Cristiano Ronaldo - Much Ado About Al Nassr

Well literally no team in any of Europe's leagues agrees with you. Saudi wasn't his first, second or tenth choice. He's made the best of it but it is probably his level now. That's fine, he's as old as me and in marginally better shape. But top level modern football is understandably beyond him now.

I trully believe that he still can play a part and be totally useful if he was mature about his age, role and characteristics, we've seen a lot way worse and even younger players playing their trait in huge clubs like Barca (Braithwaite) and Madrid (Joselu). I know that with his stature would be mad to ask him to fill a Joselu role, yet he can do sthg in the middle and be good at any compettiive club.
The thing is that no team wants to buy an instant problem unless is a case like the Saudi, or MLS or such that his mere presence it's important and means bizzness. Also we would never know if any big SA team tried to get him, or smaller clubs from the EPL or Europe too and he deemed those options not profitable or atractive.
But like it was said many times, he looks kind of inmature on many aspects through his whole carreer and that doesn't help a bit.
I genuinely think he’d still be at Madrid now if he never let his ego get the better of him and leave in 2018. Everything was molded and crafted to his taste. He had everything there. No idea why he left and committed what could now be considered career suicide. That single decision alone probably cost him 2 BDORs and 2 CLs minimum!

He probably had the chance to rectify that in 2021 with the potential City transfer but again admittedly made the wrong choice from a mercenary point of view.

Saudi league is obviously far too easy for him even at 39 years old.
I genuinely think he’d still be at Madrid now if he never let his ego get the better of him and leave in 2018. Everything was molded and crafted to his taste. He had everything there. No idea why he left and committed what could now be considered career suicide. That single decision alone probably cost him 2 BDORs and 2 CLs minimum!

He probably had the chance to rectify that in 2021 with the potential City transfer but again admittedly made the wrong choice from a mercenary point of view.

Saudi league is obviously far too easy for him even at 39 years old.
In his last 3 seasons at Madrid he looked poor outside poaching goals. Because the team behind him was so good, his allround play being mediocre really did not matter. But his fanboys often claim that he has done it everywhere when the truth is his success was always based on the strength of the teams he played for i.e Ferguson's Man utd and a Real Madrid side heavily laden with stars. His time at Juve was a disappointment despite his goals and ofcourse his second stint at United was really poor again despite the stats.

That his goals in Saudi garner so much interest on this forum is really laughable. The league us just so poor outside the 4 teams that have invested and even these teams are way below European standards. PS no trophies to show for despite stat padding against the bottom sides.
I genuinely think he’d still be at Madrid now if he never let his ego get the better of him and leave in 2018. Everything was molded and crafted to his taste. He had everything there. No idea why he left and committed what could now be considered career suicide. That single decision alone probably cost him 2 BDORs and 2 CLs minimum!

No he wouldn‘t. His decline (specially in big games) started to manifest during the 20/21 season at Juventus… The standards that would definitely have seen Perez get rid of him as he did with other club legends before him…
No he wouldn‘t. His decline (specially in big games) started to manifest during the 20/21 season at Juventus… The standards that would definitely have seen Perez get rid of him as he did with other club legends before him…

It'd probably have gone a bit like Modric now at Madrid. He feels like he has quality to play more but Ancelotti doesn't. Some sparks flying off between both. Perez is a rat, but an incredibly smart man, and was able to ship off Ronaldo and Ramos while making it seem they both wanted to leave, when they didn't actually want to.

I genuinely think he’d still be at Madrid now if he never let his ego get the better of him and leave in 2018. Everything was molded and crafted to his taste. He had everything there. No idea why he left and committed what could now be considered career suicide. That single decision alone probably cost him 2 BDORs and 2 CLs minimum!

In my opinion, he left because of his own pride. Not sure I wanna call it ego, depends on how each one of us perceives the man, but Perez had promised a new contract and didn't deliver it, and he took it to heart. People will attribute Ronaldo making moves based on money and therefore not being given by Perez the money he wanted, but honestly just looking at his broader character, I think it's logical the lack of following through with the promise, kinda made Ronaldo feel Perez didn't believe in him enough and that's really what "broke" Cristiano's heart, and what made him decide to move.

I think the cracks between him and Ten Hag were all around this matter as well, him feeling the coach didn't trust him enough.
Ronaldo at City under Pep would've been hilarious tbh. Even more hilarious than his bullying of Ole.
Ronaldo at City under Pep would've been hilarious tbh. Even more hilarious than his bullying of Ole.

