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No I don't think you canDay and night compared to Immortal (my first Diablo game..). Didn't see a notification but can I keep my character after the Beta ended?
No I don't think you canDay and night compared to Immortal (my first Diablo game..). Didn't see a notification but can I keep my character after the Beta ended?
Wonder how long the campaign will be in the first playthrough. Getting very excited, actually watched some streams now, wasn't going to be I have no self control. Reckon I may even try the open beta next weekend.
What's the main gameplay differences with this and D3?
What works really well for my sorcerer is the combination of Frost Nova and Ice Shard with Riccochet and the vulnerability runein the enchantment slot. Deals a crazy amount of damage so that you can wipe out a whole group by teleporting, plus Ice Shard is also great single target damage. And then there are so many passive skills you can work with - unfortunately some can only be unlocked after level 25 so I'll have to wait until the full game comes out to test that. Can only recommend trying that combo out though. The highest enemies I've encounted were level 30 and I had no problems beating them. The boss fights were a bit tough sometimes but I guess that's just normal.
Had a blast this weekend again. Completed the story with 4/5 characters. Can’t wait for live, already pre-ordered.
Two tier system so far. Sorc, Rogue and Necro are insanely good, they make veteran level look basically boring. Druid and Barb are garbo.
Rogue is highest single target deeps and has fantastic mobility and speed but it requires a bit of skill to play. Sorc has fantastic mobility and pretty high dps for a class where you can just brain afk and let the hydras do the work for you. I had like 13 hydra heads up at one point in a boss fight. Necro is carried by couple of abilities and a legendary item but in its current state it’s also insane AoE deeps while being invulnerable. Mobility sucks but Blood Mist 100% uptime due to legendary items makes it so good it’s broken.
Barb and Druid on the oppose side of the spectrum. Barb can reach really high damage output but doesn’t have enough mobility or tankiness for a melee class and resource management also sucks. It’s like playing melee Rogue build but in harder mode. Druid has no redeeming qualities. No mobility, no damage, no resource management. Just needs taking back to the drawing board.
They have 3 months to tune the balance of classes and make the Barb/Druid
Convince me in 5 words why I should get this game on PS4. Please let each word start with a "c"
Thanks for the info, can't wait for the game. From my Bloodborne love I'll play the Necro for the looks alone. So you are saying he is good enough?
The Necro is insanely powerful but if you show a bit of restraint and only use a few minions (rather than the 7 or 8 you are allowed to have) it makes it way more of a challenge - easier said than done though as the temptation to melt enemies is always there. They probably just need to nerf the minions? They literally don't die outside of boss battles and cause foes serious damage to boot. I've heard that they become increasingly useless as you level up, though, so could be a case of waiting and seeing how it goes beyond level 25.
I think a lot of the calls for nerfing right now are over reaction a bit as we are only seeing a section of the content and leveling. Classes may get more balanced at the end. But, I do think Druids and Barbarians need something early game. Druids especially are just boring I'm sorry. The videos of them fighting bosses for 5 minutes while a sorc or necro murdered the boss in like a minute is why there are calls for nerfing.
I gave a frost a quick go last night, didn't think anything would match the hydra/lightning build I'd been running, but god damn. Not a damn thing could survive 2 gcd's. Frost Nova with spikes enchantment was 1-shotting the small elites, big elites just needed an ice shards to finish them off. Plus the extra defensives from barriers and the fact anything actually alive will be frozen, plus frost nova pretty much resetting its own cd and mana cost as long as you hit something. This'll be the build I likely beeline for. I had the gear for it though, a ton of dmg% to cc'd targets, dmg to close target, 74% dmg to frozen, up to 50% dmg from mana level, etc. Will have to see if it works without the legendries.
Doubt they'll be any balancing going on around this beta, we've only seen a quarter of the levels. The majority of character power and customisation is yet to be seen. T'will be a different story at late game no doubt.
It's not that they need nerfing, but some balancing needs to happen by either bringing others up or those classes down. Especially as this is the first Diablo console game (so excluding Immortal) that has PvP as well.
You can't have a Druid doing so little damage and having such poor resource management. While a Sorc can have free mana regeneration and can put up 2-3 unkillable aimbot hydras, which will alone do more deeps than the entire druid class. It's like, c'mon devs, what were you thinking?