Everyone who i have ever spoken to, reckons Cloverfield is the biggest pile of shite ever.
A lot of the films named so far aren't really 'classics' to be fair
Controversial as it may be, I'd suggest Taxi Driver, Dr Strangelove and A Clockwork Orange. They just did very little for me
what the feck are you on abut?
I realise it's a subjective thing, but for feck sake, Clockwork Orange, man.
So because a couple of retarded people that you teach think these 'classic films' are rubbish, all students think that they're rubbish?
Dawn of the Dead (original Romero version)
Oh, and Aretha Franklin can't sing either, apparently.
This coming week I'm planning to show clips from the following:
The Godfather
Don't Look Now
Falling Down
I'll let you know whether any of these films are officially 'rubbish'....
Don't Look Now- one of the best movies ever. Ever!
No not at all...truth is when one or two come out with these opinions the vast majority of the class shout them down.
When I ask why they are 'rubbish' they mumble something incoherent and shut up!
I think Devils advocate is one of many games students seem to enjoy, however your students don't sound like their much good at it.
This coming week I'm planning to show clips from the following:
The Godfather
Don't Look Now
Falling Down
I'll let you know whether any of these films are officially 'rubbish'....
Students think Superbad is a classic, feck students.
show more non-american, preferably Scandiavian![]()
I think Devils advocate is one of many games students seem to enjoy, however your students don't sound like their much good at it.
Like I said a few comments ago, it is the minority who have voiced their disapproval, but then one who didn't like Raiders of the Lost Ark has named Godfather 1 and 2 as his all-time favourites, so I guess it is a matter of taste.
I do win them round in the end, though. Last year the set text for one exam was Get Carter (thankfully the original) and after a bit of resistance (mainly the dialogue for some reason) quite a lot were putting it as one of their favourites on their Facebook pages! I guess it is an attritional war which I am determined to win!
Hey, teacher! Leave them kids alone!
Wrong, do it again!
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you
have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!
I have to work within the confines of the syallabus, which dictates a more American flavour in the Autumn Term. If they go onto the second year then it does have a more world cinema feel. They will be getting stuff like Persona and Festen in the second year...that should sort them out!![]()
what do they reckon to "The Great Escape"?
*sharpens bayonet*
btw Spoony, i loved Blair Witch Project..at least the first 2 times i saw it. Admittedly the first time i was off my head on substances & the 2nd time i convinced a girl that it was real. She freaked out. I laughed
Blair Witch Project is quality
As a film studies lecturer I sometimes have to combat some student's views on the films I show or talk about. While I agree that some things come down to a matter of taste, there have been a few instances so far this term where I have been left a bit speechless at certain reactions.
So, over the course of this year I shall be compiling a weekly list of classic films which some of my students think are "rubbish" (their word).
So far I have had:
Romeo and Juliet (Baz Lurhmann)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Dawn of the Dead (original Romero version)
Halloween (Carpenter original)
The Exorcist
Oh, and Aretha Franklin can't sing either, apparently.
More to come as the year goes on....
Oh come on that is ridiculous, it is an awful movie
All done before with Blair Witch Project. I reckon I'm the only person who actually liked that film.
With the exception of Romeo and Juliet (Not a Lurhmann fan unfortunately) every film on that list is a classic (Maybe not Cloverfield yet but it was still incredible).
Raiders, Dawn, Halloween and the Exorcist were all Genre defining movies. How could any film student think otherwise?
I always find it a bit funny with films that people are supposed to have a massive spectrum of taste. You wouldn't expect it with say books: some people like chick lit or Dan Brown but no one expects them to necessarily like Ulysses. Maybe because it's such a popular medium you're supposed to like all of it.Film students who may not be on my course for very much longer, that's who!![]()
All done before with Blair Witch Project. I reckon I'm the only person who actually liked that film.
Get Carter, Dirty Harry and Unforgiven are class films. You should show them.
Update from this week's lectures:
Clip from Se7en went down okay. One girl has asked to borrow the dvd on the back of it.
Clip from Don't Look Now was very popular and got a lot of positive discussion going. Again a few students have asked if they can watch it in full, so that's promising.
Most had seen Scream already and liked it.
The Godfather didn't recieve any negatives from what I showed them.
They loved the stuff from Falling Down (the burger bar sequence).
So all in all a more positive week!
Only two films are apparently rubbish this week (minority view):
The Birds
American Beauty
I thought American Beauty was superb.Update from this week's lectures:
Clip from Se7en went down okay. One girl has asked to borrow the dvd on the back of it.
Clip from Don't Look Now was very popular and got a lot of positive discussion going. Again a few students have asked if they can watch it in full, so that's promising.
Most had seen Scream already and liked it.
The Godfather didn't recieve any negatives from what I showed them.
They loved the stuff from Falling Down (the burger bar sequence).
So all in all a more positive week!
Only two films are apparently rubbish this week (minority view):
The Birds
American Beauty