Club Sale | It’s done!

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It’s one thing to have a baron period, it’s another to be owned by incompetent owners who have leached 1.5b from the club while letting the stadium rot and picking terrible staff over and over again.

You don’t need to be super successful but just the feeling someone competent was running the club and wanted to at least try to be the best with best in class hires above the manager.

All this has done is added another mouth to feed at the top of of the pyramid.

I would genuinely take relegation if it meant the glazers cleared off.
We might have had bad patches in the past, but you knew the people running the us loved the club and their hearts were in the right place. The Glazers don't have hearts.
Or Glazers did not want 100% sale

Ratcliffe succeeded because they were willing to keep the Glazers. 25% is what they own. Basically we will still be run by idiots at the top. Only difference is Ratcliffe will show his face to the fans and keep giving false promise.

So the Glazers strung along the sheikhs in order to bait their real target, Ratcliffe? I remember this theory being brought up as a joke because people were saying the opposite and that Sir Jim was being used to get a bigger offer, he should just walk away, qatar will just blow him out of the water etc

Bow to your new/old overlords! Now with 25% more Jim.
Well, at least Amnesty International will be happy or something.

The state of some of the absolute Glazer sympathizers on here is pathetic.
Am I right in thinking we will be the richest non-state-owned Premier League club after the full takeover is completed?

Can’t even compete in a 1 club league in France that would need very little investment to finish within the CL spots. His Swiss side has been relegated.

Fecked off by Chelsea and Barce, doesn’t have the funds needed to get us to the top and will keep the Glazers on for years.

Exciting times
So nothing changes as our club remains in the dark ages with no investments for the foreseable future with these parasites staying. God i hate the Glazers with a passion!
Remember when after the SuperLeague fiasco they crawled out of their hole in the ground to make all sort of promises how everything will change and they will be more engaged in communicate with the fans - i guess we now know that was just PR damage limitation. Nothing will ever change with these f... in charge!
People are really jumping the gun assuming the Ineos bid won't have pre determined "put options" to guarantee full control by X date.

Maybe it won't but let's wait and see. The reports today said this is the start of a staged takeover process. If that's the case it's better than what we had.

Also the thought he isn't rich enough is crazy. Ineos are worth like 65 billion and are owned by 3 billionaires.

I wanted Qatar but won't be writing off Jim being a good potential owner from the get go. If this was the only way to get a deal done then so be it.
Coming up to 70 years supporting my team, sadly I don't see any future with another Rat onboard.
Not as long as you but I’ve supported the club for over 40yrs and unfortunately my health hasn’t been the best in recent years.
This news tonight has more or less confirmed to me that the chances of me ever seeing my club back at the top table again in my lifetime os more or less gone. I wish nothing but the worst for the Glazers and the rats who feed their greed.
Nothing about investing in the stadium, nothing about investing in training facilities. Nothing about clearing debt. Glazers staying.

I knew whatever happens, we'd get the worst outcome. United is cursed.
Why are so many people assuming that Ineos won't end up having full ownership? Shouldn't we at least wait until the full details of their plan are made public to judge? From what's been reported, their bid includes a route to 100% ownership. Whether that route is binding or not varies from report to report, that's the only thing that worries me.
The way Qatar have operated during this entire process hasn't exactly been reassuring that they'd come in and be a super organised and well managed ownership. It's been really shambolic from every party involved.
We could have had the debt cleared. £2b for the stadium and training ground. The glazers out.

Now we have a guy who failed to buy Chelsea, failed to buy Barcelona, has failed with Nice FC. Has lowered his bid to accommodate the Glazers. Is using debt to buy 25%…

Feel gutted.
Nice are still unbeaten in the French league.

INEOs have it sorted. :D
But what about the narrative that Jim's clubs are a disaster??? For what it's worth, I've been pretty firm in my belief that an owners true influence takes about 5 years to actually start seeing the benefits of it. You might notice it before, but it takes a while to build clubs the way you want. Players make the most immediate impact, than coaching staff, than the sporting management team above the manager, but it all starts from the owners.
The way Qatar have operated during this entire process hasn't exactly been reassuring that they'd come in and be a super organised and well managed ownership. It's been really shambolic from every party involved.
That's true. We are a shambles anyway, so why not get more shambolic.
People just want owners that put the club first, nothing more, nothing less. That’s why the Qatari bid was attractive, regardless of supposed “sports washing” motives, it was in Jassim’s every interest to inject money in to making every facet of the club best-in-class. Club first. This will absolutely not be the case under the proposed Sir James Arthur Ratcliffe FIChemE/Ineos deal, we’re more likely to see private equity investment and more milking of the club as nothing more than a revenue-generating machine in order to filter any profits to a select few stakeholders.

I don't understand the certainty people have in how one or the other would have run the club tbh.

Jassim has shown nothing to suggest he's competent at all. Not just in football but in anything.

Ratcliffe has, in business but does have a less impressive record in sport. Nothing to the disastrous level many predict will happen with United though and does also have many successes. He has experience if nothing else but tbh, United are a very different kettle of fish compared to Nice or a cycling team.
Jassim’s bid was multiple times over what Jim Brexit is bringing… like multiple billions over it.

The only thing that Jim is offering that isn’t LESS than Jassim is the Glazers staying.

Jim Brexit is funding the Glazers staying at Utd - that’s what is happening, nothing more and nothing less.

