Cheap football kits

Just ordered the players version of the black away kit from the link @JoaquinJoaquin provided.

Ordered in my usual size of medium and cost £13. Not sure how long for delivery but will post some pics when it arrives.
It's amazing how many people are afraid to miss a deal.

It always happens in shops too. If I spend a long time looking in a window or looking at something in a shop, it's funny how many people come over to see what they are missing.
Obviously i'm more than happy to send the link and help people, But some people haven't even said a simple thanks in return. Which considering it's taking my time to type it all up is a bit crap really.
Waiting for our squad numbers to be announced before buying. With Rooney likely to be sold, there might be a couple of changes in the squad numbers
I ordered one from the same store, the difference in price to the one from the club's store is huge, so I'm glad the quality is similar. Good stuff, Joaquin.
Did anybody go for the players version as opposed to the fans version? If so how does it fit?
I got the red and black in the XL from DHgate. Lovely fit and quality. Paid about £11 each or something. Sewn on badges version which I assume is not the players one. I have the grey one but it was sent in error and two sizes too small so that'll get ebayed.
Can someone share the link with me as well please?

@JoaquinJoaquin - you're a star :) but just wondering, why via PM only? Is there a rule on posting it in public on here?