I really enjoyed the first half of the movie - I thought the setup was very good. The act where they're going through D9 and forcing everyone to sign the eviction documents was quite powerful, not only in that it showed how the aliens were viewed by the humans, but also played on several real life historical events aswell. I thought that the final third just becoming bog standard action movie wasn't in keeping with this - obviously the final act of the movie needed a climax (and it was pretty fecking cool), but I felt that it was overdone, and the elements that gave the movie its charm before this were entirely cast off - notions of acceptance and oppression, autonomy v regulation, and all that were eschewed for Black Hawk Down + Mech. Which again I didn't mind, but felt it brought the movie down.
The bald prick that led the mercenaries was a particularly annoying character in his one dimensional portrayal. He started the movie aggresively, and by the time he was saying how he can't believe he gets payed to do something he loves so much (police brutality) and he loves shooting prawns I was just waiting for him to die.
Heres what I found to inconsistent in the movie
- Some of the opening montage is dedicated to letting us know how much the population of Africa wants the aliens to go home. Ostensibly they had to get their command module up to the big ship, a process that might have taken weeks, as opposed to 20 years, if at the beginning before the MNU took over they'd said "hey we need to get this ship up there help us" (because in theory the MNU wouldn't let them leave without getting their lazors).
- MNU consistently being beligerent to the aliens/having rockets pointed inwards at their compounds. As if several thousand rights organisations wouldn't be watching their every move. I'm saying that going in and shooting a bunch of aliens every time they need to get a job done isn't something that would ever happen, and it would have been a far more effective literary tool if they'd have had to try and hide their brutality while still showing disdain for the aliens.
- "Prawn". At the beginning of the movie it's alluded to as being offensive (there was the cop explaining that all it meant was that they looked like prawns, someone else saying it meant they were bottom feeders). At this point we've been led to believe prawn = n****r. And then Wikus called them that. Which at the beginning I thought was another way of showing that the world had to pretend to care about these aliens without actually caring in reality. But then he kept on calling them prawns once he'd befriended them. So apparently the equivalent is "Aussie" or "Noggie" - except no one ever has to justify why someone is called an Aussie or a Noggie, because it isn't offensive.
- Don't even get me started on how stupid it was that they wanted him dead. Because after all their previous failed experiments I can see how instantly killing off the one working specimen is a good idea.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie, but I felt that the ending act stuffed up the good work that the first two acts had done.