It’s investment, wrapped up (thinly) in a rhetoric to dupe / string along fans.
Exactly this. Not sure what's so hard to understand.
Why are so many people assuming that Ineos won't end up having full ownership? Shouldn't we at least wait until the full details of their plan are made public to judge? From what's been reported, their bid includes a route to 100% ownership. Whether that route is binding or not varies from report to report, that's the only thing that worries me.
It's more fun to throw your toys out the pram because you couldn't get what you wanted (unlimited oil money cheat)
This 'jim rat boy' and 'brexit jim' name calling is puerile on a level with RAWK's 'Manure' name. That said, I am quite enjoying the hand-wringing hysteria of those that were just SO DESPERATE for that sweet, sweet state money. Delighted Qatar are out
The way Qatar have operated during this entire process hasn't exactly been reassuring that they'd come in and be a super organised and well managed ownership. It's been really shambolic from every party involved.

I think a well respected posted referred to them as "incompetent" previously :wenger:
It looks like it wouldn’t have mattered even if they bid £7 billion just for the Gkszrd shares they have it in their heads the club is worth £10 billion how does SJ counter that without looking a complete bafoon when Forbes overvalue the club at $6 billion, time to move on and more importantly for united fans to stop fighting amongst themselves!

So how can Ratcliffe make a deal with them which if you believe some reports looks like 25% now, some assurances on what aspects of the club he can control immediately and options for a full buy-out in three years? We can say a lot about Ratcliffe but he is not a complete idiot in his businesses.
The way Qatar have operated during this entire process hasn't exactly been reassuring that they'd come in and be a super organised and well managed ownership. It's been really shambolic from every party involved.
Agreed. That's why i don't understand why anyone would assume definite success under Qatar. They seem completely amateur.
We could have had the debt cleared. £2b for the stadium and training ground. The glazers out.

Now we have a guy who failed to buy Chelsea, failed to buy Barcelona, has failed with Nice FC. Has lowered his bid to accommodate the Glazers. Is using debt to buy 25%…

Feel gutted.

Can’t even compete in a 1 club league in France that would need very little investment to finish within the CL spots. His Swiss side has been relegated.

Fecked off by Chelsea and Barce, doesn’t have the funds needed to get us to the top and will keep the Glazers on for years.

Exciting times

I’m not melting down I will always support my club through glory and downfall, it’s simply another chapter in our illustrious history but I can’t wait to see all Sir Jim’s supporters turn on him in the next 2-3 years ?

When you guys are proven wrong in the future, I hope you'll acknowledge how bad your takes were on this whole situation.

I'll do the same if Jimmy lad really is just a "7th Glazer" and things won't get better for United...but that's fortunately so much more unlikely than your predictions.
So the Glazers strung along the sheikhs in order to bait their real target, Ratcliffe? I remember this theory being brought up as a joke because people were saying the opposite and that Sir Jim was being used to get a bigger offer, he should just walk away, qatar will just blow him out of the water etc
Qatar failing or Glazers still in charge is not something to be hapoy about. I would have been even ok had ratcliffe bought the club completely. Today isn't a day to celebrate, in fact another day which has ruined our weekend.
When you guys are proven wrong in the future, I hope you'll acknowledge how bad your takes were on this whole situation.

I'll do the same if Jimmy lad really is just a "7th Glazer" and things won't get better for United...but that's fortunately so much more unlikely than your predictions.

So you’ve looked at his history with football clubs and come to that conclusion? His bid which keeps the glazers/arnold/Murtough here and are like ‘yeah I want a bit of that’

Well Done
I think it is time to get games cancelled. So far, getting games cancelled have made those parasites come out in 2021.
Anyone know the fate of Nice? He can’t own both Man Utd and Nice?

Unfortunately, the rules around mutli-club ownership seem pretty dodgy and easy to circumvent. Brighton's owner just handed off his shares in Belgian club USG to an associate when they both qualified for the Europa. Similarly, Red Bull get away with owning both Salzburg and Leipzig with bullshit back office musical chair shenanigans. Newcastle and Sheffield United are both essentially owned by the Saudi royal family.

The whole thing stinks and it'll be likely be very easy to get around.
Exact message I received on WhatsApp from Arsenal and Liverpool fans

I wonder if they'll be laughing when they realize United has just become as rich as those 2 clubs combined with an owner that's likely going to burn hundreds of millions of pounds just to get his boyhood club back to the top of English and European football once again.
When you guys are proven wrong in the future, I hope you'll acknowledge how bad your takes were on this whole situation.

I'll do the same if Jimmy lad really is just a "7th Glazer" and things won't get better for United...but that's fortunately so much more unlikely than your predictions.
Sure you guys will. The excuse after 2-3 years will become “ahh he’s only 25% owner what’s he supposed to do” or “25 years of glazers ownership he can’t change it in 3 years”
Jassim's bid valued the club less than Ratcliffe. His bid was for a higher percentage yes, but Ratcliffes still is a 25% start while progressing to a full takeover. The total value is what counts. Not just what someone earns today. Jassim was well within his rights to do the same, or up his full takeover offer to be equivalent to the total value that Ratcliffes bid values the club at.

That's the crux of it. Qatar could've upped their bid. They chose not to pay up and lost a straight money competition.

This is how I see it as well. If they had these big plans for 1.5 to 2 billion to invest in the club they could have upped their bid, otherwise all their plans are just useless and some easy promises to have the fans support them.
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