Yes, a couple of days ago, but it was a false alarm. They're cunning though, could be headed here by superyacht as we speak. Straight up the ship canal.Have we reached tracking flights from Qatar stage ?
Yes, a couple of days ago, but it was a false alarm. They're cunning though, could be headed here by superyacht as we speak. Straight up the ship canal.Have we reached tracking flights from Qatar stage ?
Jassim, Jassim, wherever you may be
You only exist due to AI technology
Or if this Ratcliffe guy buys the club?
My point is that the fear of financial doping under 92F is misplaced due to it being totally unnecessary and maybe even impossible.
Nice try ElonThere's something big's getting ready to drop...if you're lucky you can get a good whiff of it on Twitter right now.
I’ve no dog in this fight. I don’t want the club to be state owned so I’m extremely wary about this Jassim guy but I’ve no intention of going in to bat for SJR either. I just think it funny the way so many people on here are convinced that the problem we have had has been not spending enough money and an influx of oil money will have us dominating again.
I’ve no dog in this fight. I don’t want the club to be state owned so I’m extremely wary about this Jassim guy but I’ve no intention of going in to bat for SJR either. I just think it funny the way so many people on here are convinced that the problem we have had has been not spending enough money and an influx of oil money will have us dominating again.
I think I’m just going to ignore this thread until Sky report something. It’s too painful.
That's what they want you to think. Buy when others sell is the best advice, nothing can go wrong.SHORT THE STOCK!!!
I don't really get people having an issue with Qatari ownership.
I do get the sad truth that a football club based on its local community, especially for a club like man united, is dead. But hasn't that been the case for years? I mean the club has been owned by Americans for 18 years, and the only reason we don't feel the club is owned by a foreigner is because our owners don't give a crap about the club. They barely attend games.
If the fear is financial doping, and sketchy business, that might happen, but it might happen under any ownership, and i do firmly believe that we make enough money to compete, as our spending number suggests, and we can attract top sponsorship as we have an excellent brand name. All we need, as a start, is no leeches sucking out money for personal gain like the glazers.
Finally, the issue with the morality of the gulf countries, while they do not have to be reflected in our club, are we really arguing that the morals of the west are something to look up to? i mean the whole world is basically going to hell, but do we really want to make the issue of lack of morality a problem related to gulf countries? what morality and human rights issues do the glazers and sir Jim represent? i for one am not a fan of an American owner who spends a million dollars on a private jet to watch 4 games. I'm not saying they are a moral beacon, but i do think its naive to think that this is a problem uniquely found in one part of the world.
Nobody is leaning towards Ineos. It's 50/50 now.So it was bullshit and the most reliable sources are still leaning towards Ineos as I suspected.
Was holding at 20% for a while, last few mins it's fallen to 15%Now we get to find out if the share price moved on the basis of that tweet. Two hours left of pre-market trading.
This is what I've been saying. The expectation of something getting done this week / this month is under the acknowledgement that it would be the smart thing for all partiesWe're still a few months away from anything I think.
The combination of twitter and 'Qatari sources' was only ending one way
There's no such thing as a reliable source on which way it's leaning. The Glazers are making the decision and they won't tell anyone until they've talked it out amongst themselves.So it was bullshit and the most reliable sources are still leaning towards Ineos as I suspected.
The combination of twitter and 'Qatari sources' was only ending one way
its never mattered
Hm, not good news if you thought Qatar has won.
You ok pet?Please announce soon, I'm sick of the uncertainty