Gaming Diablo IV (PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One, Xbox S|X)

They delete the characters after the open beta later this month. You can only keep the titles you earn and the wolf pet if you get it. I just got to level 23 on my sorcerer I had to stop cause i was starving. Im having fun. Didn't crash at all, but there was noticeable lag sometimes in the towns if there was snow and a bunch of people I noticed.

I didn't even realize for a few hours that the game had taken over all my RGB on peripherals and made everything blood red for the hellish ambiance.

Ashava spawns over in the crucible section BTW if you want to fight him. 28 min counter till he pops.
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Clocked like >10hrs so far and my impressions are quite positive. I like the combat, the graphics, the story, the scenery/atmosphere, the character and skill animations, the open worldness of it.

On the downside, not too fond of the music, which isn’t memorable at all, and the MMO feel. You can see other players roaming around and you have to group with them for some open world events. Ruins the feel of you being the hero of a story when you see other heroes roaming around doing the same quests.

From a class perspective, unfortunately Necro and Druid are showing as “unavailable” so can’t play those two. The former is always my fave class. I got Sorc and Barb to lvl 15. Day and night, Barb is terribly dull compared to Sorc. Like the antithesis of how melee classes should be, I don’t understand how they keep getting this class so wrong. You start every fight with 0 fury, which is your skill resource, because it drains while your not hitting anything. Which means you have to run up to the enemies and light attack them a bunch of times before you can cast any skills. Sorc though is beast. Kiting around with dodge and teleport is super fun and your AoE dmg is just *chef’s kiss*
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Wonder how long the campaign will be in the first playthrough. Getting very excited, actually watched some streams now, wasn't going to be I have no self control. Reckon I may even try the open beta next weekend.
Wonder how long the campaign will be in the first playthrough. Getting very excited, actually watched some streams now, wasn't going to be I have no self control. Reckon I may even try the open beta next weekend.

The map is huge and the ratio of side quests to main quests seems fairly high, so it would depend heavily on how much of a completionist you are. If you’re like me and like to complete every side quest and explore every area of a map before progressing to the next, it could be quite a while
I like it a lot so far. But I agree with what was said before about seeing other players roaming around killing the atmosphere which should be rather desolate.
But I'm not going to invest too much time in it since I'm not the type to sink 100s of hours into a single player game and rather wait for the final experiene.

Just noticed that there is RE4, Last of Us (for PC - never played it before) and this coming out soonish. How am I going to be able to play all those gems?
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Just realized the beta ends today.. another bummer. And also realized I bought the Ultimate instead of the standard edition.. aaaand another bummer. Must have been a wild day when I purchased it.

Having a blast though, so in case they don't refund it's ok although I don't care for the bonus content (at all).
Spent a couple hours Sat morning trying to convince myself not to drop £60 on this. Thought I succeeded after finding a few bad reviews, unfortunately I had no other plans for the weekend, I should know better.

This beta is a very small portion of the game but so far so good I think. Even with the story complete, level maxed and character pretty much as OP as it could currently get, I still find myself wanting to carry on playing, just roaming around killing shit.

What's the main gameplay differences with this and D3?

I didn't play loads of D3, but main difference I can see so far is the open world nature of D4. It's not linear, there's plenty of fun to be had just roaming around exploring, doing open world encounters and jumping into dungeons as you come across them. I saw someone describe it as feeling more like he's playing Skyrim than D3. He has a point, I hope its something they build more on without making things too tedious.
Really enjoyed the beta so far. Only played as a Sorc, but just got to level 25 this morning with around 10 hours or so play. Very different feel to D3 whilst still being very Diablo. Loving the quest system, and the open world nature. Can't wait for full release even though I'll lost my characters.
During open Beta next week Ill go ahead and try the Druid even though I doubt I would play that in retail.
Not playing any Beta but can''t wait for this, Diablo 3 was great fun on PS so hope this one can provide the same feeling as I miss playing online with some friends
Really enjoyed the beta! Thanks @Leg-End for the key.

Class verdict Sorc and Rogue about on par. Barb sucks at levels 1-25, in comparison. Good campaign quests, good cut scenes, large open map, great graphics. Looking forward to trying Necro next weekend.
I waited 60min then it tried to log in and threw a "log in time out" error . Now it's 120min. It isn't happening this evening.
Spent a few minutes in a queue saying 127 minutes wait. Terrible game. Would not recommend.
Had a blast for 40 mins then got booted by the server and now i have to get back in queue which sucks arse
Pretty standard fare for online only games unfortunately, they tend to level off to a more reasonable wait after a week and be gone by the second week. Its one more reason to just ignore it for a couple of weeks on release though, with the added bonus of having a clear picture of what your getting into in terms of season passes and expansions and cash shops.
I only had 44 minute q this morning and no crashes today. I got my Druid up to 23. I tried him a couple different ways but I dont think its my thing. Most of the builds I tried had too much melee for me.
Got straight in this morning. Played rogue up to level 9. Was quite enjoying it overall but had to stop to do parenting things
Never played them but always was tempted. Will give it a go. Of course I check it out today and not yesterday when the missus was out and I had no plans so I just watched random tv ...
Had a bash after work this morning at 5am with no queues.

