Wonder Pigeon
'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
The suicide, tragic though it is, isn't on Littlejohn. But using his article for bullying is. He's just a hateful person and should be fired.
The suicide, tragic though it is, isn't on Littlejohn. But using his article for bullying is. He's just a hateful person and should be fired.
Somebody was recently charged in Manchester after they taunted somebody who was on a rooftop to jump whilst other civilians and police were trying to talk him out of it. I know it's not exactly the same thing, but the fact of the matter is that morally (and it appears lawfully) you can't say things that drive people to their own death or the death of others.
Just because something is a newspaper doesn't mean it's automatically above the law.
If Abu Hamza wrote an article for a newspaper calling non-muslims infedels and subhuman would you say that's okay? What if he singled you out for it and caused your life to completely change for the worse?
I mentioned that it was a prank rather bullying. And I know it was for invasion of privacy-and by the way, having the paparazzi harass you also constitutes invasion of privacy does it not? It's not like woman was asking for it, she didn't want to be in the public eye, she just wanted to get on with her life and wasn't allowed to do so, because of the mail.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Tyler_Clementi
Is that what you mean? Because they weren't prosecuted for bullying, they were prosecuted for invasion of privacy.
Anyway, I can't seem to find the exact article that started this, but why should the author be held responsible for someone choosing to commit suicide? He should be held responsible for his writing, by being fired but that's it.
I mentioned that it was a prank rather bullying. And I know it was for invasion of privacy-and by the way, having the paparazzi harass you also constitutes invasion of privacy does it not? It's not like woman was asking for it, she didn't want to be in the public eye, she just wanted to get on with her life and wasn't allowed to do so, because of the mail.
Hate speech doesn't have to be as blatant as that to cause serious repercussions for people. I don't think using slighter looser terminology than "ruin the fecking trannies life" means he's in the clear.Okay? No, I would think that is a rather horrible thing to say. But should the government be prosecuting them? No. If he said, hey followers "let's meet up at the local convenience store and then go torture Eboue to death" then that should be illegal. If he said "Eboue is subhuman and will burn in hell for eternity" then that would be protected as free speech.
Neither person asked for the attention the received and the repercussion was that they were pushed to suicide. I think it's pretty fecking similar.There's a clear difference between secretly filming someone in their own bedroom and writing about someone in a newspaper.
Hate speech doesn't have to be as blatant as that to cause serious repercussions for people. I don't think using slighter looser terminology than "ruin the fecking trannies life" means he's in the clear.
If you were to apply this to real life rather than a newspaper, as people can get blinded by freedom of speech, it would be the equivalent of me following a trannie around with lots of cameraman telling them how vile I find their existence. That's bullying.
Neither person asked for the attention the received and the repercussion was that they were pushed to suicide. I think it's pretty fecking similar.
Maybe they didn't manage get a photo of her newly built vag, but so fecking what?
Fine, I'll write the trannie a letter for this particular metaphor a letter and send cameramen around.No, that wouldn't be equivalent.
Yes, I think singling people out on a national scale for things like this should be illegal. And I think everyone who does it should be persecuted.It's not the same and it really isn't all that similar. People write mean things all the time that don't lead to the subject killing themselves. Do you think we should prosecute them too or are we going to decide what articles deserve punishment based on how their subjects respond?
Do you also defend Islamist hate speech or just right-wing hate speech?
He caused a woman to fecking kill herself. If that's not grounds for dismissal (if not criminal prosecution for emotional abuse and bullying) I don't know what is.
He can say he hates trannies as much as he likes - but what he did was single out someone and abuse her, that's where the line is, Al.
Edit: How do you think you would react if I were to follow you around this forum and just say "close minded ring wing cnut" after every single one of your posts regardless of the subject of your post? Because that's the equivalent of what he does.
Legally why can't this be classed as cyberbullying?There's a clear difference between secretly filming someone in their own bedroom and writing about someone in a newspaper.
Oh yeah, she was already suicidal before this wasn't she.He didn't cause her suicide. .
