phelans shorts
Full Member
It was good.
Fecking missed it. Friend of mine had a small part in it too. Livid...
I found a lot of the negative reaction (what there was of it, naturally in the Mail and such places) completely missed the point by trying to highlight how juvenile and unlikely it was. That was the point. It wasn't supposed to be plausible, and wouldn't really have worked as an overt satire if it had been. It would've just been a straight drama. The point was not the silly thing, it was about how people reacted to the silly thing.
The good thing was it got people discussing it fervently as soon as it had finished. In a good way.
I stems from the Jan Moir debacle apparently. He wrote a scathing piece on her and was alarmed to be then deluged by fans sending him their own nasty hit pieces on people for his approval. He says he regretted it. Personally I think Jan Moir should be forced to feck a pig, but I agree with his sentiment.
For some reason Black Mirror has been confined to Charlie Brookers gameswipe thread, when his shows are considerably awesome enough to deserve a thread each.
Meanwhile X Factor get's split into a US and English thread, when really it should just be in it's own forum... where every viewer gets banned.
So...what's Black Mirror about then? I didn't watch the first I guess there's no point watching the second one...or am I wrong?
It's not a series. If it was a book it would be short stories.
Okay. You said something about Konnie Huq. I dislike Konnie Huq...I find her annoying as feck. I hope she's got nothing to do with the series.
Well, she's screwing the writer. And has a co-writing credit too. Watch it and make your own mind up. Started 10 minutes ago. I'm recording it. Have to wait until after the wife finishes watching feckING X Factor.
Well, she's screwing the writer. And has a co-writing credit too. Watch it and make your own mind up. Started 10 minutes ago. I'm recording it. Have to wait until after the wife finishes watching feckING X Factor.
I stems from the Jan Moir debacle apparently. He wrote a scathing piece on her and was alarmed to be then deluged by fans sending him their own nasty hit pieces on people for his approval. He says he regretted it. Personally I think Jan Moir should be forced to feck a pig, but I agree with his sentiment.