Club Sale | It’s done!

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The issue with this is that Man Utd IS a functioning business and area of land.

It isn’t a piece of art that will continue to increase in value if you do nothing other than keep it in a safe.

It is also a business that is saddled with debt that any responsible owner will want to clear and further still a business that also needs around a billion pounds of investment in its infrastructure.

That’s the reality.

If it were worth more you’d have a lot more bidders willing to pay 5.5b, whereas in reality, there was only 3 bidders, globally, when the offers were around 4.5b! This tells you a lot about what it’s actually, currently, worth.

of course it's not a piece of art, and as you allude to it's way more complex than that

I'm just saying that the valuation is intangible

we already have two bidders who have bid "more than its worth" in business terms.. the reason there aren't more I believe is because of interest rates and the fact other states have already bought PL clubs
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The issue with this is that Man Utd IS a functioning business and area of land.

It isn’t a piece of art that will continue to increase in value if you do nothing other than keep it in a safe.

It is also a business that is saddled with debt that any responsible owner will want to clear and further still a business that also needs around a billion pounds of investment in its infrastructure.

That’s the reality.

If it were worth more you’d have a lot more bidders willing to pay 5.5b, whereas in reality, there was only 3 bidders, globally, when the offers were around 4.5b! This tells you a lot about what it’s actually, currently, worth.
Totally agree. The over the top price, that at least one bidder is prepared to pay, also allows for them having to fork out an extra 2Bn to clear the debt and invest in the decaying infrastructure. If the Glazer’s had managed the club wisely and left the buyers without having to find an extra 2Bn then they may have got close to what they wanted.
Top tweet is interesting. Shareholders wanting to cash out and want NYSE to get involved and stop this ridiculous charade??

This is the biggest circus yet for United.
Feels like Avram's been more visible around the club this year than in the previous 17 years combined.
No one should be using that Forbes bs to support any valuation related arguments. That number is something some glue smeller picked out of his own ass. There is literally no financial logic to increased valuation, united's value comes mostly from tv deals and commercial revenues, neither of which really had any meaningful longterm increase that would affect man utd's valuation increase. Valuations of a business do not increase or decrease wildly based on 1 season of success or failure as next season there might be changes and united may again fail to qualify for CL.

The Glazers have picked a number they like and it's clear no one outside of the retarded 6 thinks that number is anywhere close to reality which is why they got no one when they went around with their begging bowl to get some minority stake and neither Qatar nor Ratcliffe are valuing the club anywhere neat their number.

£5.2bn is actually not too far away from £6bn but some of what you say makes total sense especially retarded 6 but here’s the thing you can spurt off about how Forbes valuation is BS yet here we are all still writing nonsensical posts about the club still not being sold! A valuation is what a seller wants and a buyer has to agree too, currently they don’t have a buyer that agrees to their valuation and the seller will not agree to the buyers offer so we’re in a state of nothingness, nada, no sale!
I don't think Matthew McConaughey fecking around behind a bookcase in the far flung future has even seen an end to this...
I have a little hope that there will be some signs and chants against them in the stadium but I'm not expecting it

Feels like Avram's been more visible around the club this year than in the previous 17 years combined.

They're just trying to take the piss of the buyers, that's all it is.

Erik obviously has the job of handing them their leaving card and £20 Argos voucher.

On a serious note, really hope they are there to say goodbye. Less than 4 weeks until the start of the season, 3 home games in August - surely they want to avoid the protests that will come if they are still owners and we are still in the dark.

Rinse and repeat

Absolute clowns.

This is what happens when you have everything given to you on a silver platter. This lot haven't a clue what to do because they simply aren't the brightest or have any experience whatsoever making transactions of this magnitude.

Laughing stock of Wall street and beyond.
The longer the Glazers remain at the club the more it appears that the only way they finally leave is if results on the pitch take a downward turn and consistently, the fans meanwhile, suffer between a rock and a hard place, these owners are arguably the second most tragic chapter in the history of this great club.
Words cannot describe how badly I want The Glazers out of the club.
And on a side note, I've seen some ugly people in my time, but these guys take the biscuit.
Words cannot describe how badly I want The Glazers out of the club.
And on a side note, I've seen some ugly people in my time, but these guys take the biscuit.
Some ugly people are ugly on the outside, some on the inside.

There cnuts are ugly up, down, left, right, inside and out. Deplorable family.
I sincerely hope a few of our US fans vent their frustrations and anger at the chief parasite tonight.
'Glazers don't give a feck

In fairness, those feckers have won a moral victory against the pro-Qatar side of the fanbase.

Demanding supporters get matches cancelled and threatening strangers with physical
violence. This is before we assess the Qatari regime in its own right.

They wouldn't care anyway but now they have some ammunition. Bitterly frustrating.
Why do I feel Manchester United was sold a month ago when the 92 foundation registered as a company in U.K.
Sorry but Utd is not worth £6bn

Would say 4.5 at best

Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

And currently there are two party's with £5b+ offers on the table, so it's obviously worth more than £4.5b.
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