Conflict in Sudan

Nah, nobody gives a shit, it's a shit hole in Africa, a Muslim one at that.

You only need to look at the way the death of the aid workers was covered by the world media compared to the continuing atrocities against the Palestinians that are happening day after day.

The same as Ethiopia, Darfur, Rwanda, The Congo etc..... I just wish we as a world could come together and that the policing (for want of a better word) was more fair and even handed. I've been following this for a long time now and it's just beyond upsetting and depressing and even more so given while a sizeable percentage of the world are dealing with things like this, many are bitching over people fleeing from places like this and coming to our shores or that we are paying an extra 20p for a loaf of bread and ranting about it to billionaires on social media. First world problems indeed.
Nah, nobody gives a shit, it's a shit hole in Africa, a Muslim one at that.

You only need to look at the way the death of the aid workers was covered by the world media compared to the continuing atrocities against the Palestinians that are happening day after day.

The same as Ethiopia, Darfur, Rwanda, The Congo etc..... I just wish we as a world could come together and that the policing (for want of a better word) was more fair and even handed. I've been following this for a long time now and it's just beyond upsetting and depressing and even more so given while a sizeable percentage of the world are dealing with things like this, many are bitching over people fleeing from places like this and coming to our shores or that we are paying an extra 20p for a loaf of bread and ranting about it to billionaires on social media. First world problems indeed.

Bingo! The biiggest humanitarian crisis in the world right now is Sudan
Nah, nobody gives a shit, it's a shit hole in Africa, a Muslim one at that.

You only need to look at the way the death of the aid workers was covered by the world media compared to the continuing atrocities against the Palestinians that are happening day after day.

The same as Ethiopia, Darfur, Rwanda, The Congo etc..... I just wish we as a world could come together and that the policing (for want of a better word) was more fair and even handed. I've been following this for a long time now and it's just beyond upsetting and depressing and even more so given while a sizeable percentage of the world are dealing with things like this, many are bitching over people fleeing from places like this and coming to our shores or that we are paying an extra 20p for a loaf of bread and ranting about it to billionaires on social media. First world problems indeed.

Is just disheartening that with all the resources that we have, we decide to pour it into the war machine. With a fraction of effort that we spend in destruction, we would be able to eradicate misery, but there is no benefit on this. The UN was created to stop this conflicts and disasters but it exist, as best, a band aid through their humanitarian programs.
Less than 2 pages on 10 times the humanitarian disaster compared to Gaza, which has 834 pages.
The same can be said with the Yemen war or others that they don't even have a dedicated threads. Definitely Israel is more high profile for obvious reasons because of the main aggressors
Is just disheartening that with all the resources that we have, we decide to pour it into the war machine. With a fraction of effort that we spend in destruction, we would be able to eradicate misery, but there is no benefit on this. The UN was created to stop this conflicts and disasters but it exist, as best, a band aid through their humanitarian programs.

Absolutely, it is definitely depressing but also sickening how there is a clear pecking order with regards to not only media reporting and coverage (although I do understand why it happens) but also to humanitarian aid and other countries and the UN'sinvolvement or lack of.

Let's not forget Ethiopial, that once upon a time you couldn't get away from the coverage about the famine. It was the main reason behind Band Aid and Comic Relief here in the UK. But you rarely see anything about the conflicts they have been having since 2018.

Between Ethiopia and Sudan there are over FIFTEEN MILLION people who have been displaced from the homes. It's fecking insanity and beyond comprehension. As a collective we should be ashamed, I know I am. Our priorities are fecked. There is absolutely no excuse or defence I would agree with that could justify why this level of suffering and starvation is happening in this day and age given the wealth and resources that could be collectively available to help. Sadly I can see the majority of people ending up like it all around the world as the rich/poor divide keeps growing exponentially and the ever growing issues between the right and left and the hate aimed at immigrants, especially Muslims in most Western countries.

Anyway, rant over. Sorry about that, it just really fecking pisses me off and upsets me, and I just feel so powerless to do anything yet you see cnuts like Elon Musk spending over $40 BILLION on a website then spending his days spreading fear, hate and conspiracy theories when his time and that money could be make a real difference and make lives better rather than worse as he is doing.

Sorry, the rant wasn't over was it? :lol:
Starvation in war-hit Sudan 'almost everywhere' - WHO
Starvation in war-stricken Sudan "is almost everywhere", the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has told the BBC's Today programme after visiting the country.

"The situation in Sudan is very alarming... the massive displacement - it's now the largest in the world, and, of course, famine," director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.
Absolutely, it is definitely depressing but also sickening how there is a clear pecking order with regards to not only media reporting and coverage (although I do understand why it happens) but also to humanitarian aid and other countries and the UN'sinvolvement or lack of.

Let's not forget Ethiopial, that once upon a time you couldn't get away from the coverage about the famine. It was the main reason behind Band Aid and Comic Relief here in the UK. But you rarely see anything about the conflicts they have been having since 2018.

Between Ethiopia and Sudan there are over FIFTEEN MILLION people who have been displaced from the homes. It's fecking insanity and beyond comprehension. As a collective we should be ashamed, I know I am. Our priorities are fecked. There is absolutely no excuse or defence I would agree with that could justify why this level of suffering and starvation is happening in this day and age given the wealth and resources that could be collectively available to help. Sadly I can see the majority of people ending up like it all around the world as the rich/poor divide keeps growing exponentially and the ever growing issues between the right and left and the hate aimed at immigrants, especially Muslims in most Western countries.

Anyway, rant over. Sorry about that, it just really fecking pisses me off and upsets me, and I just feel so powerless to do anything yet you see cnuts like Elon Musk spending over $40 BILLION on a website then spending his days spreading fear, hate and conspiracy theories when his time and that money could be make a real difference and make lives better rather than worse as he is doing.

Sorry, the rant wasn't over was it? :lol:
These rants are essential for people willing to hear them and there are some.

We are living in insane times and it seems that the world's itching to burn everything down, once again.
It just we are in a video game of conquest played by aliens. How we can't be so cruel with our own species. There is nothing to gain in so much destruction and suffering but we keep going