Daily Mail

I certainly agree The Times would be up there if it wasn't for it's paywall. I used to read TimesOnline a bit. However the Mail & Telegraph are both free content (as are all the other British papers) and The Graun's still comfortably punching it's weight between the two. And when you consider The Mail's hit rate comes as much from Heat like celebrity tat and pictures of cellulite, I'd say it's a fair shout to call it the country's most popular outlet for news after the BBC.

I wouldn't pay for the Times online but I would read it for free. You're right about the Mail's content: tits & arse in a saucy "carry on " sort of way. They know how we Brits like our smut. Makes good copy for Street of Shame though.
I'd analyse it something like this:

Pravda--------Morning Star------Mirror----Guardian---NYT---Times-----Telegraph--Joseph Goebbels-----Daily Mail---------Sunderland

a large crossover readership, especially since they launched their US site. That brings with it the more radical elements from Freerepublic and the Tea Party "don't tread on me" types, to whom anyone reading the Guardian must be a limp-wristed, gun-hating faggot. Those people make the BNP look like liberals.

The American right wing genuinely terrifies me. Al can call Guardian readers arrogant all he likes. I'll take informed compassionate arrogance over ignorant hateful arrogance any day of the week.
I agree with Al on the last page, the Mail isn't far right wing. What the Mail is though, is a ridiculously depressing barefaced lying right wing slander machine. The Mail paper is many times worse than online.

I'm not sure what the Mirror is. Unreadable springs to mind.
I read the Guardian and the Observer. The Observer in particular is really great.

Yes, the Observer in particular is a fantastic paper, and probably less susceptible to agenda politics than the Guardian is in the week. The supplements like Food Monthly are really outstanding and the range of columnists actually quite broad in their interests and views.
Yeah but 4 people read The Observer, two of whom are in this thread. So by Al's definition, it's out of touch.
Yeah but 4 people read The Observer, two of whom are in this thread. So by Al's definition, it's out of touch.

I need to stop sharing it round with my flat mates. If we all bought our own copies I'd up their readership by 50% in just one week.

It's the only print paper I ever really buy though. The daily reads don't tend to add much beyond what is available online I find.
The Caf is just ridiculously left-wing at times. This forum probably accounts for about half of all the Guardian readers in this country.

One day, Alastair, you're going to go out in the big wide world and meet an honest-to-goodness socialist, as opposed to a bunch of vaguely centre-left liberals, and it's going to blow your tiny fecking mind.

Alastair is right that the Mail's not 'hard right'. To me, hard right is somewhere round about fascist.

The Mail's not fascist. It's somewhat xenophobic, and generally Little Englander in its outlook - it speaks to southern English, middle-class, property-owning, suburban or rural, and therefore mostly white, concerns. It's pro-military, pro-royal and - when Labour's in power - anti-big-government.

'There are many who do not know they are fascists but will find it out when the time comes.'
This kind of rhetoric from the Mail will backfire on them when properly scrutinized.
That article is bang on the money. I don't really see what's up for debate in that, unless you think the welfare budget is reasonable, which even most Lefties don't.
You're actually a caricature, alastair, and the fact that you're on a constant troll is becoming more and more obvious. Do give it a rest.
You're actually a caricature, alastair, and the fact that you're on a constant troll is becoming more and more obvious. Do give it a rest.

:lol: Trolling because I don't agree with you.

The article states:

- Obsorne asks whether we should sustain people like this on welfare

- The welfare bill is too high

- The Labour Party have yet to really address the issue in their policies.

That's basically it. What is there to argue with?
I agree with Alastair, it would have been far more humane had the Philpott children starved to death, rather than dying from smoke inhalation.

- The welfare bill is too high

What if I told you I actually think it should be far, far higher? Considering your childlike understanding of what constitutes 'the left', would that make you think I was effectively Khmer Rouge?
In fairness I'm all for a sensible, detailed debate about the intricacies of the welfare system. So far I have seen nothing from The Mail that suggests they want the same.
He was the product of the benefits system in much the same way Stephen Seddon was the product of the inheritance system.
:lol: Trolling because I don't agree with you.

The article states:

- Obsorne asks whether we should sustain people like this on welfare

- The welfare bill is too high

- The Labour Party have yet to really address the issue in their policies.

That's basically it. What is there to argue with?

I agree with you Al.

Its no surprise that Chabon and Orduck are arguing, as they are in the scroungers club.

Anyone read Littlejohn's article regarding Greater Manchester Police now upgrading crimes/abuse against "alternative sub-culture identity"/emos to those equalling racial, religious or sexual abuse?

ncreasingly, the definition is being expanded to include ‘hate speech’, which the Left pretend covers any criticism — however legitimate and justified — of the behaviour of one of their favoured client groups.
The truth is that most ‘hate speech’ comes from the Left these days, as they seek to demonise, prosecute or ruin professionally anyone who challenges their intolerant orthodoxies."

And now it's a crime to hate the Sex Pistols

They are fecking nuts.
"The truth is that most ‘hate speech’ comes from the Left these days, as they seek to demonise, prosecute or ruin professionally anyone who challenges their intolerant orthodoxies."

He's been reading the Caf! Yes he should be persecuted, prosecuted and ruined professionally for his tirade that lead to the death of Lucy Meadows.

Known-Murderer Littlejohn
:lol: Trolling because I don't agree with you.

The article states:

- Obsorne asks whether we should sustain people like this on welfare

- The welfare bill is too high

- The Labour Party have yet to really address the issue in their policies.

That's basically it. What is there to argue with?

To be fair you wouldn't be taking any money off him in bedroom tax, child benefit or housing benefit cap. All he had to do in any interview was admit he tried to knife his former girlfriend to death and did time, to throw any work offer out. So what does the mighty Alistair propose we do to about it?
Thank feck she is a wife and mother who doesn't need to earn a living.

Article like that make my blood boil. Written by feckwits who couldn't survive on anywhere near that.

My son couldn't survive on that even with us feeding him and housing him for free. He doesn't even get pocket money but his sport and transport to and from games and training costs more than that.

We don't eat extravagantly although we try to eat only fresh food and I'd guess that we spend at least 53 pounds a week per person on food alone or more.
I agree with Alastair, it would have been far more humane had the Philpott children starved to death, rather than dying from smoke inhalation.

What if I told you I actually think it should be far, far higher? Considering your childlike understanding of what constitutes 'the left', would that make you think I was effectively Khmer Rouge?

You think the welfare bill should be far higher?

How much higher? It's £180bn now, so where do you think it should get to?

I mean, every penny of income tax is spent on it now, so how do you propose to fund it?
It's gotta be better than Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
Iain Duncan Smith was right - you CAN live on £53 a week!
"I can survive on ONE POUND A DAY" says cash-strapped teacher


Picked fruit from trees and bushes TRY THAT IN WINTER
Collected £117 in loose change found on the streets WHERE THE FECK DOES SHE LIVE?!
Made the most of free buffets at public events and celebrations I HATE SCROUNGERS
Scrounged leftovers from grocery stores and restaurants I HATE SCROUNGERS