Film David Lynch R.I.P

That’s lovely. Great Trent Reznor quote too.

Inland Empire is the one I just couldn’t hack. The Digital style on top of peak Lynch weirdness was too much for me when I watched it aged ~20 or so. Does anyone on here strongly recommend it?
Inland Empire has an even better jump scare than the one in the opening scene of Mulholland Drive.
There are many great directors who have a nerdy fetish and nostalgia for film. It’s only a “real film” if it’s done in 35mm, has minimal cgi, etc but a true visionary like Lynch saw digital as new material.
The great visionaries are often misunderstood in their own time.


Sorry I know it’s a Twitter link, not sure how else to post it.
While the Oscars ultimately don’t mean that much, he got robbed for Best Director on Mulholland Drive.

I went and found the episodes of Louie he did this week. and they still make me laugh especially some of his lines which feel like he wrote for himself.
Just started rewatching entire Twin Peaks saga again, but in chronological order so started with ‘Fire walk with me’.
God, it is so disturbing, even fully aware what’s happening scenes with Bob and Laura’s screams give me chills.
Can’t wait to get to S3 again