Champions League Semi Finals (30th April - 8th May)

I don't want to live in this universe anymore
I think that we need Liverpool win (either in PL or CL)... For too long we have been using City's finacial doping as an excuse.

"You cannot compete with St. Pep as he spends 200 mil on 4 fullbacks"

Klop and co are proving it is possible.
He out-smarted City not out-spent them. (at least he is on course of doing so).

Ironically, the more it hurts the better.
Messi has been overrated. always thought so...2 years in a row getting "reversed"
Congratulations,'ve played yourself.

Amazing comeback by Liverpool. They better win that final now.
Kills me to say it but fair play to Liverpool, that’s an incredible result given the magnitude of the game. They took a hammer blow last night with City winning the way they did and that takes some real proper character to produce that.
Messi should retire from Barcelona as well after what his team did today. they were all completely useless. Ajax vs Liverpool could be a fantastic final.
I wanna vent and say something but it would make me puke. Enjoy days ahead, media drivel and drooling, still cant believe that people cheered for these fecks vs Chelsea, ugh. Good night
Barcelona have no one but themselves to blame. Even though Liverpool clearly deserved the win, Barca could have scored one or two themselves to put the game to bed.
What the feck was Alba up to passing to Messi when he was clear on the edge of the six yard box?
Well deserved Liverpool. Swallow your pride lads. Klopp built a champion side. Hope we take notes.
Out of all European clubs Ajax playing style suits to Liverpool, Dont want you to be depressed but that's the fact. so Pool got a chance this year