Don't think he did that at all. He was pretty professional under Ole. He was far less professional under Rangnick and then even more so under ETH.
Don't think he did that at all. He was pretty professional under Ole. He was far less professional under Rangnick and then even more so under ETH.
I think I was thinking of Rangnick, true. Hard to keep up with your managers. Ten Hag dealt with him pretty ok I thought, albeit should've done so in the summer itself and not waited till half the season was over.
He tried to hit the referee? I mean, it was a red card. He even kicked the player when he was down. Awful.
He tried to hit the referee? I mean, it was a red card. He even kicked the player when he was down. Awful.
Then spent 5 minutes walking off but constantly turning round, pointing at someone and laughing/clapping at them :lol:
Embarrassing manchild. Bizarre that certain posters on here still revere him for what he did for our club 15 years ago.
What a twat. Bellend of the highest order
I knew he was gonna be sent off from the moment they went into a losing position and with him already on a yellow card for protests on the first half :lol: I felt he was on one of those "really sore loser" days.
Thank god he's not at United anymore. Ten Hag vs Ronaldo would have been excruciating.
Not entirely related - but this reminds me of my mate who actually threw a punch aa referee in a Sunday League Game and to be honest, think that ref fully deserved it.

For some reason, that referee decided for whatever reason that morning to pick on my mate the entire match. From about 5 minutes in he started to, for some weird reason, decide to pick on my mate for his appearance and refer to him constantly as "Twink". It was really fecking bizarre.

My mate is tall, lanky, skinny and a bit of a pretty boy and the ref decided he hated him from the get go. 5 mins in, my mate shoots and completely skuffs it and the ref goes "aww, little twink not got his shooting boots on today?" It wasn't quiet, it wasn't subtle and everyone heard it. Even the opposing team were like "WTF did the ref just say?"

He's a quiet, introverted lad but the ref was relentless. Throughout the entire game comments like:

"Pretty boy thinks he's Maradonna does he?"
"Little Twinks in the wrong sport, should stick to modelling mate."
"Get up you little twink."
"That's what happens when you pass the ball to the twink" -> To the rest of us.

It was so weird that at half time someone went to speak to him and the ref brushed it off as a "little bit of banter." He never said anything substantial to any of the other 21 players on the pitch but just spent the entire game picking on this one guy.

Two thirds into the game, my mate received a really bad tackle and it was visible that that there were stud marks just below the knee when it was raked across and started bleeding. When he protested to the ref, the ref replied, almost verbatim, "Aww, little pretty boy can't stand to see the sight of blood?"
It got so bad that the guy from the opposing team who made the tackle came over to apologize to him both for the tackle and for the way the ref was behaving.

Came to blows with about 15 minutes to go when he got tackled really bad again, went down to the ground in pain, ball went out for a throw and the opposing team player went to grab his hand to help him up. Once up, the ref comes over and says to the opposing team player, "Should have left that soft little ponce on the floor"

My mate lost it and windmilled at the ref, missed, everyone came in and seperated it, my mate got sent off and that was that. Our team filed an official complaint and no idea what happened to that ref but never saw him again. But after the game it was so bad that even the opposing team came to apologize for the ref. Never ever seen a situation where the ref just picks out a guy and starts trying to wind him up the entire game.

Most bizarre Sunday League Story.
Maddison got way with something similar over the weekend no?
Not entirely related - but this reminds me of my mate who actually threw a punch aa referee in a Sunday League Game and to be honest, think that ref fully deserved it.

For some reason, that referee decided for whatever reason that morning to pick on my mate the entire match. From about 5 minutes in he started to, for some weird reason, decide to pick on my mate for his appearance and refer to him constantly as "Twink". It was really fecking bizarre.

My mate is tall, lanky, skinny and a bit of a pretty boy and the ref decided he hated him from the get go. 5 mins in, my mate shoots and completely skuffs it and the ref goes "aww, little twink not got his shooting boots on today?" It wasn't quiet, it wasn't subtle and everyone heard it. Even the opposing team were like "WTF did the ref just say?"

He's a quiet, introverted lad but the ref was relentless. Throughout the entire game comments like:

"Pretty boy thinks he's Maradonna does he?"
"Little Twinks in the wrong sport, should stick to modelling mate."
"Get up you little twink."
"That's what happens when you pass the ball to the twink" -> To the rest of us.

It was so weird that at half time someone went to speak to him and the ref brushed it off as a "little bit of banter." He never said anything substantial to any of the other 21 players on the pitch but just spent the entire game picking on this one guy.

Two thirds into the game, my mate received a really bad tackle and it was visible that that there were stud marks just below the knee when it was raked across and started bleeding. When he protested to the ref, the ref replied, almost verbatim, "Aww, little pretty boy can't stand to see the sight of blood?"
It got so bad that the guy from the opposing team who made the tackle came over to apologize to him both for the tackle and for the way the ref was behaving.

Came to blows with about 15 minutes to go when he got tackled really bad again, went down to the ground in pain, ball went out for a throw and the opposing team player went to grab his hand to help him up. Once up, the ref comes over and says to the opposing team player, "Should have left that soft little ponce on the floor"

My mate lost it and windmilled at the ref, missed, everyone came in and seperated it, my mate got sent off and that was that. Our team filed an official complaint and no idea what happened to that ref but never saw him again. But after the game it was so bad that even the opposing team came to apologize for the ref. Never ever seen a situation where the ref just picks out a guy and starts trying to wind him up the entire game.

Most bizarre Sunday League Story.
Interesting story. That's absolutely bizarre. Wonder what the refs problem was.
Hahaha what an absolute numpty! Where are all his fans now that are usually in here praising every thing he does?