Just went barb as seen it was supposedly a slog compared to the rogue and sorcerer.

It just feels so heavy/slow? Even the movement seems a bit odd. I also see what they meant when barb was underperforming, a sorc same level as me joined me and was demolishing things I needed to take 3-4 hits to take down.

Camera feels too zoomed in also, couldn't find an option to zoom out with it either.
We were doing pretty well on the raid boss for once I completely respec my sorc for Hydra insanity and servers went down in the middle . Rolling restart I guess
What works really well for my sorcerer is the combination of Frost Nova and Ice Shard with Riccochet and the vulnerability runein the enchantment slot. Deals a crazy amount of damage so that you can wipe out a whole group by teleporting, plus Ice Shard is also great single target damage. And then there are so many passive skills you can work with - unfortunately some can only be unlocked after level 25 so I'll have to wait until the full game comes out to test that. Can only recommend trying that combo out though. The highest enemies I've encounted were level 30 and I had no problems beating them. The boss fights were a bit tough sometimes but I guess that's just normal.
Had a blast this weekend again. Completed the story with 4/5 characters. Can’t wait for live, already pre-ordered.

Two tier system so far. Sorc, Rogue and Necro are insanely good, they make veteran level look basically boring. Druid and Barb are garbo.

Rogue is highest single target deeps and has fantastic mobility and speed but it requires a bit of skill to play. Sorc has fantastic mobility and pretty high dps for a class where you can just brain afk and let the hydras do the work for you. I had like 13 hydra heads up at one point in a boss fight. Necro is carried by couple of abilities and a legendary item but in its current state it’s also insane AoE deeps while being invulnerable. Mobility sucks but Blood Mist 100% uptime due to legendary items makes it so good it’s broken.

Barb and Druid on the oppose side of the spectrum. Barb can reach really high damage output but doesn’t have enough mobility or tankiness for a melee class and resource management also sucks. It’s like playing melee Rogue build but in harder mode. Druid has no redeeming qualities. No mobility, no damage, no resource management. Just needs taking back to the drawing board.

They have 3 months to tune the balance of classes and make the Barb/Druid
What works really well for my sorcerer is the combination of Frost Nova and Ice Shard with Riccochet and the vulnerability runein the enchantment slot. Deals a crazy amount of damage so that you can wipe out a whole group by teleporting, plus Ice Shard is also great single target damage. And then there are so many passive skills you can work with - unfortunately some can only be unlocked after level 25 so I'll have to wait until the full game comes out to test that. Can only recommend trying that combo out though. The highest enemies I've encounted were level 30 and I had no problems beating them. The boss fights were a bit tough sometimes but I guess that's just normal.

I gave a frost a quick go last night, didn't think anything would match the hydra/lightning build I'd been running, but god damn. Not a damn thing could survive 2 gcd's. Frost Nova with spikes enchantment was 1-shotting the small elites, big elites just needed an ice shards to finish them off. Plus the extra defensives from barriers and the fact anything actually alive will be frozen, plus frost nova pretty much resetting its own cd and mana cost as long as you hit something. This'll be the build I likely beeline for. I had the gear for it though, a ton of dmg% to cc'd targets, dmg to close target, 74% dmg to frozen, up to 50% dmg from mana level, etc. Will have to see if it works without the legendries.

Doubt they'll be any balancing going on around this beta, we've only seen a quarter of the levels. The majority of character power and customisation is yet to be seen. T'will be a different story at late game no doubt.
Had a blast this weekend again. Completed the story with 4/5 characters. Can’t wait for live, already pre-ordered.

Two tier system so far. Sorc, Rogue and Necro are insanely good, they make veteran level look basically boring. Druid and Barb are garbo.

Rogue is highest single target deeps and has fantastic mobility and speed but it requires a bit of skill to play. Sorc has fantastic mobility and pretty high dps for a class where you can just brain afk and let the hydras do the work for you. I had like 13 hydra heads up at one point in a boss fight. Necro is carried by couple of abilities and a legendary item but in its current state it’s also insane AoE deeps while being invulnerable. Mobility sucks but Blood Mist 100% uptime due to legendary items makes it so good it’s broken.

Barb and Druid on the oppose side of the spectrum. Barb can reach really high damage output but doesn’t have enough mobility or tankiness for a melee class and resource management also sucks. It’s like playing melee Rogue build but in harder mode. Druid has no redeeming qualities. No mobility, no damage, no resource management. Just needs taking back to the drawing board.

They have 3 months to tune the balance of classes and make the Barb/Druid

Thanks for the info, can't wait for the game. From my Bloodborne love I'll play the Necro for the looks alone. So you are saying he is good enough?
The Necro is insanely powerful but if you show a bit of restraint and only use a few minions (rather than the 7 or 8 you are allowed to have) it makes it way more of a challenge - easier said than done though as the temptation to melt enemies is always there. They probably just need to nerf the minions? They literally don't die outside of boss battles and cause foes serious damage to boot. I've heard that they become increasingly useless as you level up, though, so could be a case of waiting and seeing how it goes beyond level 25.
Thanks for the info, can't wait for the game. From my Bloodborne love I'll play the Necro for the looks alone. So you are saying he is good enough?

