Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
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- Sep 10, 2010
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Prepare for titanic photo's, Hitlers dead etcAsked in game earlier, apparently first part of the DLC is December 9th.
Prepare for titanic photo's, Hitlers dead etcAsked in game earlier, apparently first part of the DLC is December 9th.
Ah well, with being at work I can't be arsed reading the pages when I get in. Just ask whose free for stuff and on I go.Prepare for titanic photo's, Hitlers dead etc![]()
I'm digging straight into DA:I, then probably onto FC4... will see what the feedback on the DLC is like in here before I think about getting it...So who's actually getting the DLC?
Considering the silly £20 price and the fact DragonAge and Far Cry 4 are released soon, I think I'm going to give this game a break until the new year where they hopefully balance a few things.
Without going too far off topic has anyone bothered with the new COD?
Debating over COD or DLC when i get back from my holiday.
I want the Gallajhorn so badly, but Hard-Light is excellent. I got 6 strange coins from the nightfall...
@Damien that farm session last night was too funny, there were so many players.
It was insane. There were six of us! And when that public event popped up we killed him within five seconds
I've recorded 10 mins of the run so I'll be uploading that later. Just a shame one or two of them didn't bother pointing! Was just surreal...
I cant make any "hard" raiding sessions tonight, I promised the missus I wouldnt be on it all evening tonight.
So good luck to those that go for it!
Am doing. There was someone called MrKaos_ there. Had to double check to make sure it wasn't the caf one
Nope, never raided with you lot before
Or ever![]()
Was in patrol on Mars! Only ever really seen you in PvP when I click your name in the friends list![]()
That's because every time I'm on I check you lot out only to see " 6/6 fireteam Vault of Glass", get depressed, then begrudgingly go back to the crucible where I'm forever stuck as a level 28![]()
Don't you have an exotic piece of armour? If you do, and three legendaries you can get to level 29.
Anyway you should speak up in here if you want to do VoG anytime. I've done it on all 3 characters so looking for hard mode only at the moment but there's still a lot who haven't done it on normal this week
Oh, I never realised you can get to 29 without raiding. My armors fully levelled up, I just need the shards and mats and I'll be good to go.
That's my exciting evening sorted then..
Oh, and max out your weapons!
Oh, I never realised you can get to 29 without raiding. My armors fully levelled up, I just need the shards and mats and I'll be good to go.
That's my exciting evening sorted then..
See, I have a maxed out Suros Regime which does the business for me in both PVE and PVP...trouble is my secondary and special weapons are atrocious.
For specials I have:
- Lots of blues
- Patience and time sniper - Can't be bothered levelling it because arc damage, and because I don't want to displace my Suros for it.
- An exotic invective shotgun (considering shotguns are useless end game PVE forget about it)
- A legendary shotgun (see above, only use or PVP)
- A legendary solar pulse rifle, cant be bothered leveling because solar damage.
For heavy I have absolute shite. Just a bunch of blues, no legendaries or above.
I hope Xur gives me something worthwhile tomorrow!
Ah. Ideally what you need is a fusion/sniper for special and rocket launcher for heavy. Machine gun will do there too. Once you do start doing VoG, you'll start to get better weapons if RNGesus is kind.
I've always figured I needed void weapons to do the raid properly, that's what's holding me off. The only void weapons I have are secondary blues, I've been trying to grind crucible rep for the void fusion rifle, while praying that the nightfalls/weeklies/tigers/crucible drops something wortwhile for me. No luck so far.
Here's the relic iron run with six:
You have missed no end of chest spawn points on that loop you daft buggers.
Not really, it helps as it breaks the vex shields quicker, but any half decent gun kills them quickly. Your maxed Sorus will be more than capable.I've always figured I needed void weapons to do the raid properly, that's what's holding me off. The only void weapons I have are secondary blues, I've been trying to grind crucible rep for the void fusion rifle, while praying that the nightfalls/weeklies/tigers/crucible drops something wortwhile for me. No luck so far.
So who's actually getting the DLC?
Considering the silly £20 price and the fact DragonAge and Far Cry 4 are released soon, I think I'm going to give this game a break until the new year where they hopefully balance a few things.
Fellow Guardians,
Yesterday I had a post talking about my husband and his Doctor recommending Destiny to serve as a form of physical therapy for him following several brain surgeries. This community was amazing, and raid groups are being organized for him out of all the people who offered to help him.
But just as amazing, Deej contacted me and has sent my husband a care package from Bungie that is on the way. Then this morning, a message from Deej told us to have my husband check with Tess the Post Master in the tower. Lots of screaming ensued.
He has been sent the exotic gun Fate Of All Fools, a solar primary that looks like it will be available in future content.
Vision of Confluence had been my husbands dream weapon, as scout is his favorite and he wanted that solar damage. A more perfect weapon could not have been chosen. I'm so jealous, but mostly so damn happy for him. As for him-- well, you can imagine
Thank you guys for being such a caring community. Thank you Deej and the crew at Bungie, you've made him ecstatic.
The gun:
EDIT: Someone wanted video proof, but I'm getting ready for work so here is a quick image instead: What it looks like:
I promise to post a video of it in action later! And much better photos, preferably not taken with an IPad
EDIT: So I may have been totally off base when I said its coming up in Trials of Osiris or DLC, I guess that it's all speculation. So I changed it to "future content". Also highlighted that Eric got the gun through the mail system, it wasn't via a new trading feature.
Yeah, obviously have to take it with a pinch of salt. They seemed fairly trustworthy, unlike some I've encountered who talk nonsense to sound cool/knowledgeable.Yeah not believing either until there's some kind of proof. I've heard all kinds of nonsense from raid members![]()
Yeah, obviously have to take it with a pinch of salt. They seemed fairly trustworthy, unlike some I've encountered who talk nonsense to sound cool/knowledgeable.
Well its always nice to have extra chests so I hope that part is right
Would be strange that others havent found it before...
I don't think my DPS is good enough for Hard until I get Gjallahorn upgraded.