DJS banned

KFC2IDIE said:
Your in a title race with Chelsea. How on earth them winning tomorrow could be part of a win/win situation for a Man Utd fan is beyond me.
Beat me to it, there is absolutely no consolation in taking the micky out of the dippers in that situation. The Vermin must not lose :mad:
WeasteDevil said:
I don't dislike you at all, that's oversensitivity on your part. I do think that you are a Microsoft "fan boy" however, and feel sorry for you on that basis.

Microsoft are the IT equivalent of General Motors. Basically they make one hell of a lot, but none of it is of a very high quality. Difference is, it's easy to change a car, it's not so easy to change an information system. Just because, through circumstance, we are stuck with the 80% of crap they produce does not mean that we should not question it. Even the qualityish stuff they produce (ie. Word, lets leave the OSs well out of this because they are not quality and bloat wear in the extreme) can be serious pains in the arse at times.

Anyway, that's a different topic for a very different thread.

Would be an interestin thread... I thought most people went with M$ because they had to. In all honesty fanboys have been coming out of the woodwork of late and if I have to go through someone telling me how good the new xbox360 is again in the near future I think I'll just die
Kristjan said:
to celebrate this milestone

it's a temp ban though

You suck, Kristjan.

Why taunt us with the wonderful peace and happiness that the lack of Mr. Istanbul brings to the Football Forum?

If we've got to have him back, we need Guvnorgaz back as well.

It's like the balance of the force or something.
malcolm31337 said:
Bring Guvnorgaz back, im getting fed up of the football forum being swamped with Liverpool fans, its not like anythings improved with him not there!

and as it says on the tin "football forum"
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.

Date the ban will be lifted: When Liverpool next win a trophy.

He's been un-banned. Let's hope he never finds out.
jasonrh said:
Surprising that.

It should really say the "Pathetic Windups Forum".

its only a windup if you let it be one

if everyone said "top of the league, suck it scouser" they'd have nowhere to go
golden_blunder said:
its only a windup if you let it be one

if everyone said "top of the league, suck it scouser" they'd have nowhere to go

They'd just constantly post about how foreign I am, and how I pretend to be intelligent, but it is all an act (!?).

Oh, wait. They do that on a 24/7 basis anyway.

Top of the league.