1. Awarding slots based on "historical performance" can feck off
2. Expanding the amount of slots available for the top 5 leagues can feck off
3. Why is no one concerned about the players having to play more games? We have 4 competitions to consider in England, now they are adding more games...for what?
4. What in this proposal benefits the entirety of European football? Isn't that UEFA's mission, to be more than a discount whore the "traditional big clubs" bend over?
On 1st point. I don't think it's on the cards. They've tried it before but never through a UEFA proposal? Only ECA throwing their weight around.
On 2nd point, agreed top 4 works well, no point in ruining that. I can see them giving them an extra place for the league that wins the CL? Don't think we know how they are allocating the extra 4 spaces but it doesn't sound like the top 4 leagues are getting 5 places. I think it's more likely that CL winning league will get a place, a 4th place will be there for UEFA France (5th league) and the rest allocated down the rest.
On 3rd point, I think it's a red herring. To players are *not* playing more football than ever. In '02 we had more FA Cup rounds, CL qualifying rounds, two group stages and more.
Now days there is no CL qualifying for the big teams (they go straight into group stage), there is fewer FA Cup rounds, etc. These extra 4 games are equivalent to the 2nd group phase which may sound like a lot, but is only 2 more games than we have now for the Europa League teams (they have a Last 32 which is being scrapped). You can argue that less matches means stronger matches, which is probably true, but I don't think this is a huge problem.
On 4th points, benefits I can see are this:
- Clubs that aren't from the "big 3 leagues+PSG" have a chance to compete. The likes of Ajax, Porto, PSV, Benfica, etc are traditionally big clubs but are competing with average Joe from the stronger leagues. People have been complaining for a long time about this. Posters on here have are worried this will lessen then importance of the Premier League which I think is a good thing. Premier League would still be king but gives other teams a chance.
- It might make the Group Stage more interesting. UEFA have done a decent job of this already, but group stages are normally dull dull dull. Leagues are much more interesting. When Real Madrid lose to whomever in La Liga, it has huge effects on the title race. When Real Madrid lose a Group Stage match, who cares?
- Not competing for each others players is an amazing idea and will do football a world of good. I'm skeptical that it will happen.