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2022-23 Performances

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I watched as his first couple pf passes were reminiscent of Fred on a bad day. As the game progressed it looked clear something was wrong, either carrying an injury or ill. I think it was late in the first half when he was grimacing in pain which he appeared to run off. Without him firing we are half the team.
As incredible as he has been for us, that was an absolute shocker yesterday. The way he was giving the ball away set the tone for the entire game. Hard to imagine he has ever put in a performance as bad as that. Even his leadership qualities evaporated.
I honestly think posts like this should result in a ban. As for Casemiro, his worst game for us, but he's been immense, so I think we can give him this one.
Totally agree, guy has one bad game and he’s carried the midfield when Ericsen got injured we just need more options in the engine room. He was tired obviously carrying an injury.
I actually don’t fully disagree with this. I find myself bringing up his sloppy passing in the Fred thread a lot because it’s been amazing to me how he often gives the ball away equally as carelessly as Fred, without a word of criticism, while Fred gets slaughtered every single time.

He’s still a great player and has improved us a hell of a lot but I’d like to see him cut out that carelessness in his passing. I don’t know where it’s come from. I don’t remember noticing it when he played for Madrid.
If Fred gave the ball away as much as Casemiro did in the first half, the match day thread would have been on fire. He had under a 30% pass completion rate in the first 25 minutes. Most of the team were giving it away, but Casemiro was doing it more than the rest of the team, and in really bad positions.

Casemiro plays some really sloppy passes in most games, but then he also plays some great passes through the lines and over the top. It's kind of like Bruno. I only really watched him in the bigger CL games for Madrid, but his short passing completion % stats are quite a bit higher for them than they have been for us. 83.2% so far in 22/23 in the PL. 91.2% in 21/22 in La Liga.

Yesterday was his worst game by far for us. Hopefully it's just because he wasn't fit.
I actually don’t fully disagree with this. I find myself bringing up his sloppy passing in the Fred thread a lot because it’s been amazing to me how he often gives the ball away equally as carelessly as Fred, without a word of criticism, while Fred gets slaughtered every single time.

He’s still a great player and has improved us a hell of a lot but I’d like to see him cut out that carelessness in his passing. I don’t know where it’s come from. I don’t remember noticing it when he played for Madrid.
At Real Madrid it’s no doubt a lot easier to have a high passing % when you have Modric and Kroos making themselves available to you.

Our players are notorious for their lack of movement and availability for a pass.
If Fred gave the ball away as much as Casemiro did in the first half, the match day thread would have been on fire. He had under a 30% pass completion rate in the first 25 minutes. Most of the team were giving it away, but Casemiro was doing it more than the rest of the team, and in really bad positions.

Casemiro plays some really sloppy passes in most games, but then he also plays some great passes through the lines and over the top. It's kind of like Bruno. I only really watched him in the bigger CL games for Madrid, but his short passing completion % stats are quite a bit higher for them than they have been for us. 83.2% so far in 22/23 in the PL. 91.2% in 21/22 in La Liga.

Yesterday was his worst game by far for us. Hopefully it's just because he wasn't fit.

Yeah, that really stood out. As you, say, a team can kind of survive a high % of missed passes in the final third but in your own defensive third it’s fecking suicide. It was so strange to see from a player whose whole career has been spent in that area of the pitch. The 90+% completion at Madrid is much more what you’d expect from him. I think he’s been more adventurous for us than he has been for them, which will drag the stats down but his short and middle range passing has been woefully inaccurate at times this season, peaking last night.
At Real Madrid it’s no doubt a lot easier to have a high passing % when you have Modric and Kroos making themselves available to you.

Our players are notorious for their lack of movement and availability for a pass.

It wasn’t a lack of options though. He was repeatedly making a mess of simple passes to players in space. Very odd to watch.
It wasn’t a lack of options though. He was repeatedly making a mess of simple passes to players in space. Very odd to watch.

Hes been doing it since he's been back in the side, a bit more so yesterday though, and yes its very odd
He was clearly injured. From like the 5th minute in you can see him hobbling. Barely able to move. I don't see how we kept him on the pitch especially since he couldn't make a 5 yard pass
def looked off/injured. Once it got 3-0 we shouldve brought him off. Not like it wouldve mattered with the end result
Calm down folks its over. Rashford look below par from minute one. Klopp decided to go down our wings and both r and l backs didnt cope with it. When Caseimro was of it, It was a perfect storm yesterday on a side that was throwing everything at games every 3 days. Let the storm pass and reset.
If he picked that injury up in the first few minutes it would explain a lot.

Would certainly explain his performance. He looked completely immobile at times. But then you have to ask, why the hell wasn’t he subbed? I know he’s vital to the team, but in a game like that with the intensity & pace, you can’t carry passengers, no matter how good they are. Add to that the fitness doubts coming into the game over Varane & Shaw and we were potentially playing with 3 injured players.
If he picked that injury up in the first few minutes it would explain a lot.

After the knock early in the game you could see he was struggling. Barely ran and couldn't get into the match at all. I'm pretty sure he was compromised but trying to play through the pain barrier.
Rare off day, couldn't get into the game at all.

