Do you watch pre-match buildup on the telly?

Yeah, I’m exactly the same. From really quite enjoying it to never ever watching. I’m not fully sure why. It’s kind of strange.
I think for me it's a combination of things, over commercialisation and over hype of football is definitely up there, but so is age, I have more calls on my time, and I have better things to do but still love watching the game itself.

The FA Cup final used to be an all day affair me as a kid, now it's just 90 minutes!
The games kick off 5 minutes before the hour for us via Go3, we don't have any pre mat h broadcast.
I never watch the pre-match hype.

Prefer to come here and talk to fellow Reds.

Never watch post-match analysis (even if we win) and often put commentary on mute.
Not for football.
They ask the same questions get the same answers and they try and cause a little bit of controversy as that is what they are there to do.
I probably would if they had good ex managers giving their views on a regular basis instead of the current crop of pundits whom come across as a little bit thick.
I might watch like the 15 minutes or so before the match because it's too short a space of time for me to really do anything else
Depends if I can get the kids to turn Bluey off before kick off. If not I always float around the caf to read some pre game feelings.
I used to but stopped ages ago. Can’t be arsed with it at all. Only start watching at kick off.

Anyone else do the same? Or do you enjoy the build-up?
Yeah I used to watch those religiously (post match shows, half time shows too). Think it's been well over 5 years since I stopped. Mostly only watch the actual football now.
I’m surprised no-one else has said this but I don’t watch it because of the staggering quantity of adverts, all of which are so loud and obnoxious. There’s more adverts than talking. Other than football I don’t watch tv so I’m not used to it I guess.

One time I rewound the live game because it hadn’t started yet and I watched all the punditry from 5:00 to 5:25 in 5 minutes. If it’s not a full-on 3-4 minute commercial break they’re on, it’s them promoting nfl, boxing or some crap tv show. So much time is spent just recapping and fading in and out of advert breaks, especially as they have a post-advert break bet 365 advert.

I watch YouTube with Adblock and I don’t know how anyone can watch 2 adverts before every video they watch. There’s already adverts in the videos, by the creator! I just can’t tolerate it all.
Nah, I just watch the games. Don't even sit through half time or the post match stuff.

Actually tried to get through the post match yesterday for the City game to see what Roy and that had to say, but it was just ads and promotions for about 15 mins straight on sky, so I just gave up and turned it off.
Nope and if I'm not watching with anyone I usually have it 30 minutes behind at kick off so I can fast forward half time and all the injury feigning/time wasting. Although often this results in being caught up before the start of the second half.

Post match very occasionally I'll watch. Although not if Neville and Carragher are involved together as their "banter" takes over
Never. The pundits are unbearable. Also, I've gotten used to a life without adverts now. I'll just stream the Stretford Paddock watchalong an hour before kickoff as most of the guys on that channel talk some sense.
When I was younger I would. Now I just switch it on at kick-off. The exception being the odd Monday Night Football.
Tune in about a minute before kick-off. Go do something at half time and stop watching shortly after the final whistle blows.

Can't be arsed listening to that shit.
This guy knows.
Pre-match is literally pointless. I switch the game on a minute or two before kick off. I use the HT break to use the toilet, get some more food and drinks or just mindlessly scroll on my phone with the tele on mute. I'll watch the post match stuff if its a big game with a couple of a big contentious decisions.

I'd much rather listen to fan analysis (although a lot of them are agenda driven nonsense waste of time too, but there are a couple of decent, entertaining ones) or journalists on podcasts later in the evening.
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Nope and if I'm not watching with anyone I usually have it 30 minutes behind at kick off so I can fast forward half time and all the injury feigning/time wasting. Although often this results in being caught up before the start of the second half.

Post match very occasionally I'll watch. Although not if Neville and Carragher are involved together as their "banter" takes over
How the feck do you have the mental fortitude to not just check the scores. I'm constantly checking if I'm a minute behind on a stream ffs. The urge to know is too strong for me.
No, and same for post-match. I don't think I gain anything from watching the pundits talking.

My home entertainment setup and habits might play a small part too. PC is plugged into the telly and I like to browse the internet on it from the comfort of the sofa. Would rather read about the match pre and post on the big screen than watch the pundits on there.
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How the feck do you have the mental fortitude to not just check the scores. I'm constantly checking if I'm a minute behind on a stream ffs. The urge to know is too strong for me.

Just ignore my phone. It's a big time saver tbh. You can get a90 minute game to under an hour just by cutting out all the whining at the ref, fake injuries, subs, drinks breaks, player sitting on the floor for no reason, unexplained 2 minutes of crowd footage, etc.

If I'm watching with anyone or texting people about the game it's fine but if I'm just watching it on my own I find it difficult to sit through all the garbage.
The comments here are so interesting. We’re all in the same boat, it seems. Which is kind of mad. How have sky et al fecked up their content so badly that there’s been this mass change in viewing behaviour? And do they know that they’re spending all this money on stuff that nobody watches??