Film Charlie's Angels (2019)

He's right though, look at this lame #metoo song they've made for it as well

I like how RedPeds bizarre annoyance at a campaign to end decades of sexual abuse in Hollywood, triggered by Harvey Weinstein wanking into flower pots being apparently responsible for the female director of a female lead franchise aimed primarily at females (in this iteration at least) deciding to cast herself in a cameo role previously played by a white guy, a black guy and an Hispanic guy in the 3 recent reboots alone, is a less contentious issue than the fact he thinks Charlie’s Angels 2000 was a good film.

Wow, you managed to get all that from a single comment? Well done, sir. And I don't remember ever saying that the 2000 film version was a good film?

Ha ha, I love all the tough guys on here.
Ha ha, I love all the tough guys on here.

Too right mate, we need more tough guys in films about women. None of this #MeeToo shit. I want my action heroes to be constantly wanking in everyone’s flowerpots! #MakeBosleyMaleAndWankOnFlowersAgain
They’re even making films about women about women now! What next, a transgender horse as James Bond!? I blame #BlackLivesMatter
I mean, I can understand the reaction just a little bit if they cast a woman as Charlie, because despite being the titular characters, the ‘angels’ are still servants/underlings/henchwomen of a guy. That power dynamic between the sexes is still there even if it’s not accentuated on screen, but Bosley? Who gives a feck?
And apparently the The Diaz/Barrymore/Liu films were some beloved classics :lol: they were fecking awful. As was the TV show, which incidentally, regularly recast the angels.

Grown men pretending to be upset about remaking/recasting rubbish properties they didn’t really care about in the first place is really beginning to piss me off. I hope it makes billions just to annoy you you miserable fecker.

You never watched the TV show. You're too young. And if you did it was reruns that you would have judged by modern standards. Hot birds solving crimes was all it was meant to be.
I like how RedPeds bizarre annoyance at a campaign to end decades of sexual abuse in Hollywood, triggered by Harvey Weinstein wanking into flower pots being apparently responsible for the female director of a female lead franchise aimed primarily at females (in this iteration at least) deciding to cast herself in a cameo role previously played by a white guy, a black guy and an Hispanic guy in the 3 recent reboots alone, is a less contentious issue than the fact he thinks Charlie’s Angels 2000 was a good film.
Elizabeth Banks, Djimon Hounsou and Patrick Stewart are all playing a 'Bosley' btw
:lol: so, wait there are actually TWO male Bosleys in this anti-man #MeToo rally cry? Outrageous! How dare they do feme Bosley like this! I demand they add at least two more female Bosleys to be acceptably PC feminist. In fact they should make all the Angels also a Bosley, and Charlie (she, obvs) and rename the film in honour of its actual star, moral core and iconic central figure - Bosley. Bosley’s Bosleys: Full Bosley.
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Is there tits in it?

Because, frankly, if there isn't then I can't see myself watching it.