Club Sale | It’s done!

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Yet in the same poll 98% of voted for the Glazers to go with only 1.8% voting for minority investment. Surely if this poll was hijacked by rival fans they would've voted for the Glazers to remain?

Anyone who doesn’t like the results is going to say it was hihacked by rival fans. If the poll had the Qataris well in front, these same people would remain silent.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
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I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
You’re clearly taking the piss but imagine you weren’t.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
We aren't saying Glazers out for fun :wenger: do you even care for United?

By all means be against Qatar if you want, but there's other options without those parasites.
I do respect those that are genuinely going to boycott the club if we are bought by Qatar out of principal, but there are a lot of people in this thread that are living on a different planet.

Most people want someone with unlimited money (or close to it) to buy the club without any debt, and then invest close to what they have paid for the club into the infrastructure. All this while not taking a penny out of the club. What successful business person is going to do this?

As sad as it might be we have two choices, accept us being bought by an individual or consortium that may have to borrow to buy us, might not be able to invest the sort of money we as fans would like into the club and will ultimately be looking to run it like a business and make money from it. Or we accept being bought by an oil state or associated fund that will do all the things we as fans would like but comes with the stigma of being an "oil club" and the human rights issues.

Those are our choices ultimately, and I think attacking people for either wanting to take a stand, or being okay with our situation is a little bit silly.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
Can Mbappe do a job on the right?
If we brought in Mbappe it would be good evidence to point to a terrible, shite ownership structure that doesn't actually look at the club ethos whatsoever.

Mbappe's player power at PSG is something I dont' want replicated here. My biggest worry is that the stewardship approach would be the same as PSG, and I'm really hoping it won't.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!

Jesus wept...
I agree, I just find it a little hypocritical when someone wants to betray themselves on the moral high ground but still bask in all the glory that comes with such a regime.

I understand perfectly, I’m just confused by those who will be morally outraged by this takeover and yet will still celebrate when we win off the back of them.
The owners are just custodians, you're perfectly entitled to dislike whoever they are and choose to support or leave the club but owners come and go, fans are forever and some people subscribe to the idea that the football team belongs to the fans if not according to Companies House UK.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!

In a thread full of weird and wonderful posts.. this is possibly the worst take on the whole situation.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
We got an impostor.
Something I’ve just been considering.

Does the Qataris probable/possible acquisition of us put the final nail in the coffin of the super league?

PSG refused to join the initial one, I’m guessing that was due to Nasser and his ties to UEFA. Manchester United not being in it due to Qatar ownership would surely kill it permanently if not dead already as there is mo super league without us.

This would give UEFA more cause to allow the takeover and not block it.

Real Madrid star Toni Kroos insists the European Super League DESERVES a second chance - and claims the controversial breakaway competition would bring ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘passion’ back into the game
  • Toni Kroos believes that a European Super League will get the go ahead
  • The German midfielder backs the idea as it will bring 'passion' back to the game
  • A22 revealed plans for a revised European Super League earlier this month
  • Kroos also slams UEFA's Nations League as a competition that wasn't needed
Real Madrid star Toni Kroos insists the European Super League DESERVES a second chance - and claims the controversial breakaway competition would bring ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘passion’ back into the game
  • Toni Kroos believes that a European Super League will get the go ahead
  • The German midfielder backs the idea as it will bring 'passion' back to the game
  • A22 revealed plans for a revised European Super League earlier this month
  • Kroos also slams UEFA's Nations League as a competition that wasn't needed
Wasn't aware passion and enthusiasm had ever left the game
Real Madrid star Toni Kroos insists the European Super League DESERVES a second chance - and claims the controversial breakaway competition would bring ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘passion’ back into the game
  • Toni Kroos believes that a European Super League will get the go ahead
  • The German midfielder backs the idea as it will bring 'passion' back to the game
  • A22 revealed plans for a revised European Super League earlier this month
  • Kroos also slams UEFA's Nations League as a competition that wasn't needed
Bloody Real Madrid :lol:
I want to bury Real. The PL shouldn’t give any of these clubs a lifeline.
The owners are just custodians, you're perfectly entitled to dislike whoever they are and choose to support or leave the club but owners come and go, fans are forever and some people subscribe to the idea that the football team belongs to the fans if not according to Companies House UK.

