Do you watch pre-match buildup on the telly?

I watch United’s pre match but any game that doesn’t involve Utd I switch on at kick off or have it muted until the game starts
No. It's mostly bullshit and I usually have other things to do.

Watching a 90 minute game is getting a bit much now too to be honest
Tune in about a minute before kick-off. Go do something at half time and stop watching shortly after the final whistle blows.

Can't be arsed listening to that shit.
only if daniel sturridge is on as he’s the only pundit who understands what the fans want.
I only watch it when United are doing well.

Which has not been the case for a while…
I used to but stopped ages ago. Can’t be arsed with it at all. Only start watching at kick off.

Anyone else do the same? Or do you enjoy the build-up?
If I had sky I probably would

But I'm dodgy streaming so I only turn it on at kick off
I watch United’s pre match but any game that doesn’t involve Utd I switch on at kick off or have it muted until the game starts
Funnily I actually do the opposite. I can relax and enjoy pre-match build-up for what it is when its not my team. But I avoid it at all cost when my team is playing
I never watch it anymore, though I used to love it. I also always turn off at full time and never watch anything afterwards either.
It has become too transparently an attempt to keep the esteem of the product high, rather than an attempt to provide anything for the fans or any flavour for the upcoming match.

Post-match occasionally, but very rarely bother with anything pre-match.
Last time I was still watching the build up regularly Keys and Gray would have both been still at Sky. It’s shite, so I don’t bother. I laugh at people who watch it and get wound up by it, just turn the tv off?
With 'experts' like Rio, Nev, Richards, it's hardly worth listening to them.

If it was intelligent heads (like James Horncastle) I'd turn it on but only the 90 minutes of football for me these days
Not anymore. I just tune in two minutes before kick-off. It’s very bland and formulaic plus anything worthwhile is put on social media anyway like if Roy Keane said something bluntly.
Nope, not even for Cup finals. Yesterday I was late to our game by a couple of mins but usually it's on a couple of minutes before the game starts.

I tend to watch more build up with International tournaments though.
Stopped ages ago. I can barely watch a game nowadays without the presenters/pundits/commentators doing my head in during a match, never mind the pre game guff. Lucy Ward non stop droning yesterday for the early game and shouty bollox on Sky just now ruin the games for me.
I turn on a minute before kick off and switch off as soon as the final whistle blows. I usually do something productive around the house at half time.

Sometimes during the game I just mute it when United are doing badly. The glee in the commentators voices and the opposition fans taking the piss annoys me too much. Watching it in silence is significantly less stressful!
I'll turn on 5 minutes before kick off at the earliest, there's nothing the pundits have to say that I haven't already read on here or through other outlets that justifies me focusing on it.

I'll quite happily watch every minute of the F1 qualifying & races though, I guess there's more stories going on throughout the different teams to keep it interesting as opposed to football matches being focused on two teams, and even then they'll generally focus on one more than the other.
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No chance…nowadays it’s just a load of bitter has beens trying to create the next viral moment.
No. I much rather watch some YouTube buildup before the game starts. The media are just such a bore now.

No characters and mostly Liverpool gushing pundits