was acting like ... Well a brat
Film was garbage, doesn't provide any good insight into the multiverse. Spiderman was a far better iteration with Toby / Garfield. I feel like Disney will fail this franchise despite likely making the film's very profitable they lack substance.
I thought it was a solid effort. It didn’t go down the what if storyline too much like the trailer suggested thankfully, Chavez seems a good new character and I really liked them going all in with Wanda as the villain. After Spider-man and how big that movie was I wonder if the fact this didn’t have all the rumoured crazy cameos like Cruise played against the expectations hence why some were a bit underwhelmed. Evil sinister Cumberbatch was some top acting - I’d love to see him as the master but I guess he’s far too big now for that :lol:
I thought Chavez character was quite poorly written.
Just seen it. Not bad, not great. Cumberbatch is great and I mean he usually is but the story just isn't IMHO. Basically came down to an all powerful being throwing a tantrum because she wants kids but can't and is willing to murder anyone and everyone to achieve that. Maybe it didn't help that I haven't seen WandaVision but that shouldn't matter as much. 6/10

They are expanding the MCU to include TV so wandavision really was required for this to get some of the Wanda references and why she was acting like ... Well a brat

I feel like I would have enjoyed this movie more, if I hadn't seen WandaVision. The whole point of WandaVision was about her overcoming trauma, letting her fake reality go and facing the real world/coming to terms with what she was doing. Then, one post credit scene, all of that didn't matter anymore and she was willing to do even worse. If your universe or stories are in some part about their connectivity, then you shouldn't directly contradict what previously happened. All of this reminded me of Game of Thrones final season, if they actually had done a better job at Daenerys going mad, it could have been a good story line.
I feel like I would have enjoyed this movie more, if I hadn't seen WandaVision. The whole point of WandaVision was about her overcoming trauma, letting her fake reality go and facing the real world/coming to terms with what she was doing. Then, one post credit scene, all of that didn't matter anymore and she was willing to do even worse. If your universe or stories are in some part about their connectivity, then you shouldn't directly contradict what previously happened. All of this reminded me of Game of Thrones final season, if they actually had done a better job at Daenerys going mad, it could have been a good story line.
I'm not sure a 20 second post credit scene of her reading a spooky book did a better job of establishing her as a bad guy any more than the film does itself to be honest. 'Shes evil now' kind of covers it.
The series itself seemed mostly irrelevant to the film
I'm not sure a 20 second post credit scene of her reading a spooky book did a better job of establishing her as a bad guy any more than the film does itself to be honest. 'Shes evil now' kind of covers it.
The series itself seemed mostly irrelevant to the film

That's my point. The movie and the post credit scene do a poor job establishing her motivations and it made what happened in the series pointless.
That's my point. The movie and the post credit scene do a poor job establishing her motivations and it made what happened in the series pointless.

I mean I don't want to lay out any Wandavision spoilers but how the hell can you not connect the dots yourself from that series to wanting to find her children. It's hardly complex plot, she's unstable loses her children and wants to find her children it doesn't need more scenes to explain that simple concept.

Dr Strange 2 was alright, poor in the context of many of the newer films but a decent enough watch.
I mean I don't want to lay out any Wandavision spoilers but how the hell can you not connect the dots yourself from that series to wanting to find her children. It's hardly complex plot, she's unstable loses her children and wants to find her children it doesn't need more scenes to explain that simple concept.

Dr Strange 2 was alright, poor in the context of many of the newer films but a decent enough watch.

I've perfectly understood it just fine. The point of WandaVision was overcoming her trauma and letting go of her fictional reality including her children. The Wanda we see at the end of WandaVision is a completely different person than the one in this movie. Multiverse of Madness basically rehashes the same plot or character development for her, only this time Wanda is more unhinged. If a post credit scene is good enough for you to explain why we are doing the same thing again, only this time more extreme, despite the fact that she let go of her children already, then that's cool. I think as a viewer one could expect a little more.
I've perfectly understood it just fine. The point of WandaVision was overcoming her trauma and letting go of her fictional reality including her children. The Wanda we see at the end of WandaVision is a completely different person than the one in this movie. Multiverse of Madness basically rehashes the same plot or character development for her, only this time Wanda is more unhinged. If a post credit scene is good enough for you to explain why we are doing the same thing again, only this time more extreme, despite the fact that she let go of her children already, then that's cool. I think as a viewer one could expect a little more.

But she doesn't willfully give up her children it's forced as a necessary action. You seem confused why a mother losing her children would become unhinged when of course she would be. That's the emotional reason which doesn't need any explanation and then the darkhold is the poison and that explanation was forced several times during the film.

Plenty of reasons to be critical of this film but not understanding why a grieving mother with new dark powers is unhinged I just don't get.