I understand all of that, what I’m saying is it’s going to get very tedious reading comments about how morally outraged someone is in one thread and then celebrating everything that comes with it in another. It’s just a little hypocritical for me. I respect anyone who does actually feel that strongly about the proposed new owners so much so that feel like that have to boycott games or just cut ties altogether.
Real Madrid star Toni Kroos insists the European Super League DESERVES a second chance - and claims the controversial breakaway competition would bring ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘passion’ back into the game
  • Toni Kroos believes that a European Super League will get the go ahead
  • The German midfielder backs the idea as it will bring 'passion' back to the game
  • A22 revealed plans for a revised European Super League earlier this month
  • Kroos also slams UEFA's Nations League as a competition that wasn't needed
Don't play in La Liga if you want passion. I think thats simple enough.
If INEOS have serious human rights abuses including murder of homosexuals and none muslims, rape, and other human rights abuses, then yes.

I don't want to start this all off again. But you can't be talking about Qatar here. Or do you have further information of this happening in Qatar? Sounds random and stereotypical and from what I've read Qatar had 1 capital punishment in 20 years and I doubt that was because the person was non muslim.
I understand all of that, what I’m saying is it’s going to get very tedious reading comments about how morally outraged someone is in one thread and then celebrating everything that comes with it in another. It’s just a little hypocritical for me. I respect anyone who does actually feel that strongly about the proposed new owners so much so that feel like that have to boycott games or just cut ties altogether.
I think ownership if it is the Qataris could be a double edged sword. Responsible fans living all over the World could bring a lot of media to bear if they considered their owners to be morally questionable on different topics. Qatar may end up owning on paper Man. Utd but the fans cannot be owned. Bit twee but I feel it could be some consolation holding the owners to account on their behaviour.
I think ownership if it is the Qataris could be a double edged sword. Responsible fans living all over the World could bring a lot of media to bear if they considered their owners to be morally questionable on different topics. Qatar may end up owning on paper Man. Utd but the fans cannot be owned. Bit twee but I feel it could be some consolation holding the owners to account on their behaviour.

But should that responsibility fall on us Man Utd fans? I don’t remember this kind of scrutiny when City, Newcastle or PSG were bought. I get obviously that Man Utd is a much bigger story but shouldn’t we all be calling out the wrongs regardless whether or not they own the club I support?
INEOS as a company are destroying the enviroment. That's a human rights abuse as worse as any.

It is still different. Are you trying to defend your reason for being accepting of the Qatar ownership by using other ethical issues as a comparison when they are not the same?

'Oh well, if you own any apple products or anything that isn't vegan, or own a car etc, then you have no right to take the moral high ground'.

Everything we use in day to day life is destroying the environment by the way.
It is still different. Are you trying to defend your reason for being accepting of the Qatar ownership by using other ethical issues as a comparison when they are not the same?

'Oh well, if you own any apple products or anything that isn't vegan, or own a car etc, then you have no right to take the moral high ground'.

Everything we use in day to day life is destroying the environment by the way.
There’s a difference between accepting the situation and accepting Qatar for feck sake
I don't want to start this all off again. But you can't be talking about Qatar here. Or do you have further information of this happening in Qatar? Sounds random and was stereotypical and from what I've read Qatar had 1 capital punishment in 20 years and I doubt that was because the person was non muslim.

