Gaming Destiny | Rise of Iron launch

I need to do basically everything for this week and for 3 characters. So keep posting when you're doin' stuff
If you had just upgraded your Shadow Price to 300 a couple of days ago and Suros Regime came up for sale like it has done, would you pick it up? Got coins to spare so seems like a good decison.

Bare in mind my primary will always be an AR.
Hi sorry I had to go out quick after that, didn't see your message. Appreciate your help on that though, them stealth vandals are a fecker!

Yeah, no worries. I thought you needed help with something else. And yes, the one hit kill was annoying.
Currently playing the rumble with a mate. He is doing the exotic bounty. My job find him and get shot in the face :lol:
If you had just upgraded your Shadow Price to 300 a couple of days ago and Suros Regime came up for sale like it has done, would you pick it up? Got coins to spare so seems like a good decison.

Bare in mind my primary will always be an AR.

I dont know about shadow price but I preferred my Vanquisher to Suros and thats another legendary at 300.

Remember that it takes a long while upgrading things before an exotic weapon outclasses an upgraded legendary.
AAaaaaagh! Too many... anyone else for nightfall, been trying to get this done since reset :(
We did the nightfall and tom33 got the last word.

I hate him
Haha, personally I think I deserve it considering that's the fifth time I've done the nightfall and I got nothing useful the previous times!
If you've made it to Phogoth on nightfall, it's straightforward. Just sit in the doorway by where the shrieker spawns (if you are close enough to the door, the shrieker won't appear), crouch and you should be able to snipe Phogoth through the gap in the door. If you can't see him, move towards the door and hit Phogoth until he moves into focus. The odd wizard/knight may appear, but when I did it I had little problem. If either do appear, just go in the middle room and wait until they disappear.
Guys I've got to go AFK for about 10 mins, I'll hide out of sight and am fireteam leader so just leave and rejoin on me. Won't be long.