De Gea Replacement - Do not use for player performance chat

Remember when De Gea first came to united as a skinny teenager and was bullied at corners, set pieces and crosses. He bulked up a bit but never really got over that. That was what 11 years ago?? He doesn't have the bravery to be considered close to Schmeichel/Van der Saar levels. The odd superman performance every so often shouldn't detract that he is very detrimental to our defence. Now CDM is hopefully sorted, I would evem consider Heaton or the kid Kovar (who is 22) at least to see how that goes.
We would have replaced him this summer if Eth felt it is a problem. But clearly Eth does not think that. Most of the signings we made this season are in the defence, so I think our next signings should be in the attack before further defensive reinforcements
Ye I get what your saying. Should be martinez and Varane going forward but don’t see how he’d do that when he’s made Maguire captain. It’s clear we need a new goalkeeper who speaks and organises a defence but we also need a leader at the back. Maguire isn’t a leader… get them 2 positions sorted and we look very good already, especially with a defence being protected by Casemiro.
He has not "made Maguire captain"; he was already captain and has been left as such. I don't undertstand why people can't tell the difference.

Also just because EtH is Dutch doesn't mean he is in every way the same as LvG. At no point has he said "my captain shall always play".

If Maguire continues to be poor he will get benched and replaced by Varane, Lindelof or even Bailly if he isn't leaving. Unless he really does have something in his contract guaranteeing game time :eek: which seems unlikely.
Manuel Riemann would be a decent stop gap. Try for Sanchez or possibly Meslier next summer, when De Gea departs on a free.
Sanchez at Brighton. Best distribution I've seen from a GK not already at a top club.

Yeah very impressive and despite De Gea's astronomical wages for a GK we do need to join the modern style keeper generation soon
Sanchez from Brighton would of been my pick, the 50mill we spent on yet another CB i would of spent on Sanchez from Brighton or I would of given Henderson a guarantee of being no1 for this season to keep him here and given him a fair crack at it re-assesing it next summer.

Bet hey ho here we are about to watch the gaurenteed disaster of de gea goalkeeping behind a high line and playing out from the back.

Iv been dreading it all summer and 2 games in nothing has relieved my fear, infact its made it worse.
Manuel Riemann would be a decent stop gap. Try for Sanchez or possibly Meslier next summer, when De Gea departs on a free.

In my head it was 2024 but you’re right it’s 2023 with an option of an extra. Bet my mortgage we extend it mind you…

Just can’t wait for a commanding modern keeper to lead us from the back.
The dream signing would be Maignan but never happening this window. 1:41 :drool:

Maignan or Diogo Costa from Porto would be excellent choices. Diogo Costa has a €60m release clause, is 22 years old, and is probably one big move away from being talked about as a world class keeper. His distribution both long and short is also excellent along with the rest of his game.
Sentimentality is the only reason we've not replaced De Gea this summer IMO. The club doesn't seem ready to let him go yet.
Our biggest priority by far. He’s poisonous to our back line. His indecisiveness spreads through the spine of the team.
Not even close, so sad people see just what they want to see when things go bad way. Mess in every position we have and DDG should be priority...amazing.
weak keeper is a bigger problem that you seem to understand. if defence lacks confidence in him, that's asking for trouble with almost every attack. ddg's decision making is highly questionable, and he's nowhere near brave enough plus fails to dominate event the six yard box let alone his penalty area. that's huge. The whole spine at United is pretty much non existent at the moment and that starts with DDG
Maingan would be great. Excellent reflexes, can claim crosses
Problem with de Gea is he makes whole defence nervous at set plays. This despite Fergie taking him out early in his Utd days to “bulk him up”, problem is he is a coward when it comes to physicality. He is also poor with his feet and this often puts players under threat when playing out from the back. We need to replace him asap.
Right back and a striker

