Club Sale | It’s done!

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I'm OK with Dubai. Won't be fecking tight arsed like the yanks. And the most progressive within UAE. Not enough of course by quite a margin but the best of that lot.
Yeah that's how I see it. In truth I'd take any Middle Eastern owners except for the Saudis. A Dubai based ownership would be somewhat palatable assuming they pour billions into the club, regenerate the area around OT and OT itself, and put proper footballing people in charge like the setup City has.

And call it hypocritical all you want, unlike City we were always a big club who didn't need sugar daddies to ascend to the top. This is just levelling the playing field with them as far as I'm concerned. Virtue signallers come at me.
Yeah that's how I see it. In truth I'd take any Middle Eastern owners except for the Saudis. A Dubai based ownership would be somewhat palatable assuming they pour billions into the club, regenerate the area around OT and OT itself, and put proper footballing people in charge like the setup City has.

And call it hypocritical all you want, unlike City we were always a big club who didn't need sugar daddies to ascend to the top. This is just levelling the playing field with them as far as I'm concerned. Virtue signallers come at me.

This. Only worry would be that they aren't actually loaded enough or willing to proper invest in the club
It's insane, I wonder if they sleep happy knowing we ain't run by an oil club but the glazers when city lift the league every single season.

That oil state didn't just pump money into city, they made them a well run football club, with footballing people.
Yeah I sleep fine personally, first of all cos it's football and it's hardly something I'm gonna lose sleep over, also because I don't think success should come at any cost - I care that our owners are not personally responsible for countless human rights violations, though it might not matter to you. It makes anything City does, and any title they win, completely hollow in my mind.
There's a lot of ignorance and lumping things together. I'd take Dubai but not sure about any of the other ones.

One thing I know, I want the rats out.
A bit rich calling people ignorant and then throwing Dubai out there as if it's squeaky clean - it raises some real ethical questions. It's the lesser of a lot of evils, but it's by no means an ideal situation.
Seeing supporters fighting on what type of owner we should get is border hilarious. As if we would have a say on the matter. Top reds had the chance of having that say when Edwards offered fans the chance to buy his shares. Most refused to do that. The Glazers will sell the club to the highest bidder and knowing were is what on a map won't change that.
Honestly if Ratcliffe wants to come in then I'm all for it - as long as he's going to fork out the dollar for things like stadium upgrades, training facilities etc. If its a case of hes business first then that means taking care of money i.e. not unlike the Glazers. However IF he can sort the outstanding issues out then as people have said, the transfers and all that jazz can be sorted by the club itself.

I will have to say though what does this club want? If it wants to be at the top then it needs to have owners like City, Newcastle etc so if there needs to be 200m spent in a window or an Mbappe level player for instance requires ridiculous wages then owners like Dubai would be more inclined I think to drop the cash.

There does come a point though past like 20bn probably where the wealth is pretty much a moot point because unless average players are going to start costing 100m+ then I dont think the owner necessarily NEEDS to be that filthy rich. Like for me it doesnt really make a difference whether its 20bn or 700bn I cannot see a future in football where its necessary to need over the top money.
I’m surprised this has only reached 36 pages so far. Thought the day Glazers publicly declared a willingness to sell, it would be in the hundreds
Well, Ronaldo took all his fans with him when he left. So we are the only ones left I'm afraid. :angel:
Yeah that's how I see it. In truth I'd take any Middle Eastern owners except for the Saudis. A Dubai based ownership would be somewhat palatable assuming they pour billions into the club, regenerate the area around OT and OT itself, and put proper footballing people in charge like the setup City has.

And call it hypocritical all you want, unlike City we were always a big club who didn't need sugar daddies to ascend to the top. This is just levelling the playing field with them as far as I'm concerned. Virtue signallers come at me.
You don't deserve a medal because you're fine with the idea of a dictatorship regime taking us over.

People saying they're "fine with Dubai" are probably people who have never been there, never seen how a woman is treated by a native Emirati, never seen the living conditions of migrant workers, and never looked at how homosexuality is legally treated there.
I’ll say for myself, I’d be happy to take Qataris or whoever basically allows us the best opportunity at success. I appreciate that some assess the morality of everything, but I’ll concede I’m not one of them. Not that I ‘support’ murder or whatever it may be, but these things have been a part of the world my whole life and I’ve become numb/desensitised to that that does not impact me. Like, I’ll hear something on the news about an incident in Colorado and it will be gone from my mind the next day.

Ultimately, when it comes to me enjoying my football, the last thing I’m concerned with is the politics of what I’m watching. I want to enjoy the game and prefer if my team wins. I have enough things going on in my life and community to be hugely invested I’ll be honest. Football is an escape for me and the last thing I want to do is be caught up with tracing every dollar.

If I was offered a job in Dubai paying £500k per year, I’d take it as it would serve me and my family without requesting a full audit as to how everyone gets paid. I’ll let those in charge determine what’s legitimate regarding this, and if a owner that will help my club pass whatever government checks then personally that’s fine by me. In another context, I’d likely take a more moral approach, so like many, I’ll concede to picking and choosing what upsets me, likely based upon any personal impact.

