Music Do/did you get less interested in music as you get/got older?

Do you use Spotify? Just stick an album on and let it carry on playing the auto generated playlist of suggested stuff that it plays after, that's one of the best ways to find new music IMO.

I did but currently using my 6 months free Apple Music. Not as good but a lot of improvements since the last time I used it.
Lesser and lesser to the point where I stopped singing actively 11 years ago and almost never listen to any music. Definitely never to any new music. All my stuff is the 70s to early 2000s and even that's repeated multiple times.
Lesser and lesser to the point where I stopped singing actively 11 years ago and almost never listen to any music. Definitely never to any new music. All my stuff is the 70s to early 2000s and even that's repeated multiple times.

Hey, that doesn't mean you're not interested in music Donaldo.
Do you use Spotify? Just stick an album on and let it carry on playing the auto generated playlist of suggested stuff that it plays after, that's one of the best ways to find new music IMO.

I love Spotify, found some good tunes that way. My only complaint is that they don't have De La Soul is Dead in their catalogue.
Earlier I asked a girl if she was into music and she said she is but not as much as she used to be, and said maybe it comes with age.

For me this is literally the opposite


But it got me wondering if it's the case for most people when it comes to listening to music, and not discovering as much new stuff etc. How about you, person who is reading this?
I’d say it all depends on what you liked when you’re younger and how you tend to mature - interests and hobbies you take up (not to mention career, life partner influence etc).

I’ve definitely taken up to listening to music much more as I got older (& by older I mean when I turned 30!) as I was always into music but now I listen to it two-three times more and also my taste in music, albeit still varied, has also changed a lot.

By the same token, I’ve been watching a bit less tv series and movies etc. & I barely play any PS these days. Probably a bit of “give and take”. I’d be surprised if it isn’t fairly normal for your interests and hobbies to shift a bit over time and as your responsibilities change. Even football - I still play and watch (try to watch all our matches) but not at the same rate I used to watch most matches/teams/leagues.
Listen to music daily, but don't really make a effort in searching out new stuff.

I am actually listening to quite a bit of 90s radio stations (let's face it, it was the best decade for most things). Theres songs on there I used to smirk and roll my eyes at I am actually getting enjoyment out of now....
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I wouldn't say I'm less interested but I definitely listen less than I did when I was younger. I think it's just because I'm more busy with things that I can't listen to music to while doing.
It’s definitely that way for me with music these days. When I was younger I would spend hours on YouTube going down rabbit holes of finding new music, as well as music form artists that I like that weren’t well known.

These days I honestly don’t care to do that, and just listen to whatever music is on the radio. I used to lie at home with my iPod and listen to music, no such activities now. I’m just not as interested in music as I used to be.
Most things become less interesting with age. New is exciting, same old shit is boring. I'm less into everything I was into 10 years ago.
I listen to music a lot less these days mainly because I listen to podcasts more. Most the music I have is on my phone.

Had Spotify for a little bit awhile ago and tried to find some new stuff but I found it kinda of daunting and I didn't really find anything I really liked in the end.
I still listen to music, all the time.

But I do get less fuzzy as time goes by, I don't feel the need to invest in high quality audio system, i don't feel the need to listen to particular consert, I dont infact has groups/singers I religiously follow, more like anything I can listen on the radio / spotify is good enough.

It feels more when you're driving, I tend to listen less and softer music when i drive compared to a blazing full audio set when i was younger
Definitely with bands but not necessarily with music. Electronic seems to be where the real boom is these days.

I've had this conversation with people at work before and they think it's due to the closure of music venues. It's become a much less culturally significant thing to go to a gig.
Same for me. I'm in my 30s and I'm more obsessed about music than ever.

I go to a lot less gigs now. About one a month these days, whereas in my late teens and early 20s it was 2 or 3 a week, though that was aided by being in bands.

But I'm constantly listening to it and hunting for new stuff. Discovering new music is an unquenchable thirst. I have fallen in and out of love with types of music. I grew up on punk, it was my first love, but in my late 20s I'd go through long phases of not listening to any for ages. And then I'll revisit it and it all comes flooding back. I'm in a phase like that right now, punk is on the backburner, as I've been obsessed with electronic music the last couple of years.
I listen to music a lot less these days mainly because I listen to podcasts more. Most the music I have is on my phone.

Had Spotify for a little bit awhile ago and tried to find some new stuff but I found it kinda of daunting and I didn't really find anything I really liked in the end.

on the subject of spotify their random matching is pretty spot on for me.

Normally i'd think of what I want to listen, create a new playlist, add 2-3 similar type of songs and they'll do the rest.
I've been listening to the same song on repeat since I was 12. My taste has remained exactly the same.

Where my dogs at?