Cristiano Ronaldo leaves by mutual agreement | SIUUU Later

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Definitely the right move. Can only see him scoring goals for one of the big clubs that absolutely dominates possession and can put endless chances on a plate for him. No doubt if that happens we’ll be blamed for his crap form but he just didn’t fit our style. Also, you can’t go around throwing everyone else under the bus whilst not accepting any blame at all. That’s a bit of a no no.

Only club I can see taking him though is PSG. Unless he reduces his mental wage demands which will open a few more doors.
Yes I did, he was at a club he did not want to be at and looked depressed playing every game.

I also saw him last season score 32 goals all season club and country and be second top scorer in England.

In a place where he feels happy I have no doubt you see a much better Ronaldo.
He shouldn't have that sort of attitude playing up front for Man Utd while getting paid the most in the league. It's a poor excuse.
Good riddance you fecking drama queen.

I hope the no payout part is correct.

Next stop on the reunion tour, Real Madrid, as they (temporarily) need a replacement for Benzema
A true legend of Manchester United is leaving. That's sad, but good luck to him and to the team.
Good riddance the signing was an utter disaster considering we probably signed him just to prevent him going to City. To think a little over a year ago when the season started we thought he would be the missing piece of the puzzle for a title tilt. :lol:
It had nothing to do with depression, his legs have gone, he's finished at the top level.

I agree with this especially with most teams demanding so much more of the centre forward today. Ronaldo is too much of luxury to drag around when the teams out of possession. Also, ETH comments about the likes of Dalot and Fernandes making silly decisions to obnoxiously pass to Ronaldo without building the attack. I think the team will perform better with him gone. Ronaldo still has a lot to give I gather but not at the top level.
Are we looking at some other series of tweets that didn't include a threat to sue? It doesn't exactly say anything either way.

If he wanted a payout he wouldn't have agreed to mutual termination it's as simple as that. The whole interview was to achieve this, small folk might get angry that he got what he wanted but far more importantly so did Ten Hag.
By going to Chelsea he'd weaken them, I'm not sure the club would be arsed where he ends up.
If I managed the club I would literally still pay a part of his salary for him to play at another PL club. That's how poor I think he is right now relative to the avg level of strikers in the PL.
Glad the club dealt with this so swiftly. Hopefully its correct that he gets no money from us. I guess it would be for a mutual termination. Much better this way as suing him would just drag our club through the mud.

Hope Ronaldo asks his shit friend Piers to keep our club's name out of his trash mouth. Disgusting.

It's a sad ending but completely necessary. Cannot be doing shit like this, especially when we're in this period and need to help ETH as much as possible whilst he tries to get us to a respectable level for starters.
He wanted to leave. Was not man enough to orchestrate it behind closed doors so he made the ultimate snake move by making a calamitous interview with Piers Morgan out of all... That was the final thing people will remember him for in his United legacy.

One good thing came out of this. After he left us for Madrid most fans still liked him, others had mixed emotions but this time there is a feeling of disgust from the majority.

He's the definition of scum.
This is a sad day but unfortunately it was inevitable to come after the recent events.

We will miss you Ronaldo, thank you for all the great memories you have given us all.

Even though no longer an official registered United player, you will always be a United player! You are the goat and most likely always will be!

On match days I will continue wear my United shirt with your name on back for at minimum the remainder of season because you will always be a United legend.
If he wanted a payout he wouldn't have agreed to mutual termination it's as simple as that. The whole interview was to achieve this, small folk might get angry that he got what he wanted but far more importantly so did Ten Hag.
On most occasions a mutual termination includes a payout. This one hasn’t probably because his legal team have told him that he has no chance if we go legal
Goodbye United's Rose-naldo

Goodbye Cristiano
Will we ever siiiiiuuuuuu again
You had disgraced yourself
So ETH put you on the bench
Thank feck for that.
Let's look forward to United splashing some cash on a number 9
He got his wish and we have to buy a striker, only wish this had been done in July/August when it first broke he wanted to leave.
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