British Actors

'I demand to have some booze!:D

thats a great scene

more from Danny :

"You're looking very beautiful, man. Have you been away? St. Peter preached the epistles to the apostles looking like that."

"If I medicined you, you'd think a brain tumour was a birthday present."

"I don't advise a haircut, man. All hairdressers are in the employment of the government. Hair are your aerials. They pick up signals from the cosmos and transmit them directly into the brain. This is the reason bald-headed men are uptight."
How could I forget him!

Withnail is one of my fav films ever!

I see Davo hasn't posted here yet, I'll answer for him:

Daniel Radcliffe

Stephen Fry
Tony Robinson
Edmun..I mean Rowan Atkinson
Hugh Laurie.

Yes I liked the blackadder series (2 upwards, 1 was a pile of crap).
Idris Elba

Bizarre bump I know, but it was pretty much the only thing non-Wire related that came up when I searched his name.

Just been watching the latest Luther on iPlayer and I think he's exceptional in it...The show itself is a little flawed, and not without it's hackney'd moments (and not just cos he's from Hackney - ba dum tsst - but surely a jolly, wise cracking un-demon-plagued detective would be the original thing to do now? The tortured genius has been done to fecking death)...But he's a very strong lead, and carries it effortlessly. Very watchable/likeable/natural etc. Obviously very ripe for action with his build and accomplished at villiany too, with a good accent, he's definitely one of the best in a strong emerging (or semi-emerging) British lot right now, along with Garfield, McAavoy, Chwetel Ejiofor (who I've been banging on about for ages!) & the always emerging Rafe Spall...

Oh, and sorry taffy's, but picking up the thread of, Christian Bale's English, or at least considers himself so. He's sort of like the opposite World Ryan Giggs.

Also the Irish have a very strong talent atm in Michael Fassbender, who's been fantastic in everything I've seen him in. I think the lot of them, or at least those who haven't as yet, are destined for big roles.
Also the Irish have a very strong talent atm in Michael Fassbender, who's been fantastic in everything I've seen him in. I think the lot of them, or at least those who haven't as yet, are destined for big roles.

He's excellent.

Idris Elba is a good shout too but not sure if he's got much range. Seems to be getting very similar roles.

I think the best young British actor around these days is Tom Hardy (despite being annoyingly good-looking). He's been fantastic in every movie I've seen him in and plays all sorts of different characters.
Shit, forgot Hardy. Very true, he's been fantastic in pretty much everything he's done too. And varied roles to boot. I was always liable to forget someone..But yes, certainly him. I think it might have been you who proposed him for Bond, and I think he'd be a great shout. Though I'm not sure about good looking. But I'd certainly feck him over homo.

I don't think Elba's roles have been too similar...Though certainly not as wide as Hardy's...He's done well with everything he's been given, including comedy (or at least wry jokery) ...You could say the same about Bale in reality, or most of that lot besides Hardy and possibly Ejiofor (though he's mainly the same, apart from a fantastic turn in Kinky Boots) He's very naturalistic Elba, with a strong screen presence (whatever that actually means)
Actually, re-reading your post (unless it was a sneaky edit?) Chwetel Ejiofor is another great shout and another actor with a creditably diverse CV. He's one of those rare breed you could just happily sit and watch even when he's not saying anything. Amazing screen presence.

EDIT: Christ, you've edited more recent post too. This is getting confusing.
:lol:...I put Ejiofor in my first post, but I updated the Kinky Boots reference when you talked about range. I agree he's very watchable. It's frustrating trying to get people to know who you're talking about with him cos he's been in loads of stuff but he's always "that other guy that works with them and does some stuff" in the bigger films.

My dad saw him in Othello years and years ago when he was really young and decided to memorise how to say his name cos he thought he was destined to make it big....he'd then insist on saying it several times to anyone that would listen whenever he was in anything to prove that he knew his shit. So I now basically do the same thing.
Did you watch The Shadow Line Pogue?...Odd there's not a thread on it, but a huge Game of Thrones one...Suppose it's the demographics of the forum...I thought he underplayed his role brilliantly. Another actor would've been bland bordering on transparent in that part, or at least tried to give it a quirk but he avoided that and was always transfixing (again, no homo)...bit of an odd series that, or at least very depressing, but the acting all round was absolutely superb...Apart (oddly) from Spall IMO, who I think overplayed his role a bit too cartoonishly. Definitely a good watch though.
Another Irish actor, Stephen Rea, owned it basically. Really great performance, and Chris Ecclestone was also very good. He's sort of stuck somewhere between a character actor and a leading man Ecclestone. It's hard for him (or seems so) to get many film roles, but he's another strong presence.

Fassbender will get a lot of Hollywood attention after X-Men I'm positive (even though his accent was all over the shop, which itself was odd cos he can obviously do McKellen English if he wanted, as evidenced by a flawless performance in Inglorious Basterds, so it was clearly his choice) But both Hunger & his part in Basterds were just as screen stealing. He's one of those actors who make you want to watch other stuff he's been in just cos he stood out so much. I haven't really had that since I saw Bardem in a few Spanish films years ago and started banging on about him like I knew my shit..
Liam Neeson,
Ralph Fiennes,
Alan Rickman,
Emily Blunt.
Reassuringly staunch, old school and proper selection from our resident 20 something going on 50 year old Tory.
Reassuringly staunch, old school and proper selection from our resident 20 something going on 50 year old Tory.