De Gear may need replacing but he is not the reason none of the front 6 can score a goal
Maingan would be great. Excellent reflexes, can claim crosses
Definitely. Unlikely that he'd leave title winning AC Milan for us in our current state, though. A stopgap in Sommer seems realistic (and still a big step up from De Gea) given the circumstances.
It’s a must IMO. Build up play is very important for ten Hag‘s system. He wants his team to dominate possession and build up play, shot stopper is less important since the manager doesn’t want us to sit back. If we continue with DDG, I’m afraid ETH can’t play the way how he wants to play.
Still people on here wanting another CB. Jesus wept how blind can you be to reality… :lol:
Only thing I'll say is - the footballing world has known De Gea's style of play for well over a decade. ten Hag will have known about his deficiencies and the club should have made it doubly clear to him during the debrief of the squad. Why are we only properly addressing this situation now? We will be 4 or 5 games down by the time a challenger/replacement is brought in.
Sentimentality is the only reason we've not replaced De Gea this summer IMO. The club doesn't seem ready to let him go yet.
So nothing to do with his £375k a week wages
Also while he wasn’t great last season, his shot stopping was pretty solid, he wasn’t making howlers and while his style didn’t really suit ETH it was almost certainly felt that he’d be good enough for a bit longer. His calamitous performances in the last two games have suggested otherwise, sadly.

I don’t think the sentimentality aspect can be ignored altogether though; he is after all the last link to the SAF era (not counting Jones who’s not exactly been a mainstay of the side). He was also one of the players worst affected by the idiotic decision to appoint Jose; a bit of me was hoping ETH’s coaching would put him back on the path he was on under LvG. It’s still early days, but it’s looking like he might be beyond saving.
The man is costing us points and will continue to be worse than useless fir us. We'd be better off buying him out of his contract and looking for his replacement asap.
Right back and a striker

De Gear may need replacing but he is not the reason none of the front 6 can score a goal
He's the reason Brentford scored 3 of their goals last time out. There's a decent amount of dross that still needs replacing but de Gea is right at the top of that list.
Part of the reason opposition teams get at our keeper so much is because De Gea doesn't do anything remotely proactive to stop chances developing. Doesn't matter how strong our defence or midfield is, they'll still be hamstrung by having a keeper behind them that doesn't come out to sweep up through balls, doesn't claim crosses, doesn't make himself available to receive the ball when we have possession, panics and makes bad decisions with his passing when he does have it, doesn't communicate, and actively goes out of his way to avoid contact so he doesn't get hurt.

Agree 100%. The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We're signed five international CBs in the last 4/5 seasons for big money and yet we have never even once tried to address the GKing situation (or the lack of structure/quality in CM - until now!).

I can't emphasise enough how poor I think DDG is and what a huge, huge burden he is to the entire team. It's not even like his shot-stopping is good!
Sentimentality is the only reason we've not replaced De Gea this summer IMO. The club doesn't seem ready to let him go yet.
I think ten Hag probably wants rid and is ready to move on. Best we can hope for this window is a stopgap solution like Sommer.

The club has to be ready to completely cut ties with de Gea next summer though. None of this extending his contract to preserve value or any of that bollocks. A clean break, Sommer assuming the no. 2 role and then finding a new first choice goalkeeper.
Sentimentality is the only reason we've not replaced De Gea this summer IMO. The club doesn't seem ready to let him go yet.

Nothing to do with sentimentality. Its about addressing the more critical positions which is midfield and defence.
I’ve watched Porto a few times now and each time have been impressed with Diogo Costa. Excellent shot stopper, great reflexes and seems good with his feet. Wouldn’t be cheap though I wouldn’t have thought.
Players, managers and coaches, all expendable but this chap isn’t. Maybe it’s because he was one of SAF’s last big splurges in the transfer market. Needless to say, he’s the sacred cow so we’ll just have to build a team to accommodate him and continue doing so.
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Be interesting to see what we do with De Gea, out of contract next summer though we have an option for another year

Feel the smart thing to do would be for the club to be looking for a long term number 1 now with a view to getting them in next summer, sell Henderson to cover some of the fee (as I never want to see Henderson in the shirt again) and extend De Gea for the extra year and have him as number 2 before letting him leave on a free in 2024
Buy Meslier next season. Young and a modern ball playing GK.
There were a few reports that we rate him very highly indeed last season. Wouldnt be suprised if we went in for him next summer, though doing business with leeds means paying a premium.