I say this ultimately to avoid anyone calling me out for changing my tune later. Makes little sense to me to hope that someone who barely has the money owns United because he helps old ladies across the street. I feel like I do have some limits, I’d be against being owned by the Cali Cartel - but I guess a sovereign state does not fall the wrong side of the line for me. I’d be happy to debate their politics in a different context, but not in the football one. I’m not massively fussed.
You don't deserve a medal because you're fine with the idea of a dictatorship regime taking us over.

People saying they're "fine with Dubai" are probably people who have never been there, never seen how a woman is treated by a native Emirati, never seen the living conditions of migrant workers, and never looked at how homosexuality is legally treated there.

This will sounds harsh but if we are still football fans nowadays then we cant escape the fact that the morals have gone out the game. The World Cup is happening right now in Qatar which is mental. We have to live with it or find another sport to enjoy I'm afraid because its part of the game and we cannot do anything about it.
Yeah I sleep fine personally, first of all cos it's football and it's hardly something I'm gonna lose sleep over, also because I don't think success should come at any cost - I care that our owners are not personally responsible for countless human rights violations, though it might not matter to you. It makes anything City does, and any title they win, completely hollow in my mind.

Well to you, and that's your opinion so that's fair. As far as my opinion on this, we can keep pretending all their wins/trophies are hallow - I use it personally, in all my arguments with friends etc. But reality is they're still winning and becoming a footballing giant whilst we've been rotting. Stop kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Hence why I've had a problem with the glazer over 'higher morale' argument.
Are the people screaming for Arab investment the same people who have bitched and whined about the City/Newcastle owners? Or is it ok for us now?
Probably not
This. Only worry would be that they aren't actually loaded enough or willing to proper invest in the club

They are fecking loaded in the grand scheme of things, especially if it is ICD. DIC is not poor either and both are closely tied to the sovereign wealth fund. When talking about the worth of those sovereign wealth funds mentioned, the total net worth doesn't really matter as everyone got insane amount of money. Also United doesn't require as much investment as City and Newcastle to be competitive on and off the field.
It's the same thing as the Glazer's in the sense they appoint the people to run the club. If they are shit then it's on him
Correct, but in that regard he’s the same as the Glazers, the Dubai bid and anyone else who tables an offer. It’s not a reason to rule him out already.
Also, there isn’t a lot of context to the argument at the minute. It’s too simplistic to say Nice are shit so I don’t want him. You have to contrast their situation with ours and apply the context. His aims with Nice as an investment and a sporting project aren’t necessarily going to be the same as his plans for United.
For me the best thing any new owner could do is appoint the best possible candidate in each leadership position and then butt out and leave the club to run itself.
Are the people screaming for Arab investment the same people who have bitched and whined about the City/Newcastle owners? Or is it ok for us now?

Quite possibly. But as is often the case with things like this, outrage is often thinly veiled envy. Was probably driven by jealousy for some, even if only subconsciously. People would have far less to say about questionable owners at a Championship club.

It’s easy to have opinions about successful people when you are not particularly successful yourself. I wonder how many of the fans protesting rival ownership would genuinely refuse a 1.5m a year contract in their own line of work from the Middle East. If they would, then they have my full respect.
We should probably just be feeling some excitement at the change. If it all goes tits up then so be it but none of us know how it’ll go yet so may as well just enjoy the ride.
Its great for us as a family. The hotels are really good, the one we're staying in has a waterpark which is perfect for the kids. My daughter loves the giant aquarium in dubai mall. Plus its warm in december so greaet for us to get away.
That mall is really something. I like to go skiing there when I visit and then hit the steakhouse. Incredible and world class city in every respect hope you and your daughter enjoy your trip.

It would be great if he puts up a winning bid purely to avoid the childlike drama that will accompany almost any other buyer. But he always has seemed like a lukewarm buyer to me. Like the guy who puts in a bid for the presser and fans fawning over him to feed his ego.
Blown away by those who perceive this as “bad” news. I admit, not stoked about Qatari owners. Would be delighted with the Norway sovereign fund, but doubt that will happen.

Make no mistake, this is absolutely the pinnacle of football assets. Barca and Real are owned by the socios, so they’re almost impossible to buy. United is next in line.

This will probably be a 10b dollar transaction. There were supposedly 200 investment groups interested in Chelsea. I would think the price tag for United would thin out that group considerably. Even if you have 50 inquiries, getting a shortlist of 3-5 is not impossible. Another American owner is quite possible, but I also see Singapore sovereign funds as a possibility. China is mired in shit right now, so maybe not a high possibility there.
Are the people screaming for Arab investment the same people who have bitched and whined about the City/Newcastle owners? Or is it ok for us now?