So now I cannot say who is great, that haven't been mentioned?
Someone once told me about their mate getting into a heated argument with Stephen Rea in a chipper after a night out once. Apparently by coincidence they both ordered the same thing (battered sausage and, I presume, chips) and when the order was called they both stood up and claimed it. Apparently the argument went on for ages and featured the bloke my mate was with shouting 'You think you're a big shot, don't you' in Rea's face. In the end by the time they'd finished arguing both of their orders were ready.

I was going to save that story for my memoirs but I'm feeling generous.
Fassbender is in the new Cronenberg film. Guy was incredible in Hunger, superb film, as was Fish Tank, but clearly Hunger is the film that put him on the radar.

Wasn't too happy about Garfield taking Spiderman, but it's funny to see British actors now taking over all these american heroes, though I don't think I've seen that Cavill guy in anything before.
Heh. Got you back for all that editing! I deleted my similarly snide comment.

You reckon Brian is a big fan of AOR? I'm thinking early Genesis and "the Quo".

The most played track on my itunes playlist is the national anthem, followed by Jerusalem.

I have no specific tastes, I like songs as opposed to artists or genres, from across the spectrum.
So now I cannot say who is great, that haven't been mentioned?

Fair play. It just seemed very funny amidst all this talk of the new emerging lot...Also, i've never quite got Emily Blunt's rise to fame. She's always seemed a bit dead behind the eyes to me in everything. Probably haven't seen her best stuff tbf.

You reckon Brian is a big fan of AOR? I'm thinking early Genesis and "the Quo".

Definitely Quo. And Phil Collins era Genesis. Anything Peter Gabriel associated would be terrifyingly un-sanitary.

Brophs has bizarre friends story 2351

He always seems to play the kindly but out of the loop copper type/miserable reformed character ...but that could well be because "The collected works of Stephen Rea" is not my specialist subject. I'd never seen him as a really sinister villan...And he seemed to be born to do it, he was bloody excellent.

Fassbender is in the new Cronenberg film.

I can see that pairing working really well.

Wasn't too happy about Garfield taking Spiderman, but it's funny to see British actors now taking over all these american heroes, though I don't think I've seen that Cavill guy in anything before.

There's not really many good relatively young American actors around these days are there?

Not if that's anything to go by. Though I'm sure there must be. I like Casey Affleck, and Ryan Gosling..I've just been on holiday with an American...I told her that now all your favorite Superheroes are being played by us, could you have Obama come over and play David Cameron for a bit.

Also, Aaron Johnson, the kid who played John Lennon & was then a convincingly angsty American kid in Kick Ass is a good shout for new, young British Talent....He'll probably get a big US superhero soon. Who's left?
Didn't Johnny Depp say Whitehouse was the best actor he'd ever worked with?

He's a genuine polymorph...and I don't mean that in a confused drunken mistaking of polymath, as I have many many times before....He genuinely is.
I always thought this was brilliant...The taped audience didn't quite know what to do.

Silly comedy show of course, but to create such believable pathos in about 1.40 seconds, with virtually no coherent dialogue or greater context (apart from the punchline) and whilst your audience is in a happy, buoyant mood is a fantastic feat of acting. To be able to do that with no tools at your disposal bar a comedy wig and a stick on nose is genuinely wonderful acting.
He always seems to play the kindly but out of the loop copper type/miserable reformed character ...but that could well be because "The collected works of Stephen Rea" is not my specialist subject. I'd never seen him as a really sinister villan...And he seemed to be born to do it, he was bloody excellent.

I don't know if it's really bizarre. Probably just an example of why Irish people shouldn't drink before approaching celebs. Or even just why they shouldn't approach celebs. And he wasn't my mate. I could never be mates with someone who wouldn't share his battered sausage.
Liam Neeson is probably my favorite. I generally like the British actors more than the American ones. Probably because so often they are much better at accents.

Christian Bale is great. A bit crazy but great.

Sean Bean was already mentioned. Like that bit. Him with long hair and a beard playing a good guy is a good role for him. Or him being the baddie. He's excellent as the bad guy. My favorite Bond-villain.

Then you have to give Vinnie Jones as special mention. There's no one better at playing Vinnie Jones than him.
Someone once told me about their mate getting into a heated argument with Stephen Rea in a chipper after a night out once. Apparently by coincidence they both ordered the same thing (battered sausage and, I presume, chips) and when the order was called they both stood up and claimed it. Apparently the argument went on for ages and featured the bloke my mate was with shouting 'You think you're a big shot, don't you' in Rea's face. In the end by the time they'd finished arguing both of their orders were ready.

I was going to save that story for my memoirs but I'm feeling generous.

Was it a jumbo sausage? I'd murder anybody that tried to have my jumbo sausage. I wonder if the other bloke tried to get in a reference to the surprise sausage in The Crying Game.
Liam Neeson is probably my favorite. I generally like the British actors more than the American ones. Probably because so often they are much better at accents.


You might want to see Neeson doing cockney in The Dead Pool before making such a statement. Worser than Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.
You might want to see Neeson doing cockney in The Dead Pool before making such a statement. Worser than Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.

I said they are often better at it. Didn't mean him in particular.

You've got people like Maggie Smith and Judi Dench who can pull out every accent in the world on the spot.

Perhaps it simply easier to make that statement given how much TV and movies the US make in which the majority is American.
Robert Carlyle did an awful Irish accent in 24. He's usually good and all.