Makes more semse if it turns out he was injured early.
Rare off day, couldn't get into the game at all.

Makes more semse if it turns out he was injured early.

To me it seemed clear he was hurt. This was such a stark difference to his normal level of play that it had to be an injury.
You will get Liverpool fans claiming that Fabinho and Henderson where simply that much better, which honestly is the most hysterical nonsense I have heard in a long time.
Did everyone miss the footage of him in pain around the first few minutes? The camera focused on his face and he was suffering. I don't know what was the logic with keeping him on
I thought something wasn't right long before Nary Geville said something about him grimacing in pain.

Everyone was moaning and groaning about Weghorst being an issue, but as soon as Casemiro's level drops or he isn't on the pitch, Man United are closer to Everton. Think by half time I'd read he'd managed 5 passes to a teammate :lol:
If he picked that injury up in the first few minutes it would explain a lot.
It might only be able to explain his lack of movement compared to normal but it would not explain his giving away of the ball in dangerous areas. He has been doing that since he joined the team. It just wasn't punished nearly as much as it was on Sunday. It is an area of his game that he needs to improve on. Make the simple pass and stop trying ridiculous things in extremely dangerous areas.
I'd like to see Sabitzer playing more against better sides because he is used to the double pivot role, provides an option for quick passes to Casemiro to get out of trouble rather than going direct almost everytime we are pressed. Weghorst in midfield experiment needs to stop

It's the best we can do for the present, but we need to prioritize a midfielder to partner Casemiro in the summer who can dictate the tempo. It's too chaotic our passing at the minute
We are far too dependent on him and that is not good at all, we really to get top level CM to partner him with next season
Didnt he and varane have late fitness tests suggesting there was a problem before the match.
Is he out Thursday? Not seen any training videos this week.
Calm down folks its over. Rashford look below par from minute one. Klopp decided to go down our wings and both r and l backs didnt cope with it. When Caseimro was of it, It was a perfect storm yesterday on a side that was throwing everything at games every 3 days. Let the storm pass and reset.

Good shout. Can you copy and paste this into every single player performance thread please?
He wasn't 100% in the first place is my guess, as he was off his game from 1st whistle, he didn't move from his position for about 20 mins , then he decided to move more that's when we were getting more of the game and crested a few chances.
I hope he's fit if not I hope we get him back for Betis away at least.
I kept wondering during the game if he was sick or injured - having a bad game can happen, but that was just not a Casemiro game in any way on Sunday. He was entirely invisible for massive stretches of the game, and when he wasn't, he was just messing things up - with the ball, it was wayward pass after wayward pass, and without it, he just kept getting passed by by Liverpool supporters. It was such a strange performance, like his twin brother had put on his shirt and fancied giving professional football a go.
I kept wondering during the game if he was sick or injured - having a bad game can happen, but that was just not a Casemiro game in any way on Sunday. He was entirely invisible for massive stretches of the game, and when he wasn't, he was just messing things up - with the ball, it was wayward pass after wayward pass, and without it, he just kept getting passed by by Liverpool supporters. It was such a strange performance, like his twin brother had put on his shirt and fancied giving professional football a go.

He was hobbling a little and looked uncomfortable on his right foot during/after the West Ham game. I think it got inflamed again or he pick another knock to it. He 100% wasn't fully fit and was definitely hampered. I can't imagine any other reason as he's usually very physically active during a match.
He was hobbling a little and looked uncomfortable on his right foot during/after the West Ham game. I think it got inflamed again or he pick another knock to it. He 100% wasn't fully fit and was definitely hampered. I can't imagine any other reason as he's usually very physically active during a match.
Yeah he was ripe for being hooked before half time. We were undermanned in MF anyway. Don’t know why ETH didn’t act but I assume he had his reasons.
He was obviously struggling with a knock after about 5 minutes against Liverpool. I don't know if he picked it up then or if he came into the game with it (he had already started the game terribly a few minutes before he seemed to pick it up), but he was obviously struggling after that and wasn't moving properly.
Didnt he and varane have late fitness tests suggesting there was a problem before the match.
Is he out Thursday? Not seen any training videos this week.
Tbh he was always going to get targeted in the Liverpool game. Rodri and Fabinho massively get targeted by Klopp and Guardiola respectively when they're up against each other. Liverpool also targeted him in the CL final.

But this is where often the most influential player on the pitch then becomes a Bernardo Silva, Thiago or Modric who then just switch into the pivot role themselves and invite the pressure on knowing they can play through it easily. We don't have that sort of player who can switch into Casemiro's position when we have the ball in our half to play through the pressure.
Man Utd 4:1 Real Betis
Surprised that nobody commented on his performance which was back to his standard. Betis has difficulty breaking out of their half largely because of him and at time Martinez, in particular second half. Whenever Betis won back possession in their box and tried to release the ball, he will anticipate and cut off their pass. At the same time, he released the ball back in quick fashion for another attack. Incredible what a world class DMF can bring to the team.
Think he had a few shaky moments (with the ball) but , he's great. Hopefully gets a rest second leg (he's a yellow away from missing next round right?)
Passing got a lot better as the game went on and pretty much dominated the game with Bruno and Fred.
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