But I thought the papers said they would regulate themselves
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44051990Who killed Leveson 2?
Despite an impassioned speech by former Labour leader Ed Miliband, the government won by 304 votes to 295.
Culture Secretary Matt Hancock, who promised a "press standards" review in Northern Ireland before the vote, said it was a "great day" for a free press.
Let's hope they both get driven out of existence.
Vile set of cnuts.
I found out to my disgust that my dad sometimes reads the Mail. He bought a copy last Sunday while we were flying out on holiday. Naturally I glanced over at the headlines on various pages. It was even worse than I thought. An entire “Democracy in Meltdown” section with page after page of sensationalist, far right extremist tripe.
I felt genuine anger watching my dad - a man I often disagree with but who I have always respected as an intelligent fellow - read this garbage cover to cover without so much as a raised eyebrow.
Could we get rid of the Mail at the same time please?
was listening to John Humphries talking about how peoples views are polarised because they only take the news from those providers whose views they agree with.
He urges everybody to read an 'independent' newspaper so as to get an unbiased input.
It’s not actually bad advice though.
Who are these people who comment like this?
Some of them would almost be funny if you knew they weren't serious.
I love the attempted link between immigration and failing services. As if it's a direct cause.Bask in the glow of England being admired for its beauty and history. Er, nope.
Wankers. Though Corbyn can't exactly claim any high ground in this. He only became interested with the campaign when it was reaching his conclusion. Never any mention of the numerous letters and emails he ignored over the past 4 years. He's not particularly well thought of within the CF community.https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157771935238872&id=330250343871
Disgusting, they should be made to donate to the CF charity and make a public apology to the boy and anyone affected by the disease.
Just came in here to post the same thing. Those video ads either side of the centralised article make the site all but unusable.They've installed a pop-up forcing you to disable your add-blocker.
Hopefully that'll lose them loads of readership.
Betcha he kept some of the "best" pics for himself. In the name of journalism of course.Pervy photographer is creeping on Northern 'revellers' again.
Nope, they're clearly pulling in traffic, cos they're keeping on running them.Do we have to wait until Monday for the Saturday night pics?
Nope, they're clearly pulling in traffic, cos they're keeping on running them.
This woman impressed in her outfit as she enjoyed a night out in Leeds on the last big party night out before Christmas
Comments said:Wigan Girls know what the lads like, all marriageable ....no lefty feminist there that can't find a man
There is nothing racist about this article.Ring in the New Year with a racist wankfest, DM-style. Ugh, won't let me copy the pic.
Packing out Piccadilly Circus and dancing in the fountains at Trafalgar Square: Evocative pictures show how London used to bring in the New Year in decades gone by
There is nothing racist about this article.
You obviously haven’t read the comments.