nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions

Grinding out another win. Sets up probably the best matchup in the tournament on Sunday.
We were robbed. Worst display of officiating incompetence I have seen since the Lakers-Kings series.
Yep, that's him. Great tradition.
There are some but most guys just get 9-5 jobs. The minor leagues don't pay much.
-Goaltending not called in the first minute
-McGary undercut, no call
-Burke second foul, not even close to a foul, sits out 12 minutes
-Last minute, Robinson with the rebound was pushed out by Louisville player
-Hancock commits 4th foul with 6 minutes to go, charged to Behanan, Hancock scores 6 more points instead of sitting
-Oh and this
Louisville's fan base doesn't dwarf ours, come on.
Michigan has the largest alumni in the world and with the economic downturn, they are spread throughout the country. Louisville isn't even the biggest school in a much smaller state.