Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

So will everyone from a few nights ago be on to do HM tonight?

If you guys do end up doing that, when I'm online. I wouldn't mind chucking my 27 warlock into the oracle and Templar bit as that should still be doable. Then someone can take my place or I'll switch to my 30 and just give you guys a hand.

Really need some raid Armour for the warlock.

If you still need to do that, tomorrow I should be able to help out when you're on
I don't think I can do it at night, I'm free to try now though.
Will be up for finishing Atheon tonight, just having dinner then will be on
Razvan is online but not in Destiny, Ducklegs is in another raid group and don't think PlayerOne will be on tonight but we can see. I'm available whenever though

We will be pushing a patch live tomorrow. Players will be returned to the title screen from their activities and then be required to log in to Destiny again after installing the patch.
1h 13m ago
Was said on reddit a week or so ago that the Exotics patch will be out before the DLC so that's what the patch is most likely about. Would be nice if I could manage to get a Mythoclast before then

We will be pushing a patch live tomorrow. Players will be returned to the title screen from their activities and then be required to log in to Destiny again after installing the patch.
1h 13m ago

I cant see what youve sent me on Psn
I've joined you now. Was just saying I didn't see the invite and it no longer worked but managed to join you directly. I can't hear anything though so if they want to boot me I understand.

Dont worry just do your thing.

middle platform with this lot.
Cheers. Mostly 29s? This'll be interesting.

If we do manage this I'll still have an Atheon checkpoint left so will finish that one with Razvan, Adam, his buddy, PO etc before the weekly reset.
Cheers. Mostly 29s? This'll be interesting.

If we do manage this I'll still have an Atheon checkpoint left so will finish that one with Razvan, Adam, his buddy, PO etc before the weekly reset.

they are not bad to be fair.
I spoke too soon, they have sudddenly turned wank.

lets get our guys together and get it finished.
Relic is pretty straightforward, just stupid little things fecked things up for me - like it not teleporting me back to the present, me not slamming straight over the hobgoblins so they ended up sniping me and that fecking praetorian/minotaur in the future.
Has anybody got a nightfall they need to finish this week? Got 1 more to do
I don't but have got some weapons that need leveling up along with that "do a weekly/nightfall bounty" so I can do it with you. You up for doing raid now? Is your friend on?
I don't but have got some weapons that need leveling up along with that "do a weekly/nightfall bounty" so I can do it with you. You up for doing raid now? Is your friend on?
I've decided to start levelling up a new character quick, will do it later or tomorrow
Don't worry guys, we'll smash it tomorrow. Shouldn't take us long either.
Nah, it shouldn't. Plus, I now finally know how to use the relic if you ever need a laugh and want to see new ways I feck things up.

:lol: That's fine, I'm quite good with it. Duck can use it well, so can Adam, though he does die a few times.
:lol: That's fine, I'm quite good with it. Duck can use it well, so can Adam, though he does die a few times.
Its worth putting up with Adam ruining everything just for his mad relic skills.

At a guess, you can just buy legandary armour that can get you to level 30 after the expansion hits. Then to get to 32 you need to new raid gear.
Cant remember if I got this weeks HM done with you guys? I think I did... are we gonna attempt it tonight?
We're currently at Atheon on a HM attempt: me, Ducklegs, PlayerOne, Adam, Adam's friend and Razvan in the six man group. We'll be hoping to finish it off tonight.

I've also got another HM Atheon CP on one of my other characters.