Just because on one occasion there was capital punishment that is common knowledge, doesn't mean it still doesn't happen. Do you think it doesn't happen if it isn't done publicly?
But should that responsibility fall on us Man Utd fans? I don’t remember this kind of scrutiny when City, Newcastle or PSG were bought. I get obviously that Man Utd is a much bigger story but shouldn’t we all be calling out the wrongs regardless whether or not they own the club I support?
I'm not telling Man. Utd fans what to do, at the same time I see it as an opportunity but everybody should be responsible shouldn't they?
Just because on one occasion there was capital punishment that is common knowledge, doesn't mean it still doesn't happen. Do you think it doesn't happen if it isn't done publicly?

I merely challenged you on that quite bold statement of yours that indicated that Qatar are killing Non Muslims and Homosexuals. And yes I doubt they murder people for being Non Muslim. Very much so.

Don't get me wrong. It's up to you to stop supporting United and I would never citicise that as state ownerhsip is questionable especially with countries with human rights issues. But you are stating things as facts that seem way over the top.
I'm not telling Man. Utd fans what to do, at the same time I see it as an opportunity but everybody should be responsible shouldn't they?

Of course but you can already see the reaction from the media and rival fans will be once(if) this takeover is completed.
Of course but you can already see the reaction from the media and rival fans will be once(if) this takeover is completed.
When did fans ever get any choice in who bought the assets and debts? Your fans can ignore the reaction from trolls, other clubs got there first and I've been on here long enough to appreciate the thick skinned swivel eyed fans. One way or another it's the players and yourselves you support, you pay the bills at the end of the day, you own the club.
Whilst this process of who will become United’s new owners is still ongoing, let’s not pretend that the media attention is being diverted away from the fantastic job that ETH is doing. It’s important to remember the club will always be loved by the fans but as much as this is our religion, our passion, our club we simply can not influence who buys the club and who writes the biggest cheque to the Glaziers , undoubtedly the worst owners in living memory.

The irony is that a truly elite coach like ETH is actually raising the value on a daily basis to fill the pockets even more of these Greedy B……!

Most united fans will not be enamoured by Middle East Owners but we simply can’t stop it. Instead all we can hope and I stress the word hope, is that they leave the coach alone, let him sell who he wants to sell, buy who he wants to buy within reason. I see no point in buying FDJ for £85m and £600k per week to sign when we can probably get some one just as good for less. Just because we can pay ridiculous transfers fees and wages doesn’t mean that we should so checks must be put in place to stop football mercenaries milking our club.

I say this however at same time wishing that the club resigns Marcus Rashford, the offer right now of £250-300k per week is not enough, he’s in his prime and should be looking at £400/450k per week on a 5+1 contract.

The rumoured new wage structure will go straight out the window especially if Qatar win, they will want to make statement signings. This is the big worry that the new owners will buy players that the manager does not want and damage the good work ETH has been doing.

They must leave the manager alone, and Concentrate on restructuring the board, Marketing department, Scouting department and deliver on a world class stadium, that is the envy of the world. New Owners must leave ETH to continue to restructure the club’s first team.

The fans can voice their concerns, they can probably wear pink shirts with anti Qatar slogans against human rights and LGBTQ concerns at OT games but ultimately It will be futile.

United fans, however can influence one important part of the club with the new owners. If they want our support they need to leave the Manager alone and we need to show them how much they would alienate the fan base if they interfere with his outstanding work by relentlessly singing his name home and away.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
It won't really split the fanbase at all.

There'll be a minority group who won't like it/be conflicted but most of that group will eventually accept and live with it. There will be a tiny part of that group who will throw their toys out of the pram and follow through with threats to cease being supporters of the club. A really tiny minority of a minority. They will be irrelevant.
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I kind of want the Glazers to stay now. Seemingly this sale is going to split the whole fanbase and to be honest I can see it getting quite toxic on here regardless of who buys the club (if this thread is anything to go by). I think it would be better to just keep the Glazers, the whole of the fanbase is happy enough to just keep saying Glazers out and we keep on the trajectory we are on with Erik. Happy days!!
Yeah it hasn't been toxic before or fans weren't slip here... But it will happen when Qatar takes over..
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