I involve myself with Utd through watching TV, listening to the radio, reading the news, coming on the CAF, for a significant proportion of my time every day and wanting my team to be successful is an emotional highlight for me.I mean, just say you want your team to be successful and you don't care about discussing Qatar's political/human rights issues? The bolded part is just naive mealy-mouthing.
On the other hand, if I am honest, I don't really care about Qatar's political/human rights issues and if it wasn't for takeover talk ,I would never even think about them.
I don't think I am a bad immoral person but quite frankly concerning myself with a country thousands of miles away which I have absolutely no personal or emotional connection to when there are enough issues in my own country seems a lot of effort and time I dont have.
That's a long winded way of saying I really don't care about discussing Qatar's issues but I would love them to make Utd the top team in the world.
I'd bet most Utd fans if they were really honest with themselves would agree