Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

Well that is me sold. Will buy it purely because it is an arc fusion rifle and I don't have one as well.

You won't regret it, I'm sure you will end up using it a lot. It's great for all the high level fights in the game, I used to use it in the raid all the time but the Gjallarhorn takes up the exotic space now.

Will you be doing HM raid tonight?

Yeah, I'm down. Would like to start early though if that's possible.
I'll be buying Plan C and possibly the voidfang vestments, just 'cause I have so many damn strange coins!
Yeah, I'll do it. Not sure on the time though, I'm a bit busy right now, though I shouldn't be too long. Who else is playing?
If we need a couple of players i can find some- a couple of lads from Ocuk are looking for a game tonight.
Alright, I'll have a quick shower and then I should be free.
Me and my friend will do HM he's a 29 warlock
Great, so we've got six then?

Will do most of it on my 30 Warlock then will switch to 30 Hunter at Atheon

I want to quickly get the oracles on my hunter as i want another chance at fatebringer