People are in denial about Ten Hag and Ronaldo. Most of us here like him and only wish to see his football implemented as quickly as possible hence why we don't like seeing Ronaldo on the pitch.
But the reality is Ronaldo has proven too big for Ten Hag despite what we want to believe and tell ourselves ("ETH doesn't care about Ronaldo's ego, he does what he wants").
Ten Hag clearly came in with the intention to lay down the law and initially did by dropping Ronaldo or subbing him out when he felt he was detrimental to our play. However since the incident and all the media drama, Ten Hag is trading carefully now and indulging Ronaldo.
People using injuries as an excuse yet even when opportunities to sub Ronaldo out present themselves, ETH won't do it. This game was the perfect example. Martial should have come in for Ronaldo and an actual midfielder like Fred should have replaced Dony but instead Ten Hag put Martial in Dony's role and kept Ronaldo as the CF.
This is 3 games in a row now players have been shuffled around in less optimal positions to them and consequently the team as well just to accommodate Ronaldo.
In the last 3 games we've seen Bruno shafted on the right, Rashford shafted on the right then put in the hole, we've also seen Martial put in the hole, positions where they are less effective. All of that just to accommodate Ronaldo.