That ship had sailed once owners like that entered football. We'll need people with deep pockets to counter such rich owners. Also there's no such thing as a benevolent billionaire. Saint Jim Ratcliffe threatened to throw his employees on dole unless its company is allowed to dodge EU pollution law.
The Glazers did allow us to spend a lot, more than most. There's no guarantee the new owners would as well.

Of course we should celebrate getting rid of the Glazers, but there's no guarantee that things will get better
I would assume and hope that new owners wouldn’t saddle the club with debt, and wouldnt be so keen on dividends which would free up a lot of the clubs money to reinvest. This HAS to be a better situation for the club than what we have currently, doesn’t it?!
I would assume and hope that new owners wouldn’t saddle the club with debt, and would be so keen on dividends which would free up a lot of the clubs money to reinvest. This HAS to be a better situation for the club than what we have currently, doesn’t it?!
Yeah of course, but it's your assumption. We could get an owner severely cutting back spending to focus money in the infrastructure without putting any if his own in.

Think people are misunderstanding folks pointing out that there are scenarios where this goes bad for thinking it's bad news that the Glazers are selling. Of course it's fantastic that they are!
Why people even mention Norway's sovereign fund? Is it something that has ever been rumoured?
Why people even mention Norway's sovereign fund? Is it something that has ever been rumoured?

No, and as I have said before that doesn't fit the NBIM's or the CEO Nicolai Tangen's MO. Maybe if they got in early on a potential ESL, but not now. NBIM own a small stake in Dortmund and Juventus but doesn't seem likely at all for it to be a majority shareholder in a sporting franchise.
I wonder if we'll hear about more interested parties in the coming days.

Would Kuwait be no good?
No, and as I have said before that doesn't fit the NBIM's or the CEO Nicolai Tangen's MO. Maybe if they got in early on a potential ESL, but not now. NBIM own a small stake in Dortmund and Juventus but doesn't seem likely at all for it to be a majority shareholder in a sporting franchise.

That's interesting I didn't know that. So while unlikely it's not something that is completely crazy?
God almighty, this thread. :eek: It's like Lineker's briefing notes before a world cup MOTD. Please, please let the sale go through asap.
I don't know how hard it is to understand that if we want someone to heavily invest into the club, and I am not talking only about the players but in everything related to the club, stadium, training grounds, women and youth teams, and just in general bring the club to the 21st century, it will have to come from one of Qatar, UAE, Saudis etc. There is simply no way that any of the US consortiums or that Ratcliffe guy wouldn't expect to get their money back, and pretty quickly. I admire some of you having higher moral values than most of others and I guess you don't buy anything made in China, don't fill your car with fuel that came from Saudis etc. which again, I salute you but I just don't think it's what's best for the club. We desperately need investment in a lot of areas and nobody will be stupid enough to throw their own money without expecting to get it back, except the state owners who care more about their image than money.
That's interesting I didn't know that. So while unlikely it's not something that is completely crazy?
I think they're not in the business of owning anything outright, but rather minority stakes in a lot of things around the world. That's what makes them unlikely buyers. You'll find them among the top 10-20 shareholders of hundreds of publicly traded companies globally.
I do not want us to be owned by an oil state, but it's not like we really have a say in the matter.

I fear a Chelsea-type owner, a load of highly questionable Americans - no thanks.

If Ratcliffe can clear the debts and get the club operating properly, then it makes enough money in itself, we don't need massive amounts of oil money throwing around.

As the biggest and most recognisable brand in world football, playing in the richest league - I think people are going to be lining up to make offers.
That's interesting I didn't know that. So while unlikely it's not something that is completely crazy?

Don't see it at all tbh. Those stakes have been in the portfolio for years and are so small (less than 1% now, been going up and down previously) that I doubt NBIM got any influence on the daily operations of those clubs. It really doesn't fit with how the fund operates (small stakes, ie being passive minority owners). Also Norway have no need for sportwashing its image. I have been trying to find links on Tangen with investments into sport but was unable to find anything at all (Dortmund and Juve were before his time).

As a Frenchman - is the owner of LVMH involved in sports? Noticed NBIM own 1% of that group also.
This. Only worry would be that they aren't actually loaded enough or willing to proper invest in the club

They are loaded enough, i think the most important thing is that Dubai have had a "build it any they will come" they've not been afraid to invest into Dubai and their business to drive revenue. They are smart enough to grow their city to what it is today, i think they would do OK at United. Tbh though, all they really need to do is get rid of the debt and either upgrade Old Trafford or build a new stadium, and i suspect we'll see the area around OT rapidly change as well, making is a destination, not just for football
Don't see it at all tbh. Those stakes have been in the portfolio for years and are so small (less than 1% now, been going up and down previously) that I doubt NBIM got any influence on the daily operations of those clubs. It really doesn't fit with how the fund operates. Also Norway have no need for sportwashing its image. I have been trying to find links on Tangen with investments into sport but was unable to (Dortmund and Juve were before his time).

As a Frenchman - is the owner of LVMH involved in sports? Noticed NBIM own 1% of that group also.

No. I don't think that he has ever been linked to this kind of business.
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