Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Don't get me started. I've never had any weapons from VOG. By the time I got enough armour pieces the DLC came out. Granted I haven't played the raid every week but still.

The new Crota raid is better though for drops.
Wow, you guys don't have the VoC? I had like 7 of them, but I only got one Fatebringer, which is amazing, though I find it weak for the last part of CE.
RNG is RNG. Outside of raid I've got all the exotic weapons (bar DLC) apart from Midas (which I choose not to buy) and Super Good Advice.

Inside the raid I've had rubbish despite doing the Raid 20/30+ times.

In other news, I do like Bungies humour:

  • Atheon has been shattered 2.4 Million times
  • At least a dozen of those kills were without cheese
@Ducklegs whats happening to your group?.

I was waiting for you guys, but you were all doing something else.

So I joined a 3 man team and got through to the Templar but they sucked balls and couldn't hold the second plate so I went to bed.
I was waiting for you guys, but you were all doing something else.

So I joined a 3 man team and got through to the Templar but they sucked balls and couldn't hold the second plate so I went to bed.
Fair enough...
RNG is RNG. Outside of raid I've got all the exotic weapons (bar DLC) apart from Midas (which I choose not to buy) and Super Good Advice.

Inside the raid I've had rubbish despite doing the Raid 20/30+ times.

In other news, I do like Bungies humour:

  • Atheon has been shattered 2.4 Million times
  • At least a dozen of those kills were without cheese

It's like my luck with Hawkmoon, I want that gun badly but I think the game knows it so I won't drop for me.
Why do you guys bother with VoG? Which weapons do you need?
I've only been doing it for the Vex. Once I get that I doubt I'll be doing it for a long time.

Atheon can be really annoying now as well, as most groups are not very good any more with plenty of the good players no longer doing VoG
I'd prefer to get the nightfalls done, but I'm having some connection issues, as you may have noticed.

Also, void burn + minotaurs = :(
Ok, will switch over now

yeh those minotaurs hurt. I think that rock hiding spot is better than staying up top
Ok, will switch over now

yeh those minotaurs hurt. I think that rock hiding spot is better than staying up top
Definitely, I didn't even realise you could get out on the left hand side as well.
If anyone is free to help me with the level 24 or preferably level 28 weekly heroic strike today pls let me know on here :)
Just cleared Nightfall + Weekly x 3. Got Truth, pretty much rubbish other than that.

If you're going to do the Nightfall, don't forget to pick up the Eris bounty that requires you to kill majors during Nightfall activity.
Anyone want in on the nightfall? Starting now, just join my fireteam...