Yes, I think singling people out on a national scale for things like this should be illegal. And I think everyone who does it should be persecuted.
Writing horrible things about people already in the public eye is different. They asked to be there.
Legally why can't this be classed as cyberbullying?
"actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others."
As for your previous examples Eboue, I don't see at all how you could compare a critic's review of an album or of somebody's sporting performance with a hateful article about somebody's sexuality or sexual orientation.
What, as in the guy who used his fathers position at the football club to get himself attention?What about that Swansea ballboy? Surely some writers singled him out on a national scale. Should we prosecute all of them?
He didn't cause her suicide.
I think the guy writes some detestable things, but I don't understand why there's a petition to get him fired. What's the point? Don't read his column online, don't buy the Mail. You've done your bit.
Oh yeah, she was already suicidal before this wasn't she.
It's largely to do with intention as well - Richard Little actively perused to destroy this womans life and to get her fired from her job. The pressure caused her to kill herself, perhaps he didn't intend for her to commit suicide but when you set out to destroy someones life you are responsible for all of the repercussions.Maybe it can. But I don't think cyberbullying (or regular bullying) should be a crime.
Why not? The point I'm making is that lots of people write horrible things that single out others. The only reason this is getting so much attention is because the subject killed herself.
What about those radio guys who pranked the nurse who then killed herself? I don't remember this forum calling for them to be prosecuted.
What, as in the guy who used his fathers position at the football club to get himself attention?
He knew cameras were around and knew what he was doing. If I went on x-factor and you called me a disgrace to music you'd not only be right, but you would be allowed to say that because I asked to be there on that platform and perform as I did.
Plucking a random person from the street and deciding to lead a hate campaign against them is bullying and should be illegal.
He actively set out to destroy her fecking life.You don't know.
Your argument wouldn't stand up in court, so it won't stand up on the Caf.
That's a ridiculous thing to say.
Why kick Abu Hamza out of the country? If you don't like what he says ignore him.
The only difference is that rather than preaching to extremist Muslims, Littlejohn is preaching his bile to middle aged righties.
It's largely to do with intention as well - Richard Little actively perused to destroy this womans life and to get her fired from her job. The pressure caused her to kill herself, perhaps he didn't intend for her to commit suicide but when you set out to destroy someones life you are responsible for all of the repercussions.
He actively set out to destroy her fecking life.
Isn't that enough?
Not the nicest guy in the world, but I defend his right to say whatever he wants. Not signed.
He actively set out to destroy her fecking life.
Isn't that enough?
He actively set out to destroy her fecking life.
Isn't that enough?
If it was ok for Littlejohn to say Lucy was 'in the wrong job', why is it not ok for me to say the same about him?
Hardly, if the Guardian were to run a campaign on a random homophobe who was just going about their everyday life not causing any damage and just went about disliking gays I would be as quick to say it's wrong.What does his fathers position have to do with anything? You dislike Littlejohn and you support transgender rights. I agree with you on both but I think you are letting the identity of the actors influence your view on the actions.
Hardly, if the Guardian were to run a campaign on a random homophobe who was just going about their everyday life not causing any damage and just went about disliking gays I would be as quick to say it's wrong.
The media is incredibly powerful and every time they destroy someones life I will be happy enough to call them cnuts. Not only because bullying is wrong, but because normal people don't have anywhere near the capability to deal with the media when they're in the middle of a witch hunt.
You're right. It is okay. If I thought internet petitions did anything, I would sign the petition too.
You won get through to Ali old chap, he always closes rank around his fellows and exhibits RAWK like ridiculous opinions.
He's in the public eye. He should expect there to be a reaction to the articles he decides to write. This woman was not in the public eye. I've already made that distinction.That's funny because isn't this petition trying to get the author fired from his job? Are we against people trying to get others fired or is it only when we disagree with their opinion? What if Littlejohn gets fired and then kills himself. Is everyone who signed the petition now responsible for all of the repercussions?
Christ. The far left, eh?
If it was ok for Littlejohn to say Lucy was 'in the wrong job', why is it not ok for me to say the same about him?