I expect some nerfs on Necro before live, or at least some items related to Necro, but it's basically a very well designed class in every aspect. From looks, itemisation, gameplay, unique mechanics... the lot. It was the most fun class for me to play, even without the things that made it broken in beta. So it will be a blast I'm sure.

The Necro is insanely powerful but if you show a bit of restraint and only use a few minions (rather than the 7 or 8 you are allowed to have) it makes it way more of a challenge - easier said than done though as the temptation to melt enemies is always there. They probably just need to nerf the minions? They literally don't die outside of boss battles and cause foes serious damage to boot. I've heard that they become increasingly useless as you level up, though, so could be a case of waiting and seeing how it goes beyond level 25.

The minions were not the problem, they're pretty balanced. Might even need a buff at higher levels.

It was a combination of two skills and a legendary item that made the class broken in the beta tests. Basically your highest damage skill as Necro is Corpse Explosion which makes a corpse explode for high AoE damage. Then there's a defensive skill called Blood Mist which makes you invulnerable to any damage and CC for 3 seconds.

And then they added a legendary item perk which makes Bloody Mist explode nearby corpses while also reducing Blood Mist's cooldown, turning a defensive skill into an offensive skill.

If you configured the rest of your build to create the maximum amount of corpses, you could basically reduce the cooldown enough to stay in Blood Mist all the time during combat. Dealing extremely high AoE damage while taking 0 damage yourself.

Watch a 30 second clip of someone just Misting around and clearing an event.

I expect the item to be removed or changed before live, if they have any sense. But Necro played impressively well even without that.
I think a lot of the calls for nerfing right now are over reaction a bit as we are only seeing a section of the content and leveling. Classes may get more balanced at the end. But, I do think Druids and Barbarians need something early game. Druids especially are just boring I'm sorry. The videos of them fighting bosses for 5 minutes while a sorc or necro murdered the boss in like a minute is why there are calls for nerfing.

My fingers were hurting from button mashing for 5 minutes clawing the bosses on my druid trying out the werewolf, werebear trees. That simply isn't fun. And it got better around 23 but i had all legendary and almost nothing could kill me with the regen at that point but it took forever for me and my wolves to kill elites as well. I get that different classes should have different mechanics of fighting but...
I think a lot of the calls for nerfing right now are over reaction a bit as we are only seeing a section of the content and leveling. Classes may get more balanced at the end. But, I do think Druids and Barbarians need something early game. Druids especially are just boring I'm sorry. The videos of them fighting bosses for 5 minutes while a sorc or necro murdered the boss in like a minute is why there are calls for nerfing.

It's not that they need nerfing, but some balancing needs to happen by either bringing others up or those classes down. Especially as this is the first Diablo console game (so excluding Immortal) that has PvP as well.

You can't have a Druid doing so little damage and having such poor resource management. While a Sorc can have free mana regeneration and can put up 2-3 unkillable aimbot hydras, which will alone do more deeps than the entire druid class. It's like, c'mon devs, what were you thinking?
I gave a frost a quick go last night, didn't think anything would match the hydra/lightning build I'd been running, but god damn. Not a damn thing could survive 2 gcd's. Frost Nova with spikes enchantment was 1-shotting the small elites, big elites just needed an ice shards to finish them off. Plus the extra defensives from barriers and the fact anything actually alive will be frozen, plus frost nova pretty much resetting its own cd and mana cost as long as you hit something. This'll be the build I likely beeline for. I had the gear for it though, a ton of dmg% to cc'd targets, dmg to close target, 74% dmg to frozen, up to 50% dmg from mana level, etc. Will have to see if it works without the legendries.

Doubt they'll be any balancing going on around this beta, we've only seen a quarter of the levels. The majority of character power and customisation is yet to be seen. T'will be a different story at late game no doubt.

I hope so as I really want to try it out in the full version. I think when hitting level 30 and unlocking the second enchantment, I'll try out Frost Nova and Ice Shard there and then try to reset the CDs with Ice Blades. What's also interesting is Fireball as an enchantment. Adds a second elemental type and could make for a nice little chain reaction. And the passive bonuses in the ultimate section could double the damage additionally.

I'm really loving the enchantment mechanic by the way. But the active ultimate spells were a bit underwhelming so far. Maybe they get better with the additional runes and I could imagine you could make a nice energy build at level 40 or so but at 25 they were a bit disappointing
It's not that they need nerfing, but some balancing needs to happen by either bringing others up or those classes down. Especially as this is the first Diablo console game (so excluding Immortal) that has PvP as well.

You can't have a Druid doing so little damage and having such poor resource management. While a Sorc can have free mana regeneration and can put up 2-3 unkillable aimbot hydras, which will alone do more deeps than the entire druid class. It's like, c'mon devs, what were you thinking?

Hydra's don't really scale off anything though, so will be pretty irrelevant at later levels. From what I heard of closed beta, Barb/Druid are the strongest classes.