I didn’t play the original PS3 title of this but this does look really good albeit frustrating at the same time with those numerous boss fights. Tempted to pick it up at launch. How long typically is the campaign/main story for this?
I found the boss fights generally much easier than most in later Soulsborne titles, though as usual, your mileage may vary. You could probably finish this one in 30-odd hours, but it depends on how much experience you have with other similar titles.I didn’t play the original PS3 title of this but this does look really good albeit frustrating at the same time with those numerous boss fights. Tempted to pick it up at launch. How long typically is the campaign/main story for this?
Are you coming from playing and completing the dark souls series or not makes abig difference on time to complete. If your starting from scratch completely it’s a lot bigger learning curve
I found the boss fights generally much easier than most in later Soulsborne titles, though as usual, your mileage may vary. You could probably finish this one in 30-odd hours, but it depends on how much experience you have with other similar titles.
Cheers guys.
I’ve not played any of the previous titles in this franchise already so it’s gonna be a proper slog
Most deaths... ill always think that some of the dragon bosses in the games are completely broken (but of course, not needed to fight them). Takes forever to kill and you get 1 shotted by them essentially.It’s a slog that’s worth it that’s the beauty of the series.
Can be extremely difficult but fair that’s the best thing about these games nearly all deaths are because you messed up rather then the game being broken!
Looks great.
Probably will go for this first I think.Are you buying?
Probably will go for this first I think.
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Is this a remake as in FF7R or a remake as in the same game but a bit prettier?
I watched the Digital Foundry interview with some of the team that made it, which was very interesting but I’m quite disappointed just how religiously they’ve stuck to the original.
Listening to them, it was like they were translating The Bible, rather than remaking a game...I get people love the original but if you are going to complain if the AI or move sets etc are tweaked then just play the original. Seems like a big wasted opportunity to me not to bring it up to modern standards.
Saying that, it looks absolutely stunning graphically and it’s sitting in my kitchen waiting to be played on Thursday.
Since the souls series (all of them), Bloodbourne and Sekiro all suffer from the AI, sometimes enemy placement and moveset types in one way or another...what is considered "modern standards"?
Especially, when there's not a single "modern" game that holds a candle to any of these. And those that might even be close, like Nioh and maybe The Surge, use all the same standards anyway.
I just found Demon’s Souls the heaviest going out of all of them. Some of ’checkpoints’ are too far apart and I really dislike the healing system as opposed to the Estus Flask, which was IMO a massive step up.
Basically I think they should have been braver and mixed it up a bit, rather than a ‘shot for shot’ remake.
I get that, fair points mate. Though I wonder if we'll see more health drops and stuff like that. From what I've seen, magic seems to have been given a big buff (way too big imo) so I doubt everything is completely unchanged.
Still, what a launch title!
And thats why Sony will continue to be my go to
I watched the Digital Foundry interview with some of the team that made it, which was very interesting but I’m quite disappointed just how religiously they’ve stuck to the original.
Listening to them, it was like they were translating The Bible, rather than remaking a game...I get people love the original but if you are going to complain if the AI or move sets etc are tweaked then just play the original. Seems like a big wasted opportunity to me not to bring it up to modern standards.
Saying that, it looks absolutely stunning graphically and it’s sitting in my kitchen waiting to be played on Thursday.
93 on metacritic . Wow!
I've only ever played Dark Souls 2 in that genre and just didn't get on with it. i'm wondering if I should give these types of games a go again.